
Hardcover (14)
Paperback (2)

Resultaten (16)

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Leon Loewentraut

Painting for Passion

2022 || Hardcover || Albrecht Behmel || Persell Trading

The first, lavishly produced monograph on the paintings, drawings, and sculpture of Leon Loewentraut, (b.1998) a young and upcoming star on the German and international art scene. Text in English and German.

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A Passion for Aesthetics

2022 || Hardcover || Ute Laatz || Persell Trading

This extraordinary coffee table book is dedicated to the concept of aesthetics from the personal perspective of star interior designer Thai Cong, and becomes a design piece itself with its layout and content.

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Tami Amit

Last Night I Met Snow White

2022 || Hardcover || Ory Dessau || Mer

Tami Amit’s self-titled monograph compiles reproductions of her recent work on paper and canvas. Amit’s practice is a particular mode of action painting which processes childhood memories and issues of self identity and expression. This is her first monograph as a painter.

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Koen van den Broek. Out of Place

out of place

2022 || Hardcover || John C. Welchman || Mer

The gaze that looks ahead and then slowly wanders down or to the side, looking for traces and signs of a landscape, rather than the landscape itself. Van den Broek paints what others pay no attention to or simply overlook. Cracks, borders, shadows, lines, corners, and also bridges, trees, trucks, reflections. They are set up crisply, and stripped of their frills (or as van den Broek puts it: “Cut away the snoopy!”), which leaves them somewhere between figuration and abstraction. Are we in...

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David Claerbout, Works

The Silence of the Lens

2022 || Hardcover || David Claerbout e.a. || Hannibal Books

Langverwachte monografie van videokunstenaar David Claerbout

In een gesprek met Jonathan Pouthier, filmcurator van het Musée National d’Art Moderne, Centre Pompidou (Parijs, Frankrijk), reflecteert videokunstenaar David Claerbout voor het eerst in de diepte over zijn werk van de afgelopen tien jaar in relatie tot actuele discussies over fotografie, film en het virtuele. The Silence of the Lens biedt een unieke inkijk in het maakproces van recente videowerken als The Close, Aircraft (F.A.L....

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Mark Manders – Zeno X Gallery, 28 Years of Collaboration

28 Years of Collaboration

2022 || Hardcover || Mark Manders || Hannibal Books

Diepgaand overzicht van het oeuvre van kunstenaar Mark Manders

Mark Manders – Zeno X Gallery, 28 Years of Collaboration biedt een overzicht van de langdurige samenwerking tussen kunstenaar Mark Manders (°1968) en Zeno X Gallery in Antwerpen. De publicatie verschijnt naar aanleiding van zijn recentste solotentoonstelling in de galerie en belicht enkele belangrijke exposities en bijzondere projecten waarvoor Manders in binnen- en buitenland werd uitgenodigd van de jaren negentig tot nu.


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Pélagie Gbaguidi

2022 || Hardcover || Pélagie Gbaguidi || Hannibal Books

Het geëngageerde oeuvre van Pélagie Gbaguidi

In deze publicatie toont Pélagie Gbaguidi (°1965) nieuwe schilderijen, werken met textiel en tekeningen. De kunstenares ziet zichzelf als een hedendaagse ‘griot’, iemand die het individuele geheugen en het voorouderlijke verleden met elkaar verbindt. Haar werk is een lezing van de tekenen en sporen van trauma en gaat de confrontatie aan met koloniale en postkoloniale geschiedenissen. Ze hercontextualiseert archieven en verhalen om het proce...

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Harry Markusse - Stacked

2022 || Hardcover || Melchior Jaspers e.a. || VanSpijk

“…when I paint, I lose track of time and I step outside myself to a certain degree. While making a series of paintings I can’t even remember what happens during the days.“

For an artist who paints without a preconceived plan Harry Markusse is very well organised. On his ‘quests for a pleasing relationship between colour, form and space’ he makes sure that circumstances are such -in time and space- that the right conditions are present. This way he can afford to lose track of ti...

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KMSKA – Topstukken (EN, HARDCOV)

2022 || Hardcover || Patrick de Rynck || Hannibal Books

Exclusive insight into the finest hundred masterpieces from the permanent collection of the renewed KMSKA

The Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp (KMSKA) has reopened after several years of major renovation. It is home to an especially varied collection of art that runs to more than nine thousand items: paintings, sculptures, assemblages, drawings and prints from the fourteenth to the twenty-first century.

Old Flemish masters like Jan van Eyck, Quinten Massys and Peter Paul Rubens feature along...

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Gaetano Pesce: The Complete Incoherence

The Complete Incoherence

2022 || Hardcover || Glenn Adamson || Phaidon Press Limited

The definitive volume on Gaetano Pesce's incomparable life and career, as told in the iconoclastic artist-designer's own words