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met 5% korting 38,95

Social Work with People with Learning Difficulties

2021 || Paperback || Paul Williams e.a. || SAGE

Part of the Transforming Social Work Practice series, this title is written specifically to support students on the social work degree. It is full of practical activities, case studies and opportunities for students to critically reflect and explore theory and practice.

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met 5% korting 48,45

Political Science

A Global Perspective

2021 || Paperback || Leonardo A. Morlino e.a. || SAGE

Approaching the subject from a focussed international and pluralist perspective, this book provides advanced-level treatment of all the core areas to give postgraduate students a wide-ranging and dynamic introduction

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met 5% korting 92,15

Budget Tools: Financial Methods in the Public Sector / Druk 2

2023 || Paperback || Chen || CQ Press

Using budgets from all levels of government, as well as from non-profit organizations, this text brings together scores of exercises that will take students through the process of public budgeting, from organizing data, all the way through to analysis and presentation.

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met 5% korting 12,35


How governments use power to undermine justice and freedom

2019 || Paperback || Rachael Jolley || SAGE

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met 5% korting 47,50

Security Studies

An Applied Introduction

2024 || Paperback || Norma Rossi e.a. || SAGE

The most applied, pedagogically innovative, policy-oriented, and contemporary text on Security Studies available. The unique structure has been devised to seamlessly merge theoretical concepts with practical scenarios and help you to engage with and understand the complexities of security in the modern world.

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met 5% korting 92,15

Change and Continuity in the 2016 and 2018 Elections

2019 || Paperback || Aldrich || SAGE

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The European Council in the Era of Crises Paperback edition

2023 || Paperback || Jan Werts || John Harper Publishing Ltd

Jan Werts brings a unique perspective to the European Council. As a journalist, he has reported on the spot from virtually every European Council meeting since 1975, a witness to countless episodes of last-minute arm-twisting and creative compromise. As a scholar, he wrote the first ever doctoral dissertation on the European Council, published in 1992. In 2008 he carried the story forward to the verge of the start of the permanent presidency. In this latest book, against the background of the...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

On Freedom

2024 || Paperback || Timothy Snyder || Vintage Publishing

A brilliant exploration of freedom - what it is, how it's been misunderstood, and why it's our only chance for survival - by the acclaimed, bestselling author of On Tyranny.

Timothy Snyder has been called 'the leading interpreter of our dark times'. As a historian, he has given us startling reinterpretations of political collapse and mass killing. As a public intellectual, he has turned that knowledge toward counsel and prediction, working against authoritarians.

His book On Tyranny has inspi...

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Een pleidooi voor vrijheid / Druk 2

2016 || Paperback || Gale Boetticher || Bert Boekenmans || met inkijkexemplaar

De libertarische beweging is de laatste jaren hard gegroeid. De Amerikaanse libertariër Ron Paul heeft, tijdens zijn pogingen om president van de VS te worden, honderdduizenden jongeren over de hele wereld geïnspireerd om zich te verdiepen in zijn gedachtegoed. Daarnaast zijn er in Nederland veel VVD’ers teleurgesteld geraakt in hun partij. Sommigen, die de VVD niet liberaal genoeg meer vinden, hebben in de libertarische beweging een nieuw thuis gevonden.Dit pleidooi is bedoeld om geïnte...

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met 5% korting 21,84

Politiek in tijden van wantrouwen

Een nieuwe aanpak voor een falend beleid

2024 || Paperback || Bram Verschuere || Lannoo

In 2024 vinden in België verkiezingen op alle beleidsniveaus plaats. Peilingen voorspellen een afstraffing van de traditionele politiek. Burgers zijn gefrustreerd door de vele schandalen. De overheid lijkt niet meer in staat om belangrijke maatschappelijke vraagstukken aan te pakken. Het politiek-bestuurlijk systeem kraakt in zijn voegen. Tegelijk is het debat over politiek en bestuur van een bedroevend niveau. De analyse raakt vaak niet voorbij het cliché van de zakkenvullende en amateuris...