Resultaten (20)
morgen verzonden
Klankatlas van het veertiende-eeuwse Middelnederlands
Het dialectvocalisme in de spelling van lokale oorkonden
2019 || Hardcover || Chris De Wulf || Universitaire Pers Leuven
Register, Genre, and Style / 2nd edition
2019 || Paperback || Douglas Biber e.a. || Cambridge University Press
An updated new edition that provides detailed descriptions of important text varieties in English along with methodological techniques to carry out analyses of them, including conversation, newspaper writing, academic prose and social media. Each chapter ends with activities for the reader to apply and practice the analyses they read about.
Globalization and Culture / 4th edition
Global Mélange
2019 || Paperback || Jan Nederveen Pieterse || Rowman & Littlefield
Now updated with new chapters on culture and on populism, this seminal text disputes the view that we are experiencing a "clash of civilizations" as well as the idea that globalization leads to cultural homogenization. Instead, Jan Nederveen Pieterse argues that we are witnessing the formation of a global melange culture through processes of cultural mixing or hybridization. From this perspective on globalization, conflict may be mitigated and identity preserved, albeit transformed.
In a new ...
Qualitative Data Analysis - International Student Edition
A Methods Sourcebook
2019 || Paperback || Matthew B. Miles e.a. || SAGE
In this fourth edition, the authors present the fundamentals of research design and data management with five distinct methods of analysis: exploring, describing, ordering, explaining and predicting.
vandaag verzonden
Vocabulaire progressif du francais - Niveau intermédiaire / 3ème édition
2019 || Paperback || Anne Goliot-Lete e.a. || CLE International
Ouvrage de Vocabulaire en français langue étrangère (FLE) dans la collection Progressive destiné aux grands adolescents et adultes, niveau intermédiaire (A2/B1).
Entrainement et évaluation en ligne:
plus de 300 tests auto-correctifs.
Ce qui fait le succès de cet ouvrage de Vocabulaire:
Une organisation claire : la leçon de vocabulaire sur la page de gauche, les exercices et les activités communicatives sur la page de droite
25 chapitres thématiques présentant les thèmes u...
morgen verzonden
Japanse taal en cultuur voor beginners
2019 || Paperback || Sarah van Camp || Maklu, Uitgever
Nihongo is gericht op het ontwikkelen van taalvaardigheid in het Japans, vooral
in functie van reizen naar Japan of werken met Japanners. In recente jaren is
het toerisme vanuit België en Nederland naar Japan exponentieel gestegen.
Een goed moment dus om Japans te leren. Deze basiscursus Japans bestaat uit
twee delen: Nihongo 1 en Nihongo 2. Elk deel bestaat uit tien hoofdstukken
en is volledig in rōmaji (Japans getranscribeerd in ons alfabet) geschreven om
het leerproces te versnellen. Je ...
Einführung in die Linguistik für DaF/DaZ
2019 || Paperback || Susanne Horstmann e.a. || Brill I Schoeningh
Sprachwissenschaft passgenau für Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache: Susanne Horstmann, Julia Settinieri und Dagmar Freitag bieten eine Einführung, die speziell auf die Bedürfnisse angehender Lehrerinnen und Lehrer zugeschnitten ist. Insbesondere praxisrelevante Bereiche und Themen der Linguistik werden ausführlich behandelt. Hinweise auf weiterführende Literatur, Übungsaufgaben und Lösungsvorschläge helfen beim Lernen.
Aus dem Inhalt:
Kommunikative Kompetenz
Relevanz von Ausspra...
The Oxford Gothic Grammar
2019 || Hardcover || D. Gary Miller || Oxford University Press
This volume provides a comprehensive reference grammar of Gothic, the earliest attested language of the Germanic family (apart from runic inscriptions). It is the first in English to draw on the recently discovered Bologna fragment and Crimean graffiti, in addition to the traditional Bible translation explored in most works to date.
Teaching and Researching Reading / 3rd Edition
Applied Linguistics in Action
2019 || Paperback || William Grabe e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Now in its third edition, Teaching and Researching Reading charts the field of reading (first and second language) systematically and coherently for the benefit of language teaching practitioners, students, and researchers. This volume provides background on how reading works and how reading differs for second language learners. The volume includes reading-curriculum principles, evidence-based teaching ideas, and a multi-step iterative process for conducting meaningful action research on read...
morgen verzonden
Racism and Media
2019 || Paperback || Gavan Titley || SAGE
Examining the role of the media in the generation, circulation and contestation of racist ideas, this text provides the theoretical and analytical tools needed to interrogate how media dynamics and processes impact on racism and anti-racism