Resultaten (90)

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden

Goddesses of Akragas

A Study of Terracotta Votive Figurines from Sicily

2019 || Paperback || Gerrie van Rooijen || Sidestone Press Dissertations

The terracotta figurines from Akragas (Agrigento) with their chubby faces, splendid furniture, and rich adornments, depict a prosperous life in the late sixth and early fifth century BCE. The extensive jewellery on the figurines contains strikingly large fibulae appliques fastening pectoral chains with several sorts of pendants. They are modelled after existing items. The form of the jewellery items changed fast, influenced by different peoples and changing fashions, which can be compared wit...

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden

Interdisciplinary analysis of the cemetery ‘Kudachurt 14’

Evaluating indicators of social inequality, demography, oral health and diet during the Bronze Age key period 2200-1650 BCE in the Northern Caucasus

0202 || Paperback || Katharina Fuchs || Sidestone Press Dissertations

Representing both a barrier and a corridor between the Eurasian and Asian continents, the Caucasus has constituted the setting for various socio-economic transformations throughout prehistory. The transition from the Middle to the Late Bronze Age in the Northern Caucasus is a period characterised by a shift from pastoral lifeways in the steppe to sedentary lifestyles in the high mountains, and the change from hierarchical to egalitarian societies. In this context, this book provides basic sci...

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden

Carved stones and Christianisation

Place, movement and memory in early medieval north-western Europe

2021 || Paperback || Anouk Busset || Sidestone Press Dissertations

Barkcloth or tapa, a cloth made from the inner bark of trees, was widely used in place of woven cloth in the Pacific islands until the 19th century. A ubiquitous material, it was integral to the lives of islanders and used for clothing, furnishings and ritual artefacts. Material Approaches to Polynesian Barkcloth takes a new approach to the study of the history of this region through its barkcloth heritage, focusing on the plants themselves and surviving objects in historic collections. This ...

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden

Grave Reminders

Comparing Mycenaean tomb building with labour and memory

2020 || Paperback || Daniel Turner || Sidestone Press Dissertations

From ca. 1600 – 1000 BC, builders across southern Greece crafted thousands of rock-cut chamber tombs similar to earlier and contemporary ‘beehive’ tholos tombs. Both tomb styles were designed with multiple uses in mind, filling with the remains of funerals forgotten over generations of reuse. In rare cases, the tombs were used once or seemingly not at all, cleaned thoroughly or sealed and abandoned entirely. Rather than focus on the missing or muddled record of funeral and post-funeral ...

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden

Le verre de l'Europe celtique

Approches archéométriques, technologiques et sociales d'un artisanat du prestige au second âge du Fer

2021 || Paperback || Joëlle Rolland || Sidestone Press Dissertations

Au cours des quatre derniers siècles av. n.è. les sociétés d’Europe continentale de la culture dite de La Tène développent leur propre artisanat du verre. Cette période de mutations économiques et sociales saisissantes, où les centres urbains et les réseaux d’habitats hiérarchisés se déploient, connaît également une intensification et une diversification des productions artisanales et agricoles. De l’agriculture à la métallurgie, l’étude des spécialisations artisana...

Vandaag besteld,
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Heritage, Landscape and Spatial Justice

New Legal Perspectives on Heritage Protection in the Lesser Antilles

2022 || Paperback || Amanda Byer || Sidestone Press Dissertations

The Caribbean region faces particular environmental challenges as a result of colonial land use, pressures from tourism and globalisation, as well as climate change. No less affected are its heritage resources, which include natural and cultural elements crucial to economic survival and local identity. This research explores the relationship between land, law and heritage in order to better understand the regulatory failures that undermine heritage protection in the English-speaking Caribbean.

Using a spatial justice lens to examine the legal framework of eight islands in the Lesser Antilles, the analysis posits that domestic heritage laws are ineffective, because they ignore the relevance of local places or landscapes to the formation of heritage. Relying instead on ideas of land as abstract property rights, heritage is presented as a mere visual embellishment that can deteriorate into an unsightly and costly burden for the landowner or State, rather than the outcome of dynamic and locally unique interactions between people and place...

Leverbaar vanaf 27 maart 2025
met 5% korting 61,75

Archäologie der Republik Freies Wendland

Zu einer kritischen Archäologie der Zeitgeschichte

2025 || Paperback || Attila Dézsi || Sidestone Press Dissertations

In Zeiten zunehmender Krisen und Konflikte möchte diese Studie Orte der Demokratiegeschichte und Momente der Hoffnung auf eine alternative Zukunft aufzeigen. Die Republik Freies Wendland, ein im Mai 1980 von Landwirt*innen und Anwohner*innen in Niedersachsen bei Gorleben gegründetes Protestdorf, wird archäologisch untersucht, um seine Bedeutung über den bloßen Widerstand gegen ein Atommüllendlager hinaus zu verstehen. Das Dorf diente als Ort präfigurativer Politik und als Demonstration...

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden

Portable antiquities, palimpsests, and persistent places

2016 || Paperback || Adam Daubney || Sidestone Press Dissertations

Every year thousands of archaeological objects and artefact scatters are discovered by the public, most of them by metal-detector users, but also by people whilst out walking, gardening, or going about their daily work. Once recorded, these finds hold enormous potential in helping us understand the past. In England and Wales these finds are reported to the Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS), and since 2003 over one million finds have been recorded.This book explores the significance of PAS dat...

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden

Megalithic monuments and social structures

comparative studies on recent and Funnel Beaker societies

|| Paperback || Maria Wunderlich || Sidestone Press Dissertations

Megalith building constitutes not only a past, but also a recent phenomenon, which is still practised today. The documentation and interpretation of recent megalith building traditions is offering potential aid in the interpretation of prehistoric monuments. Fieldwork in Sumba and Nagaland set up a frame to answer questions such as: Who is buried in the megalithic tombs and what kind of commemoration is connected to megalithic monuments? How are socioeconomic characteristics of the associated...

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden

Tripolye Typo-chronology

Mega and Smaller Sites in the Sinyukha River Basin

2021 || Paperback || Liudmyla Shatilo || Sidestone Press Dissertations

The Tripolye phenomenon, which displays a specific artefact complex and an extraordinary settlement layout, is also known for its so-called ‘mega sites’. Five of the largest ‘mega’ or giant settlements measure between 150-320 ha in size. These, and other big settlements, are concentrated in the Sinyukha River Basin, which is a central part of modern Ukraine. In this region, more than 100 different Tripolye sites are known.

The chronology of this region is the key to understanding not ...