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LDE Heritage Conference on Heritage and the Sustainable Development Goals


2021 || Paperback || Uta Pottgiesser e.a. || TU Delft Open

Heritage—natural and cultural, material and immaterial—plays a key role in the development of sustainable cities and communities. Goal 11, target 4, of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) emphasizes the relation between heritage and sustainability. The International LDE Heritage conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development Goals, which took place from 26 to 28 November 2019 at TU Delft in the Netherlands, examined the theories, methodologies, and practices of heritage and SDGs....

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A New Pattern Language for Growing Regions

Places, Networks, Processes

|| Hardcover || Michael W. Mehaffy || Mijnbestseller.nl

The 1977 book A Pattern Language was a landmark in the design world, introducing a methodology that has become influential across many fields. Among them are software and “design patterns,” and important spinoff technologies like wiki (the basis of Wikipedia) and Agile Methodology. Yet curiously, the field where pattern methodology began – the built environment – has lagged conspicuously. As one remedy, a number of long-time collaborators with the original book’s lead author have f...

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Footprint 17 Vol 9/2 The 'Bread & Butter'of Architecture: Investigating Everyday Practices

2016 || Paperback || Nelson Mota e.a. || Jap Sam Books

The canon of western contemporary architecture has overlooked everyday, 'salaried' architecture - overwhelming as it may have turned out to be in our built environment - praising instead the solo designer and his ground-breaking work.

Since World War I, the social role of the architect (in terms both of his or her place in social hierarchies and of his or her contribution for social betterment) seems to have been primarily tested, and largely consolidated, in 'departmental architecture'. Yet...

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Footprint 21 Trans-Bodies / Queering Spaces

2018 || Paperback || Robert Gorny e.a. || Jap Sam Books

This issue of Footprint aims to introduce the latest developments in the field of queer theory into the realm of architecture and urban design - and vice versa, to make architectural and urban design concerns an element of queer studies. Next to uncovering hitherto hidden or repressed histories and practices as part of an agenda of inclusiveness, we consider an introduction of queer theory to architecture as engendering a radical reconceptualisation of the architectural discipline: That is, t...

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Vis-à-vis Pavilion Propositions

Nine points on an architectural phenomenon

2018 || Paperback || Wouter Davidts e.a. || Valiz

Pavilion Propositions richt zich op het hedendaagse fenomeen van het 'kunstpaviljoen' en andere, vaak tijdelijke en functieloze architecturale bouwwerken. Wereldwijd worden zulke paviljoenen gebouwd in opdracht van kunstinstituten en worden ze bijvoorbeeld gebruikt als expositieruimte (zoals het jaarlijkse Serpentine Pavilion in Londen, het Young Architects Program in New York en het MPavilion in Melbourne). Ondanks zijn alomtegenwoordigheid en populariteit wordt het hedendaagse paviljoen inc...

Leverbaar vanaf 28 mei

Rewriting Architecture

10+1 Actions for an Adaptive Architecture

2020 || Paperback || Floris Alkemade e.a. || Samenwerkende Uitgevers VOF

Hoe kan de hedendaagse architect en stedenbouwer beter reageren op actuele vraagstukken en ontwikkelingen, met de bestaande context als uitgangspunt? Hoe kan de bestaande context opnieuw gelezen, begrepen, op waarde geschat én verder ontwikkeld worden? Hoe kunnen de zorg voor erfgoed en nieuwe ontwikkelingen hand in hand gaan? En hoe kan architectuur vanuit het bestaande anticiperen op nieuwe ontwikkelingen, van vergrijzing en sociale segregatie tot klimaatverandering? Dit zijn vragen die ce...

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Towards Home

Indigenous Spacemaking in the North

2023 || Paperback || Joar Nango e.a. || Valiz––CCA/Canadian Centre for Architecture

Towards Home / / Ruovttu Guvlui, an Indigenous-led publication,

explores how Inuit, Sámi, and other communities across the Arctic are creating

self-determined spaces. It is informed by the perspectives of a group of Inuit,

Sámi, and settler co-editors who share the ambition to promote northern Indigenous

forms of sovereignty shaped by an understanding of the land as home.

The project emphasizes caring for and living on the land as a way of being, and

celebrates practices of spacemaking and ...

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Footprint 31 / Druk 31

Open Architecture. Tradition, Possibilities and Shortcomings

2023 || Paperback || Jorge Meija Hernández e.a. || Jap Sam Books / TU Delft

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Fugitive Archives: A Sourcebook for Centring Africa in Histories of Architecture

2023 || Paperback || Claire Lubell e.a. || Jap Sam Books / Canadian Centre for Achitecture (CCA)

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Making Architecture: The work of John McAslan + Partners

The work of john mcaslan + partners

2024 || Hardcover || Chris Foges || Van Ditmar Boeken B.V.