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Flintknapping from the Lateglacial to the Early Holocene

The Belgian Scheldt valley sites of Ruien and Kerkhove

2022 || Paperback || Hans Vandendriessche || Sidestone Press Dissertations

This book discusses the lithic technology of the neighboring sites of Ruien and Kerkhove (Belgium). The Final-Palaeolithic occupation of Ruien took place during the harsh climatic conditions of the Younger Dryas. The Early and Middle Mesolithic hunter-gatherers from Kerkhove on the other hand lived in the temperate and forested environments of the subsequent Early Holocene period. The aim of this work is more precisely to gain a better understanding of how the practice of flintknapping evolve...

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Keramik jenseits von 'Kulturen'

Mobilität, Verflechtungen und Transformationen im nördlichen Alpenvorland (3950–3800 v.Chr.)

2022 || Hardcover || Caroline Heitz || Sidestone Press Dissertations

Mobilität ist für Formen des sozialen Zusammenlebens grundlegend. Doch welche Rolle spielte räumliche Mobilität in der Vergangenheit? Aus prähistorischen Zeitabschnitten wie etwa dem Neolithikum ist dazu noch immer wenig bekannt. Das gilt auch für die Siedlungsräume des nördlichen Alpenvorlandes. Deren Feuchtbodensiedlungen mit den hervorragend erhaltenen Resten in Seen und Mooren gehören seit 2011 zum UNESCO Welterbe und bieten eine einzigartige Forschungsgrundlage. Die dendrochron...

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Unter Hügeln (BAND 2)

Bronzezeitliche Transformationsprozesse in Schleswig-Holstein am Beispiel des Fundplatzes von Mang de Bargen (Bornhöved, Kr. Segeberg)

2023 || Hardcover || Stefanie Schaefer-Di Maida || Sidestone Press Dissertations

Mit der Bronzezeit verbreitete sich das begehrte neue Metall über ganz Europa. Es veränderte Arbeitssektoren, Netzwerke, Weltanschauungen und Gesellschaften und brachte unterschiedliche Transformationen in diversen Lebensbereichen mit sich. Mit diesem Buch werden alle Transformationsprozesse der Bronzezeit für den Raum Schleswig-Holstein in den Blick genommen.

In diesem Forschungsrahmen entwickelte sich die Fundstelle Mang de Bargen bei Bornhöved (Kreis Segeberg), einst Ziel von Kieswerke...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Before Temples

Rectangular structures of the Low Countries and their place in the Iron Age belief system

2023 || Paperback || Roosje de Leeuwe || Sidestone Press Dissertations

Before the introduction of Roman temples in the Low Countries, there used to be ‘open air cult places’ in the Iron Age. That is at least the assumption based on descriptions given by classical writers and several structures typified as sanctuaries that were excavated in France.

Several of these French sanctuaries portray long usage, modifications, disarticulated human remains, and depositions of animal bones and Iron Age weaponry. However, the regularly encountered rectangular structures...

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Sowing the seed? / druk 1


2010 || Paperback || W. Out || Leiden University Press

In 2006 Leiden University has initiated a series Leiden Dissertations at Leiden University Press. This series affords an opportunity to those who have recently obtained their doctorate to publish the results of their doctoral research so as to ensure a wide distribution among colleagues and the interested public. The dissertations will become available both in printed and in digital versions. Books from this LUP series can be ordered through www.lup.nl.

The large majority of Leiden dissertati...

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Memory contested, locality transformed / druk 1

representing Japanese colonial 'Heritage' in Taiwan

2012 || Paperback || Min-Chin Chiang || Leiden University Press

Sinds de jaren '90 is er in Taiwan sprake van een groeiend bewustzijn over het koloniale verleden. Dit uit zich in een flinke toename van het aantal musea en beschermd cultureel erfgoed. Samen met het oorspronkeljike Taiwanese erfgoed vormen ze een nieuwe politieke, culturele en economische richting. Met andere woorden, de voormalig koloniale locaties werden een bestanddeel van de nieuwe identiteit en cultuur van het postkoloniale Taiwan van de jaren 1990-2000.

Aan de hand van vijf locaties u...

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Time, History and Ritual in a K’iche’ Community

contemporary Maya Calendar Knowledge and Practices in the Highlands of Guatemala

2018 || Paperback || Paul van den Akker || Leiden University Press

This work analyzes ritual practices and knowledge related to the Mesoamerican calendar with the aim of contributing to the understanding of the use and conceptualization of this calendar system in the contemporary K'iche' community of Momostenango, in the Highlands of Guatemala. The research presented here discusses the indigenous calendar system, forms of synergy between the Christian and the Highland Guatemalan calendar, the indigenous perception of history and continuity in time-related sy...

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Creating Capitals

The Rationale, Construction, and Function of the Imperial Capitals of Assyria

2020 || Paperback || Aris Politopoulos || Leiden University Press

The creation of new capital cities are watershed moments in the lives of ancient empires. Assyria, arguably the most successful imperial state of the ancient Near East, repeatedly engaged in capital creation. Capital creation denotes the development of a monumental capital, either in a new location or through the profound transformation of a pre-existing settlement. This volume focusses on the rationale, construction, and function of the imperial capitals of Assyria: Kār-Tukultī-Ninurta, Ka...

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Habitus? The Social Dimension of Technology and Transformation

2019 || Hardcover || Slawomir Kadrow e.a. || Sidestone Press Academics

The problem of the social dimension of technology and transformation seen in the perspective of the habitus has been repeatedly undertaken in various works. However, the complexity of these phenomena causes subsequent attempts to be presented and explained again in new contexts, bringing interesting observations.

The edited volume aims to contribute to our better understanding of a system of embodied dispositions hidden under the term 'habitus'. This will be achieved by presenting the latest ...

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How’s life?

living conditions in Europe during the 2nd and 1st millennia BCE

2019 || Hardcover || Nicole Taylor e.a. || Sidestone Press Academics

The Bronze Age and Early Iron Age saw many developments in metalworking, social structure, food production, nutrition, and diet. At the same time, networks in Europe intensified and human impact on the environment changed in character. What influence did these transformations have on daily life? Which proxies can researchers use to study these topics?

This volume presents scientific contributions from different fields of expertise within modern archaeology in order to investigate past living ...