Resultaten (22)
vandaag verzonden
Goden van Egypte
Op zoek naar de wetten van de kosmos
2024 || Paperback || Maarten Raven || Sidestone Press
vandaag verzonden
The Archaeology of the ‘Margins’
Studies on Ancient West Asia in Honour of Peter M.M.G. Akkermans
2024 || Paperback || Bleda Düring e.a. || Sidestone Press
This book is a tribute to the remarkable achievements of Peter M.M.G. Akkermans in the archaeology of West Asia. A focus on previously overlooked periods and regions has been the hallmark of his work. Instead of investigating the traditional key transitions and core regions that have been central to the archaeology of West Asia, Peter always aimed to shed light on the ‘in-between’ periods and regions, often dismissed as being ‘marginal’ (in his words ‘marginal to whom or what?’). ...
morgen verzonden
Cyprus and Ugarit
Connecting Material and Mercantile Worlds
2024 || Paperback || Bernard Knapp || Sidestone Press
This study considers the detailed archaeological and documentary records of Cyprus and Ugarit (Syria) to gain new insights into the long-term relations between two of the best known, well-connected polities in the Late Bronze Age eastern Mediterranean.
I engage with concepts such as maritime space and spheres of interaction, merchants and mercantilism, actors and agents. Some background on both Ugarit and Cyprus is presented, followed by examination of the common material features of both (e....
vandaag verzonden
Vuur van verandering
2024 || Paperback || Luc Amkreutz e.a. || Sidestone Press
De bronstijd (2000-800 v.Chr.) is een sleutelperiode in de prehistorie van Nederland en Europa. De opkomst van een nieuw metaal – brons – leidt tot ingrijpende ontwikkelingen in de samenleving die tot de dag van vandaag doorklinken.
Een grootschalige migratie van oost naar west, aan het eind van de steentijd, markeert het begin van een periode van revolutionaire ontwikkeling op maatschappelijk, technologisch en cultureel vlak. Brons, een legering van koper en tin, vormt daarvan de motor. ...
Social Groups and Production in Mycenaean Economies
Papers from the Langford Conference, Florida State University, Tallahassee, 24-25 February 2023
2025 || Paperback || Daniel Pullen || Sidestone Press
The main goal of this volume is to look at social groups involved in economic activity other than members of the palace-based institutions and “elites” in Late Bronze Age Mycenaean Greek societies. The palaces and elites are the usual subject of studies of ancient economies, often from a top-down approach, but here we consider a fuller range of the members of a society, their organization, their institutions, and their contributions to the economies of those societies from bottom-up appro...
Harnessing Horses from Prehistory to History
Approaches and Case Studies
2025 || Paperback || Katherine Kanne e.a. || Sidestone Press
The human past is unimaginable without the horse. From our ancestors hunting and painting horses in the Upper Palaeolithic, to the earliest riders, the rise of equestrian empires, and the critical role of horses in war, settler colonialism, and modern state formation, human history is undeniably equestrian. Because of the deep and varied entanglements between people and horses, the study of horses of the past is inherently, and increasingly, interdisciplinary. However, scholars often do not u...
The lost mummy of Djedhor
Reconstructing the burial of a Ptolemaic priest from Thebes
2025 || Paperback || Maarten Raven || Sidestone Press
In the rich archives of the Leiden Museum of Antiquities lies a fascinating manuscript dealing with the autopsy on an Ancient Egyptian mummy. This was performed in 1878 by the Museum’s curator Willem Pleyte. Thanks to Pleyte’s detailed procès-verbal, the mummy (which did not survive the dissection) can be reconstructed at least on paper. The name of the deceased has been inscribed on the mummy’s cartonnage, on some of the linen bandages, and on the Book of the Dead papyrus retrieved by...
vandaag verzonden
St. Eustatius
An Illustrated History
2025 || Paperback || Ruud Stelten || Sidestone Press
St. Eustatius, a small island in the Lesser Antilles, has played an important role in Atlantic World history. Since its first permanent European settlement in 1636, the island changed hands 22 times between the Dutch, French, and English. As a result of the Dutch free trade policy, St. Eustatius became one of the Caribbean’s main transshipment centers in the eighteenth century. During the American War of Independence (1775-1783), large amounts of arms, ammunition, and gunpowder were shipped...
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Koninginnen van de Nijl
Macht en schoonheid in het Nieuwe Rijk (1539-1077 v. Chr.)
2024 || Paperback || Olaf Kaper || Sidestone Press
Lang voordat Cleopatra over het land van de Nijl regeerde, waren er al machtige koninginnen in Egypte. Zij stonden aan de zijde van de farao bij al zijn activiteiten en blijken een soms verrassend onafhankelijke positie in te nemen. Dit boek beschrijft de vele facetten van het leven van de Egyptische koningin. Hoe was haar relatie met haar echtgenoot de farao, haar familie, de hofhouding en de harem? Welke politieke, religieuze en familiezaken hielden haar bezig? Wat kwam er kijken bij haar b...
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Chariots on fire, reins of power
Early La Tène elite burials from the Lower Rhine-Meuse region and their Northwest European context
2024 || Paperback || Nico Roymans e.a. || Sidestone Press
'Chariots on Fire, Reins of Power' presents the first comprehensive overview of 5th century BC elite graves from the Lower Rhine-Meuse region. Characterised by imported grave goods such as bronze vessels, horse tack, weapons and occasionally two-wheeled vehicles, these strikingly rich cremation burials are the northernmost representatives of an elite culture that had its roots in the Late Hallstatt and Early La Tène culture of more southern regions in France and the German Rhineland.
This b...