
Paperback (28)
2022 (16)
2023 (10)
2024 (2)

Resultaten (29)

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Asking Questions About Asking Questions on the Anthropocene

An interschool symposium

2023 || Paperback || Karim Schelkens Arnold Smeets || Open Press Tilburg University


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A Social Practice Account of Responsible Persons

2025 || Paperback || Cheshire Calhoun || Open Press Tilburg University || met inkijkexemplaar

“The Descartes Lectures” is a biennial event at Tilburg University that invites a distinguished philosopher to deliver a series of three lectures, each followed by commentaries from other experts in the field. In 2022, Tilburg University had the honor of hosting Cheshire Calhoun for a series of talks on the important philosophical question of what it means to be a responsible person. The commentators for the lectures were Gunnar Björnsson, Jules Holroyd, and Heidi Maibom. This book is a ...

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Publieke inkoop

Een multidisciplinair overzicht van theorieën, praktijken en instrumenten

2023 || Paperback || Jolien Grandia || Open Press Tilburg University

Dit toegankelijke studieboek geeft een multidisciplinair overzicht van theorieën, praktijken en instrumenten in de publieke inkoop. Het beschrijft het wat en waarom van publieke inkoop en geeft professionals en studenten in het hoger onderwijs inzicht in hoe op een moderne manier ingekocht kan worden in de publieke sector. Centraal staat hoe publieke organisaties via de inkoop van werken, leveringen of diensten op een verantwoorde manier publieke waarde kunnen creëren en behouden.


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Het kritisch literatuur lexicon van de 21e eeuw

2022 || Paperback || Sander Bax || Open Press Tilburg University

Studenten Nederlands die druk aan een paper werkten, scholieren in het middelbaar onderwijs die hun mondeling over de literatuurlijst voorbereidden, journalisten die in allerijl een portret over een schrijver moesten maken, docenten, uitgevers – allemaal hebben ze in het verleden hun toevlucht gezocht bij het Kritisch Literatuur Lexicon, de serie bruine banden met de rugtitel in helder geel die je in vrijwel iedere bibliotheek in Nederland kon vinden.

In die banden bevond zich een losbladig...

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Kritisch en Wetenschappelijk Denken

Een Korte Introductie

2022 || Paperback || Michael Vlerick || Open Press Tilburg University

Kritisch denken is een van de grootste lacunes in ons onderwijs. Zin van onzin leren scheiden is van enorm belang in het informatietijdperk waarin we leven. Dit boek helpt je op systematische wijze inzicht te krijgen in en komaf te maken met de belangrijkste denkfouten die elke mens spontaan maakt. Het helpt je ook drogredenen en onbetrouwbare informatie te ontmaskeren.

Naast inzicht in wat kritisch en wetenschappelijk denken inhoudt, kom je ook meer te weten over wat wetenschap betrouwbaar m...

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The Good of the University

Critical Contributions from the Tilburg Young Academy

2022 || Paperback || Anton Ten Klooster || Open Press Tilburg University || met inkijkexemplaar

Every university is a community of ambitious people. People who love challenges and see new opportunities. A university is part of a society: it tries to understand it to contribute to its wellbeing. How can we do that in today’s world? When can we say that a university is ‘good’? And how can we explain to society what the university is good for? These are the questions that the contributors to this volume tackle in their critical reflections.

The reflection on the university does not t...

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Educational Utopias

Liber Amicorum for Prof. Dr. Alkeline van Lenning

2023 || Paperback || Gerwin Van der Laan || Open Press Tilburg University || met inkijkexemplaar

This Liber Amicorum was composed in honor of our dear colleague and former Dean of University College Tilburg, Prof. Dr. Alkeline van Lenning, who took emeritus status in March 2023 after an academic career of over forty years at Tilburg University. Alkeline van Lenning was professor of multi-disciplinary education and has expertise in the field of character education, interdisciplinary teaching in higher education, feminist theory, and gender. Close colleagues and friends were invited to sha...

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Atlas of European Values

Change and Continuity in Turbulent Times

2022 || Paperback || Loek Halman e.a. || Open Press Tilburg University

Do Europeans really feel European? Do they look at the future Times with confidence or concern? Do they trust each other, and do they show solidarity? How do they think about migration and the refugee influx? Do they want a greener Europe, and at what cost? Are democracy and human rights ingrained in Europe or are they eroding?

A new edition of the Atlas of European Values answers these and other questions related to pressing issues such as identity, welfare, migration, sustainability, solida...

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Second Thoughts

First Introductions to Philosophy

2022 || Paperback || Mareen Sie Bart Engelen || Open Press Tilburg University

An open educational and open-ended resource for whomever is interested in philosophical thinking. In this scholarly handbook you find two kinds of chapters. First, there are chapters that provide a broad introduction into a specific philosophical subdiscipline, such as political philosophy, epistemology or metaphysics. As this collection covers most of the sub-disciplines currently taught at Western philosophy departments, you can legitimately claim that you have been introduced to Western ...

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Technology And Regulation 2020

Volume 2

2022 || Paperback || Ronald Leenes || Open Press Tilburg University

Technology and Regulation (TechReg) is an international journal of law, technology and society, with an interdisciplinary identity. TechReg provides an online platform for disseminating original research on the legal and regulatory challenges posed by existing and emerging technologies (and their applications) including, but by no means limited to, the Internet and digital technology, artificial intelligence and machine learning, robotics, neurotechnology, nanotechnology, biotechnology, energ...