Resultaten (26)
Social Psychology, Global Edition / 15th Edition
2022 || Paperback || Nyla Branscombe e.a. || Pearson
For courses in Social Psychology Show how the ever-changing field of Social Psychology is useful in students everyday lives Social Psychology, 15th Edition retains the hallmark of its past success: up-to-date coverage of the quickly evolving subject matter written in a lively manner that has been embraced by thousands of students around the world. Authors Nyla Branscombe and Robert Baron both respected scholars with decades of undergraduate teaching experience generate student excitement by r...
Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 2:: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
2007 || Paperback || Lewis Carroll e.a. || Oxford University Press
"The most consistent of all series in terms of language control, length, and quality of story." David R. Hill, Director of the Edinburgh Project on Extensive Reading.
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Chemistry: A Molecular Approach / 5th Global Edition
2020 || Paperback || Nivaldo Tro || Pearson
For courses in chemistry. Nivaldo Tro's Chemistry: A Molecular Approach presents chemistry visually through multi-level images-macroscopic, molecular, and symbolic representations ? to help students see the connections between the world they see around them, the atoms and molecules that compose the world, and the formulas they write down on paper. Interactive, digital versions of selected worked examples instruct students how to break down problems using Tro's unique "Sort, Strategise, Solve,...
Financial Accounting / 12th Global Edition
2023 || Paperback || Walter Harrison e.a. || Pearson
For courses in introductory financial accounting. A student-centered approach to financial accounting Accounting is the language of business, and understanding the role accounting plays in business is critical to a student's success in earning a business degree. Financial Accounting puts the focus on the purpose of Accounting in business.
With student-friendly examples and streamlined chapters, the 12th Edition delivers a student-centric approach to learning financial accounting. Time-tested ...
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Tom Gates Ha! Ha! Hilarious HB
2025 || Hardcover || Liz Pichon || Scholastic
Tom has created brand new comic *Ants In Pants* to make everyonelaugh. Inspiration is everywhere! There's Mr Keen's unicycle mishapand their NEW supply teacher Miss Jam (whose first name is NOTStrawberry or Traffic). BUT when Tom's comic falls into the wronghands, everything starts to go wrong. HOW will he get himself outof this MESS?
Was wir dachten, was wir taten
2023 || Paperback || Lea-Lina Oppermann || Gulliver
Amokalarm. Eine maskierte Person dringt ins Klassenzimmer ein und diktiert mit geladener Pistole Aufgaben, die erbarmungslos die Geheimnisse aller an die Oberfläche zerren. Arroganz, Diebstähle, Mitläufertum, Lügen - hinter sorgsam gepflegten Fassaden tun sich Abgründe auf. Fiona ist fassungslos, unfähig zu handeln, Mark verspürt Genugtuung und Herr Filler schwankt zwischen Wut und Passivität. Bald sind die Grenzen so weit überschritten, dass es für niemanden mehr ein Zurück gibt. ...
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De schelmenstreken van Reinaert de vos
2018 || Hardcover || Koos Meinderts || Hoogland & Van Klaveren, Uitgeverij
Terwijl Reinaert de Vos tijdens het monopoly-spelen met zijn kinderen stiekem een briefje van duizend uit de bank jatte en zich te goed deed aan een kipkluifje, verklaarde Koning Nobel in de paleistuin de jaarlijkse Hofdag voor geopend.
Met de opening van de Hofdag opent ook de fonkelende bewerking die Koos Meinderts maakte van het bekendste epos uit de Middelnederlandse literatuur: Van den Vos Reynaerde. In achttien hoofdstukken verhaalt Meinderts over de belevenissen van de geslepen vos Rei...
When Stars are Scattered
2023 || Paperback || Victoria Jamieson e.a. || Faber & Faber
A heart-wrenching true story about life in a Kenyan refugee camp that will restore your faith in real-life happy endings. Omar and his brother Hassan, two Somali boys, have spent a long time in the Dadaab refugee camp. Separated from their mother, they are looked after by a friendly stranger.
Life in the camp isn't always easy. The hunger is constant . .
. but there's football to look forward to, and now there's a chance Omar will get to go to school . .
. With a heart-wrenching fairytale end...
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2000 || Paperback || Bernard Mac Laverty || Penguin
Cal has very few choices in life. He can continue working at the abattoir that sickens him, or join the ranks of the unemployed. He can brood on his past or try to plan a future with Marcella.
Cal is a haunting love story set against the fear and violence of Ulster, where tenderness and innocence must struggle to survive.
Private Peaceful
2020 || Paperback || Michael Morpurgo || HarperCollins
A stunning edition of this modern classic of World War One, featuring an introduction by the author and insightful testimonies from soldiers.