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Kiosk in de stad
2021 || Paperback || Jacques Beljaars e.a. || trancityXvaliz
Kiosken: ze staan op straathoeken en pleinen, in winkelcentra en industriegebieden, bij scholen en stadions, sportvelden en parken. Kleine, luchtige bouwwerken in de buitenruimte, met de stad als decor. 'Kiosk in de stad' vertelt over de historie, verscheidenheid en inbedding van de kiosk in de stad. Over handel en reuring, verpozen en eten op straat. Het boek geeft inzicht in de stedenbouwkundige, architectonische en stadssociologische waarde en betekenis van de verkoopkiosk. Lange tijd ware...
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Klein Wonen
the making of BouwEXPO Tiny Housing
2021 || Paperback || Jacqueline Tellinga || Thoth, Uitgeverij || met inkijkexemplaar
Wordt klein wonen het nieuwe gewoon? Ruim vier van elke tien mensen zal midden deze eeuw alleenwonend zijn. Alle reden om aan klein wonen aandacht te geven. In 2016 startte in Almere de BouwEXPO Tiny Housing met een ideeënprijsvraag. Iedereen kon meedoen. De winnaars bouwden zestien huisjes. Sommige zijn vrijstaand, andere zijn geschakeld dan wel gestapeld. Ze zijn allemaal als echte woningen vergund en bewoond.
De huisjes zijn een inspiratiebron voor klein wonen elders. Op lege plekken, als...
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Urban Africa
A History and a Manual
2019 || Paperback || Rachel Keeton e.a. || nai010 uitgevers publishers
For English please see below
Afrika is vanwege de groei van de bevolking en de economie het snelst verstedelijkende continent ter wereld. Hoewel sommige mensen Afrika nog steeds associëren met plattelandsontwikkeling is de toekomst van het werelddeel in feite zeer stedelijk. In gebieden met fragiele institutionele kaders en chronische armoede vormt deze verstedelijking een enorme uitdaging. Veel migranten die naar de stad trekken eindigen in zelfgebouwde nederzettingen zonder basisvoorzienin...
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Eindhoven Architecture City
2019 || Paperback || Paul Groenendijk e.a. || nai010 uitgevers publishers
Eindhoven, the city of light and design, has experienced a stormy development and is now the centre of a ‘brainport’ focused on innovation, design and tech that ranks among the finest in the world. The city also has a lot to offer in terms of architecture: from the Evoluon to MVRDV's pop podium De Effenaar and from Kropholler’s Van Abbe Museum to the current large-scale redevelopment of the Philips factories.
This handy-sized and up-to-date Eindhoven architecture guide zooms in on the c...
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De Lakenhal, Happel Cornelisse Verhoeven Architecten
2019 || Hardcover || Meta Knol e.a. || nai010 uitgevers publishers
For Dutch see below.
Since its reopening, 380 years to the day from its original completion, Museum de Lakenhal in Leiden has been hailed as a landmark project, both for its radical and meticulous approach to weaving 21st century architecture into a centuries old fabric, as well as for its fully integrated vision of what a present day museum experience can be.
Young Dutch architecture bureau Happel Cornelisse Verhoeven Architects teamed up with internationally renowned restaurat...
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Footprint 23 The Architecture of Logistics
2019 || Paperback || Francesco Marullo e.a. || Jap Sam Books
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Wood: Living and Working
2019 || Hardcover || David Andreu || Persell Trading
An illustrated celebration of how wood is used in modern architecture as a thermal and acoustic insulator and to bring warmth and texture to buildings.
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City of the Future / Stad van de Toekomst
MSc II Design Studio Mobility & Public Space in the City of the Future
2019 || Paperback || Roberto Cavallo e.a. || TU Delft Open
How can we design and develop a transformation area in an integral way into an attractive and future-proof urban environment? This is the the central question of the research project Stad van de Toekomst (City of the Future).
This question is motivated by urgent social as well as local tasks in the urban areas, varying from housing demand, social inclusiveness, new economy, climate adaptation, and the like, taking into account the transitions in energy, mobility, circularity and digitization....
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The Art of Bridge Design
Identifying a design approach for well-integrated, integrally-designed and socially-valued bridges
2019 || Paperback || Joris Smits || TU Delft Open
It is hard to imagine a world without bridges. Bridges lie at the heart of our civilization bringing growth and prosperity to our society. It is by virtue of bridges that communities are able to physically connect to new people and to new places that were previously disconnected. However, bridges are more than mere functional assets. A well designed bridge reflects mankind’s creativity and ingenuity. One could even state that the way bridges are designed tells us something about our identity.
The way that our bridges are commissioned, designed and procured is rapidly changing. Ideally the design of a bridge is made through an integrated approach that addresses all relevant technological angles, practiced by all involved disciplines through all phases of the design. In reality, many different people from many different disciplines work on the design during different phases of the project. The segregation of knowledge into discipline-specific fields, and the fragmented approach to bridge procurement, have resulted in a general lack of cohesion in bridge design. Critical investigation into how to pursue good integrated design is absent. Therefor the objective of this research is to identify a design approach, through all scales of the design, that leads to bridges that are well-integrated, that are integrally-designed and that are valued by societ...
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Planning with self‑organised initiatives: from fragmentation to resilience
2019 || Paperback || Igor Tempels Moreno Pessôa || TU Delft Open
Over the last half century, the Global South has faced a strong rise in the rate of urbanisation. Although this process differs from region to region, rapid urbanisation has created many challenges for countries in the Global South. Brazil is no different. The largest country in South America has jumped from an urban population of 44.67% in 1960 to 84.36% in 2010, according to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE, 2018). While urban growth is relatively stable in Brazil t...