Resultaten (24)
The Distance Learning Playbook for College and University Instruction
Teaching for Engagement and Impact in Any Setting
2020 || Paperback || Douglas Fisher e.a. || SAGE
First, let's commend ourselves: how in the midst of a pandemic we faculty stepped up at record speed to teach in such a foreign learning environment. Try we did, adapt we did, and learn we did. But to be clear, and we already recognize this, this past spring was less about distance learning and more about crisis teaching.
This time around we have the opportunity to be much more purposeful and intentional, and that’s where The Distance Learning Playbook for College and University Instru...
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La France au quotidien / 5ème édition
2020 || Paperback || R. ROESCH || PUG
Découvrir la France, tout savoir sur le cadre de vie des Français quand ils sont au travail, en famille, quand ils pratiquent des loisirs ; développer sa culture générale sur la vie politique française, les médias : La France au quotidien propose une approche vivante et très illustrée des comportements typiquement français. Les différents thèmes s'articulent autour de 12 dossiers qui donnent, à travers des données chiffrées et actualisées, des informations sur les habitudes de...
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Deutschunterricht in der Migrationsgesellschaft
Eine Einfuhrung
2020 || Paperback || Heidi Rosch || J.B. Metzler
Der Deutschunterricht gilt als Schlüsselfach für interkulturelle und sprachliche Bildung. Dieser Band beschreibt, wie er gestaltet sein muss, um den Erfordernissen der Migrationsgesellschaft gerecht zu werden. Die Autorin umreißt das Konzept der Migrationsgesellschaft als Rahmen für den Deutschunterricht und entwirft eine Didaktik (post-)migrantischer Literatur. Sie unterzieht inter- oder transkulturelle Ansätze im Rückgriff auf Kulturtheorien und Kulturdidaktik einer kritischen Prüfun...
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Genki 1 Workbook: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese / 3rd ed.
an Integrated Course in Elementary Japanse
2020 || Paperback || Eri Bonno e.a. || Japan Times
Third edition of the most highly regarded teaching text book on the Japanese language. This is the companion workbook to the text.
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The History and Theory of Rhetoric / 7th edition
An Introduction
2020 || Paperback || Herrick James A. || Taylor & Francis
By tracing the traditional progression of rhetoric from the Greek Sophists to contemporary theorists, this textbook gives students a conceptual framework for evaluating and practicing persuasive writing and speaking in a wide range of settings and in both written and visual media. The book's expansive historical purview illustrates how persuasive public discourse performs essential social functions and shapes our daily worlds, drawing on the ideas of some of history's greatest thinkers and th...
Language and Media / 2nd Edition
A Resource Book for Students
2020 || Paperback || Rodney H. Jones e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Routledge English Language Introductions cover core areas of language study and are one-stop resources for students. Assuming no prior knowledge, books in the series offer an accessible overview of the subject, with activities, study questions, sample analyses, commentaries, and key readings-all in the same volume. The innovative and flexible 'two-dimensional' structure is built around four sections-introduction, development, exploration, and extension- which offer self-contained stages for s...
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De stam van het woord
Over taalevolutie en de eerste taal ter wereld
2020 || Paperback || Yannick Fritschy || New Scientist
The Study of Language / 7th edition
2020 || Paperback || George Yule || Cambridge University Press
This bestselling textbook is the most fundamental and easy-to-use introduction for beginner students. Broad yet concise, this overview of key topics draws students in. The seventh edition has substantial changes to the chapters on phonetics and semantics, forty new study questions and more than twenty new tasks.
Flash Feedback [Grades 6-12]
Responding to Student Writing Better and Faster - Without Burning Out
2021 || Paperback || Matthew Johnson || SAGE
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Understanding Digital Culture
2020 || Paperback || Vincent Miller || SAGE
From profiling databases and mashups to cybersex and the truth about social networking, Miller's insightful second edition traces the pervasive influence of 'digital culture' throughout contemporary life.