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Lean Six Sigma Black Belt / Druk 3
Mindset, Skill set and Tool set
2023 || Paperback || Ir. H.C. Theisens || Van Haren Publishing
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A Christmas Carol
Made Super Super Easy
2023 || Paperback || Evelyn Samuel || EVES SUPER EASY BOOKS
Evelyn Samuel was born in South Africa and educated at the university of Durban Westville and the University of South Africa. Now living and working in the United Kingdom, Evelyn has turned her passion for literature by embarking on a career in writing. She has progressed into becoming a budding author of Literature Study Guides Made Super Super Easy to enable students to achieve top grades.
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A Midsummer Night's Dream
Made Super Super Easy
2023 || Paperback || Evelyn Samuel || EVES SUPER EASY BOOKS
. Detailed Explanations alongside the text, Themes, characters, Sample essays, Typical exam questions etc.
Everything for you to achieve TOP grades. Top 5* reviews. Extremely popular among Students and Teachers.
"Like no other Study Guides on the Planet."
"This book is amazing, I bought it for my son and now i am seeing a great improvement in his work. My son went from a level 6 to a level 8/9 student."
Reviewed 8 October 2020.
"I highly recommend this book...
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#green reading
A book about sustainable living
2020 || Paperback || Anca De Vries || Brave New Books || met inkijkexemplaar
Writing a text is one thing, but publishing a book is a whole different assignment. One that a group of students from this English class happily accepted. This book includes texts on sustainability, short stories, interviews and an infographic, all related to a sustainable lifestyle, and all written by the leaders and change agents of tomorrow:
Lisanne Bos, Jorn Buiting, Arnoud Enting, Wessel Focke, Joep Jansen, Myrthe Koelemeij, Linde Koeweiden, Rudy Loos, Lodi Mol, Sterre Raven, Matthijs d...
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Working in the Automotive Industry / Druk 2
Mndset, Skill Set & Tool Set
2020 || Paperback || H. Broekman e.a. || LSSA B.V.
Succeeding with your Literature Review: A Handbook for Students
A Handbook for Students
2020 || Paperback || Paul Oliver || Open University Press
"An excellent and accessible text that will help all students and scholars to develop a strong review and enable them to outline and analyse the key ideas for their study. The structure of the book is really well thought out and the chapters are written in a way which readers will find helpful and easy to understand. I would highly recommend this book to research students."Professor Mark Brundrett, Liverpool John Moores University, UKThis step-by-step handbook provides comprehensive and pract...
Managing Hospitality Organizations / 3rd edition
Achieving Excellence in the Guest Experience
2024 || Paperback || Robert C. Ford || SAGE
Introduction to Hospitality Management: Creating Excellent Guest Experiences, Third Edition takes students on a journey through the evolving service industry. Each chapter focuses on a core principle of hospitality management and is packed with practical advice, examples, and cases from some of the best companies in the service sector.
Understanding Comparative Politics / International Student Edition
Institutions, economics, and intersectionality in the 21st century
2024 || Paperback || Lisa A. Baglione || SAGE
It’s time for a new approach to help students engage more fully with comparative politics. By elevating all of the components of identity as core elements of any political system, Lisa Baglione's Understanding Comparative Politics helps students better appreciate the lived realities of people around the world. The book puts issues of race, gender, ethnicity, and religion in context, encouraging students to think critically about world regions and individual countries through the lens of cur...
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Fundamentals of Strategy / 6th edition
2023 || Paperback || Whittington Richard e.a. || Pearson
Understand and apply the essential concepts and techniques of strategy. Fundamentals of Strategy, 6th Edition is a concise and easy-to-follow introduction to the core issues and techniques of strategy from the author team of the market-leading Exploring Strategy. This latest edition is renewed and revised to reflect contemporary strategic issues with increased emphasis on business ecosystems, platforms, purpose and implementation.
Each chapter includes a diverse range of international example...
Microbiology: An Introduction / 14th edition
2025 || Paperback || Gerard J. Tortora || Pearson
Tortora/Case/Bair/Weber/Funke's Microbiology, An Introduction delivers an exceptionally clear presentation of complex topics, a careful balance of concepts and applications, and pedagogically superior art. With a focus on big-picture concepts and themes in microbiology, the text encourages you to visualize and synthesize more difficult topics such as microbial metabolism, immunology and microbial genetics. The trusted clinical focus and student-friendly narrative will help you understand why ...