
Hardcover (180)
Paperback (137)

Resultaten (318)

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Lyonel Feininger

The Great Masters of Art

2024 || Hardcover || Ulrich Luckhardt || Hirmer Verlag

The Great Masters in Art

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met 5% korting 40,80

One Site. One Space. One Work

30 Years of Art Projects in Stommeln Synagogue

2024 || Hardcover || A. Beitin e.a. || Hirmer Verlag

1991 hat die Stadt Pulheim mit dem Kunstprojekt Synagoge Stommeln einen dauerhaften Prozess der Auseinandersetzung mit dem historisch bedeutsamen Ort angestoßen und leistet seither einen Beitrag zu einer Kultur der Erinnerung. Anlässlich des 30-jährigen Bestehens der Synagoge Stommeln entsteht ein umfassender Überblick über die Reihe besonderer Werke.Abseits des laufenden Kulturbetriebs nehmen immer wieder internationale Künstlerinnen und Künstler die Herausforderung an, Arbeiten für ...

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Masters of Art

2024 || Paperback || Stefano Zuffi || Prestel

This generously illustrated volume on the work of Rembrandt makes the world's greatest art accessible to readers of every level of appreciation.

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Modern Artisan

A World of Craft Tradition and Innovation

2024 || Hardcover || Isabelle Dupuy Chavanat || Editions Flammarion

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met 5% korting 71,25

Michelangelo. The Complete Works. Paintings, Sculptures, Architecture

2024 || Hardcover || Christof Thoenes e.a. || Taschen GmbH

This XL edition traces the extraordinary depth and breadth of Michelangelo’s work and his ascent to the elite of the Renaissance and art history. Ten richly illustrated chapters cover the artist’s paintings, sculptures, and architecture, with special focus on the tour de force frescoes of the Sistine Chapel.

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met 5% korting 66,45

The Fantastic Gustave Dore

2024 || Hardcover || Alix Pare e.a. || Prestel

This glorious, authoritative, and unprecedented retrospective of Doré’s prints and paintings, drawn from an oeuvre of more than 10,000 works, comes in a spectacularly ornate package that reflects the artist’s own dramatic style.

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen
met 5% korting 23,54

Listening to the Voice of the Heart - Volume II

2024 || Hardcover || Elian Bittencourt || Bookmundo.pt

Step into the enchanting world of Elian Bittencourt, a maestro since his early years, weaving musical tales with his inseparable companion — his guitar. In the symphony of his success, the guitar isn't just an instrument; it's the key to a world that unfolds with each note.

Elian's creative spirit knows no bounds. With over 500 compositions, he paints sonic landscapes that resonate with a unique blend of talent, technique, and refined sensitivity. His music isn't just heard; it's experience...

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Una travesía al centro de la libertad

2024 || Paperback || Manuel Gómez Trueba || Bookmundo

Partiendo de una inquietud personal del autor, el presente ensayo investiga la posición compatibilista de los antiguos estoicos que les llevó a afirmar la libertad humana en el seno de un universo determinado por la providencia. El estudio comienza con una introducción en la que se analizan las distintas acepciones de los términos «determinismo» y «libertad», y se realiza un rápido recorrido por la historia del problema de la libertad en la Antigüedad. A continuación, se exponen lo...

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met 5% korting 23,75

Geesje & Anna

De wereld van Breitners beroemde modellen

2024 || Paperback || Jenny Reynaerts || Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

> Het ware verhaal over Breitners beroemde schildersmodellen, de zussen Geesje en Anna Kwak

> Bekend van de schilderijenreeks Meisje in kimono

> Over de zoektocht naar een beter leven als jonge vrouw rond 1900

We kennen hun gezichten van Breitners schilderijenreeks Meisje in kimono: Geesje en Anna Kwak. Door hun kinderlijke maar tegelijkertijd mysterieuze schoonheid spreken ze al decennia sterk tot onze verbeelding en worden hun levens vaak geromantiseerd. Op basis van jarenlang onderzoek en ...

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Laurens Legiers. Echoes of the Unseen

Works on Paper

2024 || Paperback || Evelyn Simons || Mer

Belgian artist Laurens Legiers (b.1994) is renowned for his serene and introspective art. He transforms elements of nature like ships, snails, and tree branches into geometric forms, creating tranquil scenes that encourage reflection. His pieces, often depicting a harmonious blend of light and mood, invite viewers into a world of peaceful contemplation.

In this volume, the artist presents his latest series of works on paper.

In this new body, Legiers encourages the viewers to engage in peac...