Resultaten (18)
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Therese Schwartze (Herziene heruitgave)
Painting for a Living
2021 || Hardcover || Cora Hollema || Stichting Fonds Publicatie Therese Schwartze || met inkijkexemplaar
The Amsterdam painter Thérèse Schwartze (1851-1918) was a celebrated portraitist in her time, who combined great talent and technical expertise with a superb head for business. She produced likenesses of the 19th-century Dutch beau monde and members of the royal family in an un-Dutch style, and became a millionaire in the process. She established an international reputation, with countless exhibitions and commissions throughout Europe and the United States.
The apparently effortless brill...
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Viva la Frida! (Engelstalig)
Life and art of Frida Kahlo
2021 || Hardcover || Annemiek Rens || Uitgeverij WBOOKS
De Mexicaanse Frida Kahlo (1907-1954) is zonder twijfel een van de bekendste en meest geliefde kunstenaars ter wereld. Door haar indrukwekkende kunstwerken, opvallende verschijning, roerige leven en bijzondere levensstijl is zij een wereldwijd icoon geworden.
Frida Kahlo heeft een onuitwisbare indruk achtergelaten met haar gedurfde gevoel voor schoonheid en haar idealen over gelijkheid voor iedereen. Hoewel haar leven grotendeels bepaald werd door tegenslag, wist ze haar pijn en emotionele st...
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2021 || Hardcover || Bart Domburg e.a. || Lecturis || met inkijkexemplaar
Via Twitter oefende Trump presidentiele macht uit, op een geheel eigen demagogische wijze. Twitter gaf Trump de mogelijkheid om direct met zijn volgers in contact te treden, waar hij dankbaar gebruik van maakte. Via tientallen tweets per dag strooide hij directieven, meningen, beledigingen, intimidaties en oordelen uit die zijn tachtig miljoen volgers gretig lazen. Hij schiep hiermee een parallelle realiteit en een vijandsbeeld. Tegengas van traditionele media werd consequent als ‘Fake News...
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jaune, geel, gelb, yellow
Monochrome - Antonis Pittas
2022 || Paperback || Antonis Pittas e.a. || Jap Sam Books
The publication 'jaune, geel, gelb, yellow. Monochrome' discusses the failure, collapse and historicization of the modernist ideals espoused by Theo van Doesburg, set against the current political backdrop of mass protest. It brings together writers from a variety of fields who reflect on the legacy and failures of modernism from the perspective of their individual backgrounds and expertise.
Edited by Lisa Bakker and Eleonoor Jap Sam. With text contributions by (poet) Maria Barnas, (poet) I.K...
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Erraid Sound: Floating Worlds
2021 || Hardcover || Graham Eatough e.a. || Jap Sam Books The Hunterian, University of Glasgow
'Erraid Sound – Floating Worlds' is an artist book and a short film by the renowned Scottish theatre director Graham Eatough and the Dutch visual artist Andre Dekker, known for his public art with Observatorium.
September 2020 the artists spent one month in the remote coastal landscape to research Erraid Sound, the tidal flat between the Ross of Mull and the Island of Erraid. Through an exploration of our relationship with the natural environment the project offers an artistic response in d...
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Forget & Remember
2021 || Hardcover || Gil e.a. || Jap Sam Books
Gil Nader (1968) and Moti Porat (1971) are known for their socially engaged work in which they explore the notion of individuality and question forms and norms of identity.
Forget & Remember investigates the background and migration history of their Jewish-Israeli families on the basis of their parents’ collections. In Forget & Remember, Gil's father Yitzhak and Moti's mother Naomi are the protagonists. The reader is introduced to the stories of and about them and their very different coll...
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Remy Jungerman. Behind the Forest
2021 || Paperback || Rein Wolfs e.a. || Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
In his work artist Remy Jungerman searches for an autonomous visual language that does justice to the cultures of the countries that define him: Suriname, the Netherlands and the United States.
'Remy Jungerman. Behind the Forest' focuses on his artistic output of the past fifteen years, including new work created especially for his eponymous solo-exhibition at the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam.
In his sculptures, panels, installations, collages and screen prints, Jungerman traces pathways of p...
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Boerenzij | The Rural Side
2021 || Paperback || Wapke Feenstra e.a. || Jap Sam Books
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Koen Taselaar. Rollable Ramblings
2021 || Paperback || Katalin Herzog || Jap Sam Books
The work of Koen Taselaar is a unique universe in which only he determines the rules. He makes skillful drawings, but also clumsy ceramics and elaborate Tapestries.
Taselaar’s visual language emerged from the grey area in which text is not only meaning but also form. He expresses this in drawn puns, imaginary record sleeves or large psychedelic paintings. In search of ways to process his diverse output, he makes publications and large scale drawings, which function as flat exhibition space...
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Ihana Thou Art
2021 || Paperback || Munayem Mayenin || Sweek || met inkijkexemplaar
Munayem Mayenin's artworks, paintings, kollarimaginics, drawings and designs