Resultaten (39)
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Tracing traces from present to past / druk 1
a functional analysis of pre-Columbian shell and stone artefacts from Anse à la Gourde and Morel, Guadeloupe, FWI
2007 || Paperback || Yvonne M.J Lammers-Keijsers || Leiden University Press
Verhelderend archeologisch onderzoek naar werktuigen van schelp uit de pre-Colombiaanse tijd, maakt het mogelijk keuze voor bepaalde materialen en werktuigen uit het verleden te begrijpen<br/><br/>'Tracing Traces from present to past' is een onderzoek naar werktuigen gemaakt van schelp. Gebruiksvoorwerpen gevonden bij de pre-Columbiaanse opgravingen op Guadeloupe, zijn bestudeerd en omschreven op basis van archeologische, etnografische en experimentele date. Aanvullend w...
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A crusader, Ottoman, and early modern aegean archaeology / druk 1
built environment and domestic material culture in the medieval and post-medieval cyclades, greece (13th-20th centuries AD)
2013 || Paperback || Athanasios K. Vionis || Leiden University Press
This ASLU volume examines the built environment and aspects of domestic material culture of the Late Byzantine/Frankish, Ottoman and Early Modern Cyclades in the Aegean (13th - 20th centuries).
On the basis of primary archaeological data gathered by the Cyclades Research Project, this monograph's aims are the reconstruction of everyday domestic life in towns and villages, the identification of socio-cultural identities that shaped or were reflected on pre-Modern material remains, and the hist...
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Ñuu Savi: Pasado, Presente, Futuro
Descolonización, Continuidad Cultural y Re-apropiación de los Códices Mixtecos en el Pueblo de la Lluvia
2020 || Paperback || Omar Aguilar Sánchez || Leiden University Press
Este trabajo es un estudio decolonial de los manuscritos pictóricos del Ñuu Savi (Pueblo de la Lluvia), México, y busca el entendimiento de sus valores culturales a través del estudio holístico y diacrónico de su herencia viva y patrimonio histórico-cultural, teniendo como base la reintegración de la memoria cultural con fundamento en la continuidad cultural, vinculando el pasado y el presente a través de la lengua de la lluvia (Sahan Savi) y desde la perspectiva del propio Ñuu Savi...
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Archaeological studies Leiden University (ASLU) Tiempo y Comunidad
herencias e interacciones socio-culturales en mesoamérica y occidente
2015 || Paperback || Maarten Jansen e.a. || Leiden University Press
Herencias e Interacciones Socioculturales en Mesoamérica y Occidente
The existence of communities and peoples develops over time, in a diachronic line of heritage and cultural memory as well as in a synchronous coexistence with the cosmos, marked by cyclically returning rituals. Under the pressure of "clock time" ("time is money") these organic "other times" of identity are eroding rapidly. In these respects, modernity has come to be characterized by a deep, dramatic and often violent conflic...
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Archaeological studies Leiden University (ASLU) A Place of Placelessness
hekeng people's Heritage
|| Renyu Wang || Leiden University Press
Tulou are traditional fortified multifamily dwellings prevalent in southern Fujian. In this 34st volume of the ASLU series Renyu Wang discusses three aspects of Chinese tulou heritage management. He first examines the tulou interpretation prevailing in southern Fujian. Based on building studies, oral history, genealogies and interviews, Wang tries to reconstruct a relatively complete landscape biography to describe the essential episodes of built environment evolution in the Hekeng River Vall...
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The Historiography of Landscape Research on Crete / druk 1
2008 || Paperback || Marina Gkiasta || Leiden University Press
Analyse van geschiedschrijving van archeologisch landschapsonderzoek op Kreta
In 'The Historiography of Landscape Research' on Crete evalueert Marina Gkiasta de geschiedschrijving van een eeuw archeologisch landschapsonderzoek op het Griekse eiland Kreta. Sinds het begin van deze discipline (1900) wordt een aantal relevante projecten uitgelicht en grondig geanalyseerd. Gkiasta benoemd vijf tradities ofwel manieren van aanpak binnen onderzoek naar oude landschappen. Ze toont aan dat deze tr...
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The Archaeology of the First Farmer-Herders in Egypt / druk 1
new insights into the Fayum Epipalaeolithic and Neolithic
2010 || Paperback || N. Shirai || Leiden University Press
The Archaeology of the First Farmer-Herders in Egypt explores how and why farming and herding started in the Fayum, which is a large oasis with a permanent lake in the Egyptian Western Desert. Noriyuki Shirai's research on lithic artefacts used by the Epipalaeolithic hunter-fishers and Neolithic famer-herders in the Fayum gives a clue as to the mobility and residential strategy of the Fayum people and their time and labour investments in tool production. The Neolitic famer-herders ( 6th C.B.C...
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Archaeological studies Leiden University (ASLU) Wild West Frisia
The role of domestic and wild resource exploitation in bronze age subsistence
|| Yvonne van Amerongen || Leiden University Press
This volume focuses on reconstructing the daily lives of Bronze Age farmers as well as the landscape for their subsistence practices. Doing so, Wild West Frisia analyses the separate components comprising Bronze Age subsistence (i.e. crop and animal husbandry, hunting and gathering) rather innovatively: instead of summarizing the known data for each subsistence strategy and drawing conclusions solely based on these observations, this study first determines what may have been present yet perha...
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Tiempo, Paisaje y Líneas de Vida en la arqueología de Ñuu Savi
2018 || Paperback || Liana Ivette Jiménez Osorio e.a. || Leiden University Press
El trabajo que aquí se presenta es una propuesta que replantea el vínculo cultural entre presente y pasado en la práctica arqueológica de la Mixteca Alta, Oaxaca, México. Como parte de una arqueología alternativa se plantea la Gran Línea de Vida, que es una línea que habla del tiempo a partir de la vida misma y que: expresa cambios y continuidades, es continua, es decir, no está fragmentada ni termina en 1521, está en movimiento y fluye en dos direcciones. Asimismo, está ocurriend...
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Liquid Footprints
Water, Urbanism, and Sustainability in Roman Ostia
2020 || Paperback || Mark A. Locicero || Leiden University Press
This publication examines the archaeological evidence from three city blocks in Ostia, focusing on elements of the water systems identified by past excavations and within unpublished archival material. Inspired by the diversity of research approaches currently used to assess the sustainability of water in contemporary cities, this study presents the Roman Water Footprint, which diachronically assesses changes to all parts of a hydraulic system (supply, usage, drainage). At the same time, the ...