
Paperback (8)
Hardcover (5)
Fw (3)
Idea Books B.V. (3)

Resultaten (13)

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Hoarder Order

2020 || Hardcover || Thomas Kuijpers || Fw:Books

The work of Thomas Kuijpers always emerges from a current event, or series of current events, which he uses to investigate how the stories told about these events influence our daily lives. To do this, he collects all kinds of material: newspapers, posters, fragments of conversations, YouTube videos, and Twitter comments. From this act of collecting, new connections appear, as well as insights into how narratives about specific subjects are shaped. From this foundation of interconnected subje...

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Barends & Pijnappel Photo Collection 2

2020 || Paperback || Henrik Barends e.a. || Voetnoot, Uitgeverij

BARENDS&PIJNAPPEL PHOTO COLLECTION #2 is een indrukwekkende aanvulling op het al even indrukwekkende eerste deel. De foto's, waar vooral fantasie en verbeelding de boventoon voeren, zijn opgenomen in chronologische volgorde en gelardeerd met beschouwende teksten en snedige quotes. De Engelse vertaling is van de hand van Michele Hutchison.

In zijn inleiding schrijft Eric Min onder meer:'Doorheen deze beeldenbank die zich over meerdere honderden bladzijden ontvouwt, keren enkele thema’s of fi...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

The Film Experience

An Introduction

2020 || Paperback || Timothy Corrigan e.a. || Macmillan

The Film Experience offers a comprehensive introduction to the art, language, industry, culture, and experience of the movies -with new digital tools to bring that experience to life and help students master course material.

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It's Not About Me

A Retrospective

2021 || Hardcover || Greg Gorman e.a. || Persell Trading

A career retrospective from award-winning celebrity photographer Greg Gorman, featuring previously unpublished works.

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In Almost Every Picture #16

2020 || Paperback || Erik Kessels || Idea Books B.V.

Noud and Ruby decided to spruce up their living room in 1965 by refurnishing the fireplace and adding a new sofa, a tufted corner piece in a classy shade of beige velveteen; not a right-angled design, but a soft, sensual curve snaking around the corner of the room. Noud and Ruby’s redecorating set the scene for what would become a sincere and erotic collaboration between the couple that spanned almost ten years and documented both fashion and fantasy. But the pictures were never intended to...

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The Essential

2020 || Paperback || Martin Riebeek e.a. || The Eriskay Connection

‘The Essential’ reveals the ways in which we are unique, but also the similarities we share, despite our differences. Artists Martin and Inge Riebeek have been actively collecting stories from people around the world since 2010. The people they portray tell about what matters most to them, or what is essential in their lives. The resulting body of work thus far contains more than 600 video portraits of individuals from 23 countries. This book is a celebration of this past decade of work b...

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Ruud van Empel - 25 Years of Photo Works 1995-2020

2020 || Hardcover || Idea Books B.V.

The book traces the exceptional career of Ruud van Empel, a pioneer in digital construction. Van Empel reveals an ability to capture the delicacy of the world through his works: editing and composing, from patiently collected and selected photographs he took himself. Ruud van Empel plays with our perception of reality and timeless, showing realistic but undoubtedly utopian portraits and landscapes.

With nearly 400 images that include photo sketches, enigmatic portraits, and lush nature, the ...

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Miss Cox

Nude - Arising from the Ground

2020 || Paperback || Mariken Wessels || Idea Books B.V.

This project by Dutch photographer Mariken Wessels (1963) is a multifaceted artistic translation of her fascination with an anonymous woman who posed for Eadweard Muybridge’s camera in 1885. In the 24-image sequence “Arising from the Ground”, the obese woman, who was supposedly named Miss Cox, can be observed as she moves from lying down to a fully upright position. Wessels was inspired by this woman to start making large clay sculptures and photographing obese female models swimming un...

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met 5% korting 18,99

Joel Meyerowitz

how I Take Pictures

2020 || Paperback || Joel Meyerowitz || Laurence King Publishing

The 'Masters of Photography' series is a new approach to photography how-to. Each volume is dedicated to the work of one key photographer who, through a series of bite-sized lessons and ideas, tells you everything you always wanted to know about their approach to taking photographs. From their influences, ideas and experiences, to tech tips and best shots.

The series begins with Joel Meyerowitz, who will teach you, among other essentials: how to use a camera to reclaim the streets as your own...

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My Mind's Eye

2020 || Hardcover || Peter Fink || Kehrer

Peter Fink (1907, Grand Rapids - 1984, New York City) bereiste in den 1950er- bis 1970er-Jahren die Welt und fotografierte an abgelegenen Orten und in Industriestädten der Nachkriegszeit in Japan, Frankreich, Portugal, Nordafrika und im Mittleren Osten. Kunst und Kultur sind wiederkehrende Themen, ebenso wie das Leben von Arbeitern, Familien oder Kindern an jedem Ort, den er besuchte. Daneben entstanden expressive Porträts und Modefotografien, surreale Stillleben oder seine

radikalen Refrac...