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Resultaten (78)
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Study Skills for Chinese Students
2014 || Paperback || Courtney || SAGE
Providing support, guidance, and an aid to study, this handy guide helps you adapt to life as a student in the UK. You will find tips and information on life skills, cultural differences and university life, as well as key research and study skills.
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Dyslexia, Literacy and Inclusion
Child-centred perspectives
2015 || Paperback || MacBlain || SAGE
With case study examples that cover early years and primary, this book takes a child-centred approach by putting the focus on emotional well-being, offering individual strategies for raising literacy standards among children with dyslexia.
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From Digital Natives to Digital Wisdom
Hopeful Essays for 21st Century Learning
2012 || Paperback || Prensky || SAGE
Best-selling author and futurist Mark R. Prensky's book of essays challenges educators to "reboot" and make the changes necessary to prepare students for 21st century careers.
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Understanding Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Educators Partnering with Families
2012 || Paperback || Haney || SAGE
This text gives future educators insight into the complexity and diversity of children with ASD, providing a basic understanding of the disorder and guidance on how to teach affected children. Michelle Haney is an Associate Professor of Psychology and Education at Berry College.
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Unleashing Student Superpowers
Practical Teaching Strategies for 21st Century Students
2014 || Paperback || Swanson || Corwin Pr
This book provides elementary school teachers with strategies to unleash the learning superpowers of students that foster inquiry-based, student-driven classrooms.
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The Educator's Guide to Creating Connections
2015 || Paperback || Whitby || Corwin Pr
Blogging, social media, and PLN’s made easy!
Collectively, we’re all smarter than we are individually. In this expert guide, EdTech leaders help you harness the power of connected collaboration using the Internet and social media. You’ll easily leverage Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and beyond for profound professional growth. Use real-world tips and tools to:
Master and adapt to 21st Century teaching methodologies
Build ongoing technology literacy for you and your students
Connect and ...
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Mindsets and Moves
Strategies That Help Readers Take Charge [Grades K-8]
2015 || Paperback || Goldberg || SAGE
Mindsets and Moves applies important research on effective instruction and motivation to infuse today's reading classrooms with a fresh breath of student independence.
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Using Technology to Engage Students With Learning Disabilities
2016 || Paperback || Krakower || SAGE
This book shows how to use technology to address the needs of students with learning disabilities through differentiation and universal design for learning.
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Feedback That Moves Writers Forward
How to Escape Correcting Mode to Transform Student Writing
2017 || Paperback || McGee || SAGE
Patty McGee helps teachers transform student writers by demonstrating what to do to build tone, trust, motivation, and choice into daily lessons, conferences, and revision suggestions.
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Interieurdesigner deel 1 - De Basis van het Interieurontwerp
2015 || Paperback || Cristy Brandriet || Uitgeverij Educatief
De basis van het interieurontwerp is het eerste deel uit de methode interieurdesigner, dat samen met het tweede deel een complete leermethode vormt. De methode kan worden ingezet in diverse interieurvakopleidingen en beroepsopleidingen die een relatie hebben met de interieurbranche. Daarnaast kan deze methode ook prima zelfstandig worden gevolgd.
Naast de behandeling van alle methoden en technieken voor interieurvormgeving wordt er in deze methode ook ingegaan op de (creatieve) ontwikkeling, ...