Resultaten (20)
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Process improvement with Lean Six Sigma for Operational Excellence
The complete handbook for Lean Six Sigma implementation
2022 || Paperback || Jeroen de Mast e.a. || Van Haren Publishing
Lean Six Sigma is the global standard for organizing the design, data-based improvement and control of business processes. Well-designed and controlled processes are key in achieving and sustaining operational excellence. They ensure the quality of service and care, the reliability and safety of work that is done, and a timely processing with short waiting times. High quality processes will at the same time improve the operation’s flexibility. Thereby allowing one to adjust to changes in de...
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Agile Scrum Foundation Courseware – Nederlands
Gebaseerd op de 3e editie van het Agile Scrum Handboek
2021 || Paperback || Nader K. Rad || Van Haren Publishing
Als aanvulling op de Agile Scrum Foundation Courseware (ISBN: 978 94 018 0796 8) publicatie, wordt u geadviseerd om de publicatie Agile Scrum Handboek (ISBN: 978 94 018 0759 3) aan te schaffen. De Courseware is geaccrediteerd en kan worden gebruikt voor de Agile Scrum Foundation-certificering van EXIN. Om het didactische leren van de deelnemers te ondersteunen zijn er ook voorbeeldexamens toegevoegd aan het materiaal, compleet met opdrachten en sterke visuals. Deze cursus is samengesteld door...
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The Turning Point: A Novel about Agile Architects Building a Digital Foundation
2021 || Paperback || Stephanie Ramsay e.a. || Van Haren Publishing
Little did Kathleen, Chief Architect at ArchiSurance, know, as she walked into a meeting with the CIO, just how much her job was going to change. Her intention had been to get approval for some new ideas she’d had to strengthen their Enterprise Architecture, after having slowly lost a grip on it during the merger.
During the meeting, however, it becomes apparent that the transformation of the organization to become more digital has caused chaos, and not only for her team. It is clear, despi...
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Agile Scrum Handbook / Druk 3
2021 || Paperback || Nader K. Rad || Van Haren Publishing
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Hoe creëer je waarde in het digitale tijdperk
2021 || Paperback || Ken van Ierlant e.a. || Van Haren Publishing
Dit boek gaat over data, en hoe ermee om te gaan. Vanuit een historische beschrijving van waar wij nu staan aan het einde van de Covid-19 pandemie en alle (technologische) veranderingen die daar het gevolg van zijn geweest, nemen de auteurs de lezer mee naar een toekomst die er al is. Daarbij hebben organisaties de keuze uit twee scenario’s: of een blauw proces volgen van het doorvoeren van drastische kostenreducties waarbij de digitalisering als een efficiencytool wordt ingezet, of kiezen ...
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Successful Digital Transformation
A survival guide for managers and executives
2021 || Paperback || Marc Beijen || Van Haren Publishing || met inkijkexemplaar
This book is, as indicated by the subtitle, intended in the first place for executives and managers. But actually its is essential reading for all who are faced with digital transformation. It offers a valuable reflection on knowledge developed and experience accumulated in daily practice, focusing on the approach to contemporary digital business challenges.
Written in understandable language and with a powerful, logical structure, it has become a very accessible book that remains fascinating...
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Projectmanagement IPMA C Examenvoorbereiding
Behorend bij Projectmanagement op basis van ICB versie 4 - IPMA B, IPMA C, IPMA D, IPMA PMO – 4de herziene druk
2021 || Paperback || Bert Hedeman e.a. || Van Haren Publishing
Dit voorbereidingsboek IPMA C is een ‘must have’ voor eenieder die zich voorbereidt op het Nederlandse IPMA C theorie-examen projectmanagement van IPMA Certificering Nederland op basis van de ICB versie 4.
Dit voorbereidingsboek volgt dezelfde structuur als het basisboek Projectmanagement op basis van ICB versie 4 en bevat een uitgebreide samenvatting van de verplichte leerstof en een groot aantal open vragen met antwoordmodel om de leerstof te oefenen. De leerstof en de oefenvragen sluit...
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Software Architecture Foundations
CPSA Foundation® Study Guide
2021 || Paperback || Gernot Starke e.a. || Van Haren Publishing || met inkijkexemplaar
This book covers everything you need to master the iSAQB© Certified Professional for Software Architecture - Foundation Level (CPSA-F) certification.
This internationally renowned education and certification schema defines various learning path for practical software architects. This book concentrates on the foundation level examination.
It explains and clarifies all 40+ learning goals of the CPSA-F© curriculum. In addition, you find step-by-step preparation guide for the examination.
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BIAN Banking Architecture Foundation Courseware
2th edition
2021 || Paperback || B.I.A.N. a.o. || Van Haren Publishing
This is the official courseware for the accredited BIAN Foundation training. It is intended for professionals that aim to pass the BIAN Banking Architecture Foundation certification, via the online exam. The BIAN Banking Architecture Foundation exam leads to the official BIAN Foundation certification by the Banking Industry Architecture Network. It is carried out by Van Haren Learning Solutions. The BIAN Foundation Certification exam tests the training participant’s knowledge of the BIAN Re...
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PRINCE2 Agile® Foundation Courseware – English
2022 || Paperback || Douwe Brolsma e.a. || Van Haren Publishing || met inkijkexemplaar
Besides the PRINCE2 Agile® Foundation Courseware – English publication you are advised to obtain the official publication from TSO.
PRINCE2 Agile® Foundation is applicable to anyone who delivers projects, large or small, in an agile context.
This certification is for professionals who work within a project that includes key staff and integrating project management with product delivery. This requires an understanding of the agile concepts detailed in PRINCE2 Agile. And will also be benef...