Resultaten (38)
Sacred Ancestral Memory
And why we need to preserve it
2024 || Hardcover || Nana Fofi || Bookmundo || met inkijkexemplaar
I made a conscious decision to educate myself upon realizing the influence of Western education on our thinking. Unknowingly, I found myself immersed in the teachings of the occult mystery university. It wasn't until two decades later, while pursuing my bachelor's degree, that I fully comprehended my journey into this realm. I have now mastered the study of ancestral memory and am eager to share this wisdom with the world.
Generation Green
2023 || Hardcover || Anca De Vries || Brave New Books || met inkijkexemplaar
Have you always wanted to know more about sustainability? And what the next generation thinks we should do?
In this book, written, designed, and published by students you will read everything you have always wanted to know about sustainability, including DIYs, recipes, poems and fictional stories.
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Geographies of Embodiment Critical Phenomenology and the World of Strangers
2023 || Hardcover || Simonsen || SAGE
Geographies of Embodiment provides a critical discussion of the literatures on the body and embodiment, and humanism and post-humanism, and develops arguments about "otherness" and "encounter" which have become key ideas in urban studies, and studies of the city.
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Statistical Methods for Geography / Druk 5
2023 || Hardcover || Rogerson || SAGE
Statistical Methods for Geography is the essential introduction for geography students looking to fully understand and apply key statistical concepts and techniques.
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The SAGE Handbook of the 21st Century City
2023 || Hardcover || Hall || SAGE
Tackling the questions raised by twenty-first century urbanization, this handbook engages with contemporary debates and contributions to policy as well as looking at recent empirical and methodological shifts in the area
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Water in Times of Climate Changes
A Values-driven Dialogue
2021 || Hardcover || Jan Jorrit Hasselaar e.a. || AUP Wetenschappelijk
This book on water and climate change goes beyond the usual and predictable analyses, by bringing religion and values into a discussion that is often dominated by technocratic solutions. The three case studies of Jakarta, Cape Town, and Amsterdam demonstrate the challenges of water management in urban areas and the role religion can play in addressing them. With representatives from science, politics, economics, and religion, as well as young voices, the book stimulates a values-driven dialog...
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Key Thinkers on Cities
2023 || Hardcover || Koch || SAGE
The work of 40 innovative and influential thinkers are profiled in this text to provide students with an engaging introduction to and intellectual survey of those who are and have been instrumental in the way we interact with cities
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2017 || Hardcover || Desiree Guit || Brave New Books || met inkijkexemplaar
Dit boek is een compilatie van astronomie, astrofysica, geometrie, geschiedenis en religies. Het laat alle kanten van het bestaan zien, vanuit verschillende visies. Het is de bedoeling dat mensen dit boek niet als de absolute waarheid aannemen, maar gaan inzien dat iedereen gelijk heeft.