Resultaten (29)

Leverbaar vanaf 14 augustus


2023 || Hardcover || Marcel Niekus e.a. || Koninklijke Van Gorcum

Tussen 9000 en 5000 v.Chr. was een groot deel van de provincie Drenthe bedekt door uitgestrekte oerbossen, her en der onderbroken door open plekken en graslanden. Tal van riviertjes en beken zochten hun weg door het glooiende landschap naar drassige, laaggelegen gebieden en uiteindelijk naar de Noordzee, die op dat moment nog honderden kilometers voorbij de horizon lag. In dit oerbos tierde het leven welig met veel voor ons bekende dieren, zoals bevers, herten, vogels en knaagdieren, maar ook...

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Household goods in the European Medieval and Early Modern Countryside

2023 || Hardcover || Catarina Tente e.a. || Sidestone Press Academics

Although household goods are a well-establish topic in Medieval and Early Modern archaeology, more recent research is overcoming simple typological and technological aspects and pointing to broader approaches, which relates to the understanding of goods’ production, consumption strategies, other economic activities and structures of social organization. Thus, the understanding of past societies and cultures relies heavily in the study of their household goods to understand people, groups an...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Before Temples

Rectangular structures of the Low Countries and their place in the Iron Age belief system

2023 || Hardcover || Roosje de Leeuwe || Sidestone Press Dissertations

Before the introduction of Roman temples in the Low Countries, there used to be ‘open air cult places’ in the Iron Age. That is at least the assumption based on descriptions given by classical writers and several structures typified as sanctuaries that were excavated in France.

Several of these French sanctuaries portray long usage, modifications, disarticulated human remains, and depositions of animal bones and Iron Age weaponry. However, the regularly encountered rectangular structures...

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Mediterranean Connections

How the sea links people and transforms identities

2023 || Paperback || L. Schmidt e.a. || Sidestone Press Academics

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Unter Hügeln (BAND 2)

Bronzezeitliche Transformationsprozesse in Schleswig-Holstein am Beispiel des Fundplatzes von Mang de Bargen (Bornhöved, Kr. Segeberg)

2023 || Hardcover || Stefanie Schaefer-Di Maida || Sidestone Press Dissertations

Mit der Bronzezeit verbreitete sich das begehrte neue Metall über ganz Europa. Es veränderte Arbeitssektoren, Netzwerke, Weltanschauungen und Gesellschaften und brachte unterschiedliche Transformationen in diversen Lebensbereichen mit sich. Mit diesem Buch werden alle Transformationsprozesse der Bronzezeit für den Raum Schleswig-Holstein in den Blick genommen.

In diesem Forschungsrahmen entwickelte sich die Fundstelle Mang de Bargen bei Bornhöved (Kreis Segeberg), einst Ziel von Kieswerke...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Before Temples

Rectangular structures of the Low Countries and their place in the Iron Age belief system

2023 || Paperback || Roosje de Leeuwe || Sidestone Press Dissertations

Before the introduction of Roman temples in the Low Countries, there used to be ‘open air cult places’ in the Iron Age. That is at least the assumption based on descriptions given by classical writers and several structures typified as sanctuaries that were excavated in France.

Several of these French sanctuaries portray long usage, modifications, disarticulated human remains, and depositions of animal bones and Iron Age weaponry. However, the regularly encountered rectangular structures...

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Separation, hybridisation, and networks

Globular Amphora sedentary pastoralists ca. 3200-2700 BCE

2023 || Hardcover || Johannes Müller || Sidestone Press Academics

Around 3000 BCE, a turning point occurred in Europe: Long-existing regional societies entered into a process of transformation. The result is a world in which new global communication networks brought different regions closer together. From 3200/3100 BCE, the Globular Amphora phenomenon (GA) was the trailblazer in Eastern and Central Europe. Due to a focus on pastoral subsistence, in comparison to more agrarian economic systems, new ritual practices formed in light of a more flexible form of ...

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Containers of Change

Ancient Container Technologies from Eastern to Western Asia

2023 || Paperback || Olivier Nieuwenhuyse e.a. || Sidestone Press Academics

Across Western Asia, the astonishing increase in the availability of durable ceramic containers in the seventh millennium BCE had significant societal repercussions – so much so that vital social, economic, and symbolic activities became dependent upon the availability of pottery containers. These early ceramic containers, however, established themselves alongside flourishing pre-existing container traditions, with vessels made in a wide range of materials including clay, bitumen, basketry,...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Epistemology, Economics, and Ethics

A Practical Philosophy of Prehistoric Archaeology

2023 || Hardcover || Konrad Ott || Sidestone Press Academics

This book is intended to be a groundwork of how to theorise prehistory and archaeology and how to make connectivities between the past and the present. It is divided into four parts. The first part is epistemological. It explains why there must be theoretical investments if past ways of human life are to be understood and explained. This insight is specified to a ladder-model (sensu Hawkes) with conceptual scaffoldings on each step. Stepwise, sets of concepts are introduced. This constitutes ...