Resultaten (16)
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Comparing Democracies / Druk 4
2023 || Hardcover || LeDuc || SAGE
Taking a global, comparative look at voting and elections, this Fourth Edition has new chapters on authoritarian elections and regime change, electoral integrity, and voting behaviour
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Global Sociology and the Struggles for a Better World
2023 || Hardcover || Schulz || SAGE
A diverse collection of regional experts explore contemporary trends, alternative visions, and new directions for sociological research, raising issues that reflect the complexity of challenges facing future projects on a shared planet.
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Populism Versus the New Globalization
2023 || Hardcover || Axford || SAGE
This is an interdisciplinary examination of populism as a factor in global change, drawing on international politics, sociology, and global studies.
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Public Human Resource Management: Strategies and Practices in the 21st Century
2023 || Hardcover || Battaglio || CQ Press
A comprehensive introduction to contemporary public human resource management, this text incorporates analysis of the impact of the private sector-oriented reforms over the last few decades that have aimed to bring greater efficiency and productivity to the public sector.
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Het spook van het confederalisme
België met vier
2023 || Hardcover || Philippe Destatte || Doorbraak
In het politiek debat rond de aanpassing van de Belgische instellingen aan de evolutie van de samenleving, wordt het begrip ‘confederalisme’ op grote schaal geframed als een bedreiging, een nachtmerrie, die stilaan een soort institutioneel spook wordt. Voorbijgaand aan allerlei vooroordelen, analyseert de historicus Philippe Destatte de begrippen federalisme en confederalisme door te wijzen op hun constante aanwezigheid in het recente verleden van België. Beginnend bij het einde van de 1...
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What Do We Know and What Should We Do About Authoritarian Regimes?
2023 || Hardcover || Natasha Lindstaedt || SAGE
An expert and accessible exploration of the increasing number and influence of authoritarian regimes. It explains the realities of recent trends to ‘autocratization’, the tools these regimes use, what we can do to resist, and why we might even allow ourselves some optimism.
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The Next Public Administration
2023 || Hardcover || Peters || SAGE
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The Politics of Fear / Druk 2
2023 || Hardcover || Wodak || SAGE
The Politics of Fear traces the trajectory of far-right politics from the margins of the political landscape to its very center. It explores the social and historical mechanisms at play, and expertly ties these to the "micro-politics" of far-right language and discourse.
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What Do We Know and What Should We Do About the Irish Border?
2023 || Hardcover || Hayward || SAGE
A must-read for anyone who is keen to learn what we should know and do about this highly complex and ever-contested boundary line.
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Ien Dales
Pontificaal sociaal
2023 || Hardcover || Sylvester Hoogmoed || Prometheus
De eerste vrouwelijke minister op het ‘moederdepartement’ van Binnenlandse Zaken is bijna drie decennia na haar dood allerminst vergeten. Haar uitspraak ‘Een beetje integer kan niet’ wordt nog regelmatig geciteerd, twee prijzen dragen haar naam en er is een leerstoel naar Ien Dales vernoemd. De nuchtere, kordate sociaaldemocraat boezemde ontzag in en bekritiseerde regelmatig wat ze beschouwde als ‘volkomen flauwekul’ en ‘echte klets’ in de politiek en de parlementaire journali...