Resultaten (11)
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The Downfall of Hitlers Armoured Elite
Between Budapest and Vienna 1945
2022 || Paperback || Perry Pierik || Aspekt B.V., Uitgeverij
In March 1945, the German desperate offensive on the Danube began. While the Sixth SS Armored Army came out of positions to establish bridgeheads across the river, the STAVKA, Russia’s supreme command, was already making plans for the attack on Vienna. For ten days the German army plodded eastward until it was left exhausted. The big breakthrough did not materialize. On March 16, the Vienna operation began. The attacker became the defender, and between Budapest and Vienna the German army fo...
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Dunkirk 1940
Wonder-Tragedy Consequences
2024 || Paperback || Perry Pierik || Aspekt B.V., Uitgeverij
After the collapse of the front in France, a Stalingrad-like defeat was looming over the British expeditionary army in France. The soldiers were trapped like rats. German tanks rolled towards the town of Dunkirk after their successful ‘Blitzkrieg’, where tens of thousands of soldiers were huddled together. Then, out of nowhere, came Hitler’s halting order and the tank divisions stood still. From England, meanwhile, hundreds of ships were on their way to help perform a miracle. Before th...
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The Red Army Stumbles
Russian campaign 1941
|| Paperback || Perry Pierik || Aspekt B.V., Uitgeverij
The start of operation ‘Barbarossa’ was the beginning of one of the most dramatic campaigns in World History. Two titans clashed. The summer of 1941 was catastrophic to the Red Army. However, they were able to keep their position. This blood drenched marvel is what this book is about, which shows that heroism and terror go hand in hand when it comes to stopping German attackers at the gates of Moscow.
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Thule and the Third Reich
The genesis of National Socialism
2023 || Paperback || Perry Pierik || Aspekt B.V., Uitgeverij
Long before Hitler entered the stage, ariosop-ic thought already thrived in Germany en Europe. This boek provides a peak into one of the oldest sources on this theme: the early work of Rudolf von Sebottendorff, a mystical man who prophesied the downfall of the fatherland as a consequence of the stab-in-the-back myth. The grounds for anti-semitism, which became more fertile after the German defeat of November 1918, was formed by, a.o, Sebottendorff, as frontman of the Thule Society; a myterio...
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2003 || Paperback || Perry Pierik || Aspekt B.V., Uitgeverij
Tannenberg; looking back, this town and battle symbolise an atypicalepisode in the First World War: the war of movement. In reality thewar quickly turned into a trench war, such as we knew it in the West.With the battle at Tannenberg and the ones that followed, which all hada quite positive outcome for Germany, Ludendorff had left his mark. is untimately brought the duo Von Hindenburg - Ludendorff to theabsolute military top of Germany. As from 1917 they, together with theemperor, dictated th...
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The Unknown Reich
Less Known Facts of the Eastern Front
2014 || Paperback || Perry Pierik || Aspekt B.V., Uitgeverij
The Kommandostab Reichsfuhrer-SS, the Hohere SS and the Polizeifuhrer in occupied Russia, the infamous Einsatzgruppen in cooperation with Sicherungsdivisionen and rückwärtiges Heeresgebietskommando and its commanders, all of them are discussed in this book. Different services were in command in occupied Russia. With and against each other. Additionally this book discusses the colossal losses at the Eastern front and the German arms, with, for instance, the Czech arms industry's share. Final...
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Hungary 1944-1945 / druk 1
the forgotten tragedy : the last German offensives of the Second World War, the loss of the last Jewish community in Europe
1997 || Paperback || Perry Pierik || Aspekt B.V., Uitgeverij
Hongarije vormt het onbekende sluitstuk van de lange destructieve politiek van nazi-Duitsland. Vanwege de olievelden ten zuiden van het Balantonmeer bracht Hitler zijn beste troepen in Hongarije op het slagveld. Sepp Dietrich, de commandant van het 6e SS Pantserleger, wilde Hitler voor zijn verjaardag de olievelden van het Roemeense Ploesti aanbieden. Het liep allemaal anders. Aan de oevers van de Donau vond een vreselijke krachtsmeting plaats. Na een titanenstrijd van tien dagen startte op 1...
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Horthy and the battle for the Hungarian nation state
The source of anti-European sentiment in Hungary
2021 || Paperback || Perry Pierik || Aspekt B.V., Uitgeverij
Hungary rose as a nation state after the First World War, from the ashes of the Dual Monarchy. State regent and admiral without a fleet, Miklós Horthy, played a crucial role herein. The path to independence was far from simple for the Hungarians. Shortly after the First World War the communists staged a coup and the Entente Powers, and in particular the Pan-Europeans amongst them, tried thereafter to reinstate the Habsburg Empire.
This put Horthy, as former wing adjutant of the Austro-Hunga...
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From Leningrad to Berlin / druk 1
Dutch volunteers in the Service of the German Waffen-SS 1941-1945 : the political and military history of the legion, brigade and division known as 'Nederland'
2001 || Paperback || Perry Pierik || Aspekt B.V., Uitgeverij
When in June 1941 Nazi Germany invaded the SovietUnion, the SS appealed to young men in occupied areasto support the crusade against Bolshevism. At least 20.000Dutchmen came forward to put their names down forthis cause. The vast majority of them served in what wasfirst called the legion, later the brigade and later still the'Nederland' division. In From Leningrad to Berlin the historyof the largest Dutch Waffen-SS unit on the easternfront is described for the first time.The main sources draw...
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The Geopolitics of the Third Reich
the spiritual roots of the conquest to the east
2023 || Paperback || Perry Pierik || Aspekt B.V., Uitgeverij
Besides the persecution and annihilation of the Jewish community, the quest for Lebensraum was a pillar of the Nazi’s ideology. The march east, operation ‘Barbarossa’ (1941), was essentially the final part of the geopolitics of the Third Reich. Historian Pierik takes readers into the world of ideas behind these politics, where cold blooded, rational elements go hand in hand with myths and radical beliefs.
An example of solid and, more importantly, understandable historiography
-Jan Je...