Resultaten (37)
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Artists on Art
How They See, Think & Create
2022 || Paperback || Holly Black || BIS Publishers
Includes iconic works of 50 great artists, from Michelangelo to Tracey Emin
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Antennae Mobile Autonomy
exercises in artists'self-organization beyond individualism
2015 || Paperback || Nico Dockx e.a. || Valiz
Neoliberalism has taken autonomous professional values and labour firmly in its grasp. Traditional forms of employment are replaced with post-Fordist conditions in which work has become freelance, flexible, mobile, project-based, hybrid and temporary. This way of working is not new to artists. They have seen themselves confronted with these precarious conditions since many years. Mobile Autonomy detects what modes of economy and different innovative working modalities artists and other artist...
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Web Aesthetics / druk 1
how digital media affect culture and society
2013 || Paperback || Vito Campanelli || nai010 uitgevers publishers
In een wereld van snel groeiende digitale netwerken zijn in het domein van de mediatheorie, die de invloed van deze cultuurvormen bestudeert, de implicaties van de esthetische filosofie vergaand verwaarloosd. Vito Campanelli verkent de netwerkvormen vanuit de optiek van de esthetica en levert daarmee een open uitnodiging om de inherente beperkingen van het huidige debat over de digitale cultuur te overstijgen.Het web is het medium dat tussen de nieuwe media en de maatschappij in staat en meer...
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Duet for Cannibals / druk 1
forms of cultural appropriation
2010 || Paperback || Raimond Chaves e.a. || Jap Sam Books
De publicatie Duet for Cannibals: Forms of Cultural Appropriation is gebaseerd op een film- en discussieprogramma in het Tropentheater te Amsterdam met werk van Nederlandse en internationale kunstenaars gecombineerd met hoogtepunten uit de filmcollectie van het Tropenmuseum.Het film-en discussie programma Duet for Cannibals (vernoemd naar de film van de Amerikaanse schrijfster en critica Susan Sontag uit 1969) stelt vraagstukken aan de orde over etnografie en antropologie in de hedendaagse ku...
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Sikkens Foundation Beauty is in the brain of the beholder
2013 || Paperback || Dick F. Swaab || Idea Books B.V.
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Teaching objects
studies in art-based learning
2015 || Paperback || Jeroen Lutters || Idea Books B.V.
'Teaching Objects' is a journey through art and culture. Jeroen Lutters takes us to see a number of artworks that give new insights into the foundations of twenty-first century civilisation and humanity. In this highly personal ans passionate account, he discusses his individual choice of great works – works that not only reflect the history of Western culture, but also continue to be a source of inspiration and meaning.
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Art and Computation
2022 || Paperback || Miguel Carvalhais || V2_ Publishing
What is computational art? How does it involve us in unprecedented aesthetic relationships, making us part of works and even transforming them? This book looks at how computation causes an ontological shift that turns dynamics, causality, and cognition into central components of art, artistic practices, and aesthetics. Computational art is more conceptual than perceptual; it is performative, experiential, situated, experimental, creative, and intersubjective. Computational art is unst...
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The Dwarf in the Chess Machine
Benjamin’s Hidden Doctrine
2019 || Paperback || Lieven de Cauter || nai010 uitgevers publishers
This thorough study on the work of the German-Jewish philosopher Walter Benjamin exposes - in Benjamin’s own metaphor - the ‘dwarf of theology’ hidden in the machinery of his work, his own form of ‘historical materialism’. In doing so it unearths and explains his language theory, his art theory, his most cryptic baroque book, his philosophy of history, and, last but not least, his famous labyrinthine unfinished opus magnum on Paris, The Arcades project (the first philosophical book ...
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On the Contrary
Rethinking Engaged Art in an Age of Social Unrest
2024 || Paperback || Eef Veldkamp || ArtEZ Press
'On the Contrary: Rethinking Engaged Art in an Age of Social Unrest' is a collection of essays that re-evaluate key artistic concepts that influence the way in which engaged practices are conducted. Historically produced ideas about, for example, spectatorship, autonomy, what an artwork is, and the political role of the artist determine to a large degree how contemporary practices constitute themselves. Might these concepts be faulty when acted out in practices that occupy fundamentally diffe...
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A Critical History of Media Art in the Netherlands
Platforms, Policies, Technologies
2019 || Paperback || Marga van Mechelen e.a. || Jap Sam Books
This edited volume offers an in-depth exploration of Dutch media art from 1985 onwards from many different perspectives. Through early access to the Internet, state subsidies and dedicated institutions and festivals, a vivid counter-cultural environment and a cosmopolitan artistic and intellectual scene the Netherlands hold a unique position in regards to the development of media art.
Introduced by four chapters that retrace the main events and actors (governmental institutions, festivals an...