Resultaten (29)
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Ed Kashi
Abandoned Moments. A Love Letter To Photography
2021 || Hardcover || Ed Kashi e.a. || nai010 uitgevers publishers
Das Buch des amerikanischen Fotografen Ed Kashi erzählt von der Energie des Augenblicks und dem Chaos des täglichen Lebens.
Wenn das im sogenannten »decisive moment« (entscheidenden Moment) eingefangene Bild die Wirklichkeit genau im Einklang mit der Intuition des Fotografen im richtigen Moment und mit perfekter Komposition wiedergibt, dann ist der »abandoned moment« das Resultat eines winzigen Moments der Selbstvergessenheit und Hingabe an den Augenblick. Die
u¿ber einen Zeitraum von ...
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Edward Steichen
the Luxembourg bequest
2022 || Hardcover || Michel Polfer e.a. || Silvana Editoriale
The extraordinary collection of Edward Steichen's photos, received as bequest by National Museum of Luxembourg.
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Hoarder Order
2020 || Hardcover || Thomas Kuijpers || Fw:Books
The work of Thomas Kuijpers always emerges from a current event, or series of current events, which he uses to investigate how the stories told about these events influence our daily lives. To do this, he collects all kinds of material: newspapers, posters, fragments of conversations, YouTube videos, and Twitter comments. From this act of collecting, new connections appear, as well as insights into how narratives about specific subjects are shaped. From this foundation of interconnected subje...
Crime Scene Photography
2016 || Hardcover || USA) DC Washington The George Washington University Forensic Science Department Edward M. (Associate Professor Robinson || Elsevier
Crime Scene Photography, Third Edition, covers the general principles and concepts of photography, while also delving into the more practical elements and advanced concepts of forensic photography. Robinson assists the reader in understanding and applying essential concepts in order to create images that are able to withstand challenges in court. This text is a required reading by both the International Association for Identification's Crime Scene Certification Board and the Forensic Photogra...
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Secrets of neglected places
2019 || Hardcover || Yoerie Custers || Yoerie Custers
In this thick coffee table book, you will be taken on a revolutionary journey through the past with photography and poetry. Allow the enclosed pictures and poems to escort you to a forgotten time in history; a time that goes beyond our present-day architecture. Let your imagination have mastery over your senses so that you don't just flip through these pages, but instead, you see, hear, smell, feel and experience the worlds these pages introduce.
Will you walk with me through these corridors ...
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Back Stages
2019 || Hardcover || Paul De Bruyne || Stichting Onomatopee
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The Pocket Photographer
How to take beautiful photos with your phone
2021 || Hardcover || Mike Kus || BIS Publishers
Distilled, practical advice and simple techniques aimed at amateur photographers
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Tom D’Haenens, Katoen Natie
The Sustainable Company
2021 || Hardcover || Hannibal books
Tom D'Haenens provides a unique photographic insight into the innovative operations and organization of Katoen Natie group in the field of sustainability.
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It's Not About Me
A Retrospective
2021 || Hardcover || Greg Gorman e.a. || Persell Trading
A career retrospective from award-winning celebrity photographer Greg Gorman, featuring previously unpublished works.
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You breathe from a garden in your neck
|| Hardcover || Judith Jockel || Fw:
This is a book which uses photography to get a grip on something which is lost. In 2011 Judith's best friend Mieke died; they had shared a friendship and a studio with a garden in Amsterdam Oost. After her death, Judith uses Mieke's analogue Cambo 8 x 10-inch camera to photograph every flower in their shared garden. The camera has a technical malfunction, but Mieke kept using it. The result is a collection of photographs that show the flowers, but the camera is also present because of light f...