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De Sculptura

2021 || Paperback || Philip van Isacker || Mer || met inkijkexemplaar

De sculptura is de bundeling van een reeks beschouwingen over een aantal concrete sculpturen die kunnen leiden tot een

inzicht in de beeldhouwkunst. Het gaat over kunstwerken die hier en nu inwerken op onze geest en onze verbeelding zoals

ontelbare andere beelden en afbeeldingen dat doen. Dat de beeldhouw- kunst, meer dan elke andere kunstvorm, erin slaagt

om ons te blijven boeien over de grenzen van tijd en ruimte heen, heeft te maken met het gegeven van de traagheid van

het medium waard...

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met 5% korting 18,99

Bert Willems. Kunstenaars denken

De Academische Context

2024 || Paperback || Bert Willems || Mer

Kunstenaars en academici; hoe ver staan ze werkelijk van elkaar? In zijn essaybundel Kunstenaars denken verkent prof. dr. Bert Willems de positie van kunstenaars in de academische wereld vanuit een radicaal positieve instelling. Hij stelt voor om kunstenaars als integraal onderdeel van de academische gemeenschap te beschouwen en benadrukt dat het unieke denken van kunstenaars van waarde kan zijn voor alle betrokkenen. Het ‘kunstenaarsdenken’ biedt een verfrissend perspectief in vergelijki...

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Raffaella Crispino. OPEN FIELD

2022 || Paperback || Mer

The publication Open Field explores and amplifies the work of Raffaella Crispino between research and practice in the eponymous exhibition held at the Royal Museum of Fine Arts in Tournai, within the framework of the Europalia Arts Festival. In the publication, photographs of the works produced and installed in the museum are presented together with working documents, sketches, notes, historical photos, exchanges with scientists, references and architectural documents. The publication takes t...

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Zlatko Kopljar. Luc Tuymans. MERCY (Politics)

2022 || Paperback || Zlatko Kopljar e.a. || Mer

Mercy (Politics) derives from Zlatko Kopljar and Luc Tuymans’ two-person exhibition titled Mercy (December 22-February 23, Galerija Vartai, Vilnius, Lithuania). The book revolves around the politics in the artists’ work, as well as their political views. It consists of an extensive interview with each of the artists and a curatorial statement by Ory Dessau, the editor of the book and the curator of the exhibition mentioned above.

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Elsje Dezwarte. COIL

2023 || Paperback || Elsje Dezwarte || Mer

Elsje Dezwartes book Coil is a visual and cerebral reflection of everything and nothing, of how humans experience and live through time. It is about human experience across generations; caught in an infinite time loop. The cadence and rhythm of the images slowly carry the viewer along, as time passes. The reader becomes part of the scene and decides for themselves the direction and sequence of events. Are they looking at the present, the past or the future? The landscapes develop their own ch...

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Tim Onderbeke. CANDLES

2022 || Paperback || Tim Onderbeke || Mer

Candles is a photographic essay by Tim Onderbeke. Fascinated by the sacred, ritual, and cerebral act of lighting a candle, the artist began collecting images of candles and candlesticks in an artistic or art-historical context. In Candles, Onderbeke uses his own work and that of others to research what he calls “the colour of darkness,” or negative space – a concept he borrowed from the Japanese writer and essayist Jun’ichirō Tanizaki. Tanizaki describes this intense experience he ha...

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Narcisse Tordoir. Time Without Future

2022 || Paperback || Melanie Deboutte e.a. || Mer

An insatiable hunger for pictorial and formal experimentation fuels the practice and particularly diverse body of work of this artist. Various styles and media are blended in a flamboyant ode to painting – an eruption of composition, color, materials, and sculptural interventions. Belgian artist Narcisse Tordoir (born 1954) challenges the viewer to sharpen their gaze and question the status of the image. For him, that image, and by extension visual art, is a place of wonder and mystery, a g...

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Tom Van Puyvelde. Variantes

2023 || Paperback || Domenico De Chirico || Mer

"We could compare Van Puyvelde’s approach to painting to an instinctive, all-encompassing vision, a careful and patient observation of a small plot of land where every is silent, but where everything is happening at once, where the wind varies, the lights move, and where that which often remains in its place suddenly seems to be no longer there." These are the words used by art critic Domenico de Chirico to describe the work of Belgian artist Tom Van Puyvelde.

Tom Van Puyvelde (b.1985) live...

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Leon Vranken. Yes and Maybe or Also No

2023 || Paperback || Samuel Saelemakers || Mer

In 'Yes and Maybe or Also No’, explore the creative world of Belgian artist Leon Vranken (b.1975). Blending artworks with experimental imagery spanning from 2019 to 2023.

Vranken's process, marked by trial and error, reveals the fluid nature of artistic creation. The book offers an insight into his studio life, where art is constantly evolving, and the finished state remains a question. Engage with Vranken's journey through a visual narrative that challenges conventional perceptions of art...

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De Sculptura

2021 || Paperback || Philip van Isacker || Mer || met inkijkexemplaar

De sculptura is a collection of ideas about sculpture that could inspire a range of insights into the discipline. They

concern artworks that play on our minds and our imaginations in contemporary times, just like the countless other

kinds of images with which we are surrounded. The fact that sculpture, more than any other artform, succeeds in captivating us beyond the boundaries of time and space is due to the slowness of a medium that eradicates all elaborations on content, so that the scu...