
Paperback (60)
Hardcover (3)
2021 (18)
2018 (15)
2017 (13)
2022 (5)

Resultaten (75)

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden

Revisiting urban dynamics through social urban data

|| Achilleas Psyllidis || TU Delft Open

The study of dynamic spatial and social phenomena in cities has evolved rapidly in the recent years, yielding new insights into urban dynamics. This evolution is strongly related to the emergence of new sources of data for cities (e.g. sensors, mobile phones, online social media etc.), which have potential to capture dimensions of social and geographic systems that are difficult to detect in traditional urban data (e.g. census data). However, as the available sources increase in number, the p...

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden

Gunawan Tjahjono & Josef Prijotomo

2017 || Paperback || Gunawan Tjahjono e.a. || TU Delft Open || met inkijkexemplaar

In 2002, Gunawan Tjahjono opened his inaugural speech at University of Indonesia with a reference to Vincent Van Romondt, the last remaining Dutch tutor of architecture in Indonesia, who had pioneered an approach that challenged Indonesians to think about the relationship between architecture and 'nationbuilding'. Since independence, the topic of 'towards an Indonesian architecture,' has received various interpretations, with numerous references to Van Romondt. Josef Prijotomo, one of the mos...

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden

Socio-spatial change in Lithuania

2017 || Paperback || Rūta Ubarevičienė || TU Delft Open

This issue of A+BE sets out to contribute to filling the current knowledge gaps concerning the recent socio-spatial transformation processes and their consequences in Lithuania. The thesis aimed to contribute answers to the following questions:

- What are the main features and drivers of socio-spatial change in post-socialist Lithuania?

- Why, despite the growing economy and improvements in the standard of living, Lithuania is facing major challenges related to extreme population decline and...

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden

Spatial Planning for Urban Resilience in the Face of the Flood Risk

Institutional Actions, Opportunities and Challenges

2021 || Paperback || Meng Meng || TU Delft Open

The research was inspired by the increasing impact of extreme weather events and changing climate patterns on flood-prone regions and cities, and the consequent human and economic costs. Despite global efforts for flood resilience and climate adaptation involving climate analysts, economists, social scientists, politicians, hydrological engineers, spatial planners, and policymakers, it is only partially clear how best to construct resilience measures and implement concrete initiatives. The co...

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden


The building design, systems engineering and performance analysis of plant factories for urban food production

2021 || Paperback || Luuk Graamans || TU Delft Open

Expanding cities across the world rely increasingly on the global food network, but should they? Population growth, urbanisation and climate change place pressure on this network, bringing its resilience into question. For decades urban agriculture has been discussed in popular media and academia as a potential solution to improve food security, quality and sustainability. The new idol in this discussion is the plant factory: A fully closed system for crop production. Arrays of LEDs provide l...

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden

Rules, Power and Trust

Interplay between inter-organizational structures and interpersonal relationships in project-based organizations in the construction industry

2021 || Paperback || Jelle Koolwijk || TU Delft Open

The aim of this PhD project was to explore the multi-level interplay between the inter-organizational structures and interpersonal relations in building project organizations. In the first two studies, quantitative approaches were used to validate assumptions about how inter-organizational structures are shaped by actors and how interpersonal relationships affect the effectiveness of project teams in the construction industry. These two studies were integrated in a third qualitative case stud...

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden

De gevel – een intermediair element tussen buiten en binnen

|| Birgit Jürgenhake || TU Delft Open

This study is based on the fact that all people have a basic need for protection from other people (and animals) as well as from the elements (the exterior climate). People need a space in which they can withdraw from the rest of the world. The two states, inside and outside, public and private, contact with, or isolation from, the outside world, are relevant in fulfilling this basic need. People also want their home to have a certain appearance or status which they can identify with and whic...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Adaptive planning for resilient coastal waterfronts

|| Peter Christiaan van Veelen || TU Delft Open

Peter van Veelen applies a resilience based planning method (the Adaptive Pathways Method, or APM) to develop and assess adaptation pathways at the level of neighbourhood development in two flood prone waterfront cases in Rotterdam. APM is a structured, iterative approach based on defining the conditions under which policy objectives are no longer attainable and adaptation is required, and the assessment of sequences of adaptation actions. It enables policy makers to explore and develop adapt...

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden

Enhancing [spatial] creativity

|| Alireza Mahdizadeh Hakak || TU Delft Open

Potentials of virtual environment for enhancing creativity of architects have shaped this research. There is no singular definition of creativity. In fact, there are more than 100 different definitions for creativity according to different contexts and disciplines. Nevertheless, it is possible to confine the boundaries of definitions and address creativity within a confined framework.

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden


A Bio-inspired Design Framework for Real-time Interactive Architectures

2018 || Paperback || Jia-Rey Chang || TU Delft Open

This pioneering research focuses on Biomimetic Interactive Architecture using "Computation", "Embodiment", and "Biology" to generate an intimate embodied convergence to propose a novel rule-based design framework for creating organic architectures composed of swarm-based intelligent components. Furthermore, the research boldly claims that Interactive Architecture should emerge as the next truly Organic Architecture. As the world and society are dynamically changing, especially in this digital...