Resultaten (33)
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The artistic attitude
Allowing space for imagination and the ability to shape
2023 || Paperback || Anke Coumans || Jap Sam Books / Hanzehogeschool Groningen, Academie Minerva
‘In recent years, the practices of artists in non-artistic environments have set my mind in motion. Where before I could marvel at the visual outcomes of the artistic process and would want to understand how processes of creating meaning could be described, I am now particularly struck by the way in which artists are present, by their way of looking, how they make decisions, when and how they act, how they take responsibility. I have conversations with them and ask questions to better under...
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Is this the way the universe works? (555 Verses / 77 Verses)
2023 || Paperback || Gavin Wade e.a. || Set Margins' publications
This book contains performative ‘tanrenga’ poems, intended to be read out loud. A ‘tanrenga’ appears similar to a ‘tanka’, a form of five-lined Japanese poetry, but there are some differences. The poem is a conversation between what is essentially a three-line haiku and a two-line verse written by another writer in response, in this case British artist and curator Gavin Wade and poet Paul Conneally. The ‘tanrenga’ form was popular in Japan from the start of the Heian period un...
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Vincent Obert de Thieusies
Selected works
2023 || Hardcover || Quinten De Coene || Mijnbestseller.nl
Vincent Obert de Thieusies is een kunstenaar die veel heeft gereisd doorheen zijn leven, dit kan je herkennen aan zijn brede visie op kunst en de wereld in het algemeen. Hij creëert als het ware zijn eigen kosmos, gekenmerkt door een constante evolutie in zijn kunstwerken. Daarom kunnen we zijn kunstpraktijk ook niet categoriseren onder slechts één stijl. Het best kunnen we Vincent omschrijven als een eclectisch kunstenaar, gedreven door een out-of-the-box denken. Zijn werken zijn erg expr...
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Jan van de Pavert. Collected Works
2023 || Paperback || Jan van de Pavert e.a. || Jap Sam Books
A comprehensive illustrated monograph on the work of Dutch visual artist Jan van de Pavert, with texts by the artist and art critic Mark Kremer.
Jan van de Pavert. Collected Works is a richly illustrated body of work covering the artist’s oeuvre of the past years. Initially, Van de Pavert became known for his sculptures, his early works referred to architecture and resembled parts from buildings, such as windows and doors. An example is the 1987 work Inversion: the work is a door and doorp...
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A Black Collage
2023 || Paperback || Rob Perrée || Jap Sam Books
In this book, Rob Perrée tells the story of his involvement in African-American art through a chronological collage of new texts, linking texts, previously published articles, essays, interviews, reviews, columns and short stories from 1990 to 2023. Together, they show the development of African-American art and demonstrate how its appreciation and perception have changed over time, in the US, but above all in the Netherlands as well, among the public and art institutions. It is a look behin...
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OUT SIDE IN SIDE OUT. Linda Molenaar
2023 || Paperback || Linda Molenaar e.a. || Jap Sam Books
Out Side In Side Out is an overview of 25 years of work by Dutch visual artist and performer Linda Molenaar, linking animal aspects in humans with human aspects in animals.
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Cycladic Blues
Marlene Dumas
2023 || Paperback || Marlene Dumas e.a. || Idea Books B.V.
This cahier is a visual sketchbook for an exhibition by Marlene Dumas at the Museum of Cycladic Art in Athens, in dialogue with the museum's collection. Although the exhibition has been postponed towards 2025, this anticipatory publication already arose from Dumas' enthusiasm and affection for this combination. The enigmatic Cycladic antiquities, dating from 3000-2000 BC, speak to us in the same timeless language as Dumas' contemporary works.
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Small Prints
Karel Martens
2023 || Paperback || Karel Martens || Idea Books B.V.
This artist’s publication contains a sequence of unique letterpress monoprints, made by Dutch graphic designer Karel Martens between 2014 and 2022. The prints, which are both highly geometric and brightly coloured, are reproduced in the book at their actual size. Textual elements accent the various abstract shapes and repetitions on almost every page. ‘Small Prints’ is available in two different cover versions, which itself is the result of a printing experiment. By printing the content...
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Great Temptations
The seduction of painting
2023 || Paperback || Dominic van den Boogerd || Idea Books B.V.
"I can resist everything", wrote Oscar Wilde, "except temptation". What is it that makes a painting so attractive, so irresistible? In this collection of essays, Dominic van den Boogerd writes with passion about the exhibitions he has seen, the painters he has spoken with, and the talks by artists that he has organised as the director of De Ateliers in Amsterdam. About the pleasures and pitfalls of painting, forbidden favourites and the flirtation between the art of painting and other muses.
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Notes on Happiness
2023 || Paperback || Alex Farrar || Jap Sam Books
| A new book project by Alex Farrar, including an index of 49 questions about happiness.
| Limited-edition publication bound with several different covers, cut from a single drawing by Daniel Jacoby.
Are Dutch people happy people?
Does art make you happy?
What was your earliest memory of happiness?
What have you taught your children about happiness?
Notes on Happiness is a book project by artist Alex Farrar. The book is a long reflective text, based on conversations that Farrar had with peop...