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Resultaten (39)
morgen verzonden
Power and Authority, A Trial of Two Swords
A History of the Union of the Holy Roman Empire and the Kingdom of Sicily (1186-1250)
2023 || Hardcover || Willem J. Zwalve || Eleven international publishing
On 27 January 1186 the German king Henry VI, son and heir of the Roman Emperor Frederick I ‘Barbarossa’, married Constance of Hauteville, heir to the throne of Sicily, in the Basilica of St Ambrose in Milan. The royal wedding sealed the union of the Kingdom of Sicily and the Holy Roman Empire, creating an enormous empire stretching from the shores of the North Sea to the beaches of Africa. The union also incited a major geopolitical conflict dominating European politics in the thirteenth ...
morgen verzonden
State-Building, Lawmaking, and Criminal Justice in Afghanistan
A case study of the prison system’s legal mandate and the rehabilitation programmes offered in Pul-e-charkhi
2023 || Paperback || N. Amin || Eleven international publishing
Afghanistan is often viewed as a failing state. The international intervention, following 9/11, could fit with the country’s domestic modernisation efforts, King Ammanullah’s in the 1920s and Zahir Shah’s in the 1960s. Yet, such developments had been stalled time and again, first due to conservative resistance, then the 1979 Soviet occupation, and the subsequent rise of Mujahidin and Taliban. The post-2001 overhaul remained an outsider’s enterprise and lacked proper connection to Afgh...
morgen verzonden
The Recognition and Enforcement of Punitive Damages Judgments Across the Globe
Insights from Various Continents
2023 || Paperback || Cedric Vanleenhove e.a. || Eleven international publishing
Thus far, private international law issues relating to punitive damages have mainly been dealt with from the perspective of several European countries. Systematic research into countries outside Europe was lacking up until now. There is, however, a continuous discussion in various legal systems worldwide on the recognition and enforcement of foreign punitive damages judgments and, in particular, regarding their compatibility with the public policy of the country of enforcement.
In October 202...
Guilt, Shame and Juvenile Delinquency
A symbolic interactionist analysis
2023 || Hardcover || Arne De Boeck || Eleven international publishing
Emotions such as guilt and shame motivate us to keep our actions in line with normative expectations and are therefore essential in regulating our social and moral lives. Guilt, Shame and Juvenile Delinquency provides a compelling argument for the importance of considering guilt and shame as part of the etiological underpinnings of juvenile delinquency. It presents a comprehensive review of the criminological literature on the relationship between shame, guilt and offending, and it integrates...
morgen verzonden
Counter-Terrorism Law and Jihadist Returnees
The Belgian Legal Framework Applicable to Returnees from Jihadist ‘War Zones’
2023 || Paperback || Ward Yperman e.a. || Eleven international publishing
Belgium has one of the highest numbers of Jihadist fighters per capita in Europe. A large group of often young men and women left Belgium for the IS Caliphate in Syria and Iraq. This book focuses on the law governing this situation, with its aim being twofold. First, it provides a comprehensive and detailed overview of the legal framework. Second, it provides suggestions on how to improve the framework, both with a view to effectiveness and with respect for fundamental rights and principles.
morgen verzonden
Constitutions Compared / 7th edition
An Introduction to Comparative Constitutional Law
2023 || Paperback || Aalt Willem Heringa || Eleven international publishing
The seventh edition of this widely utilized handbook provides a user-friendly and original and innovative introduction to comparative constitutional law, with specific reference to liberal democracies and states under the rule of law. For each area of constitutional law of such systems, a general introduction and a comparative overview is provided, followed by more detailed country chapters on that specific area. Though the book focusses extensively on selected countries, references to other ...
EU youth justice
The personal scope of EU criminal law and the diversity of youth justice systems
2023 || Hardcover || Jantien Leenknecht || Eleven international publishing
Minors can be involved in judicial proceedings of a different Member State when they have – allegedly – committed an offence within the EU. Whereas the EU has developed instruments to facilitate cooperation between Member States in criminal matters, no specific instruments exist to deal with cross-border youth justice cases. This book assesses to what extent it is possible and feasible to develop EU cooperation in youth justice matters.
In EU youth justice: The personal scope of EU crimin...
morgen verzonden
Towards a European Reassessment of Punitive Law Enforcement?
2023 || Paperback || John A.E. Vervaele || Eleven international publishing
The European Union is today a major player in many policy areas, going from classic economic fields as competition policy, agriculture and fisheries policy to new emergent fields as environmental policy, arterial intelligence policy, security and foreign policy and criminal justice policy. These policies comes with an increasing level of EU regulation, having also a substantive impact on the harmonization of national policies and regulations. This expansion of EU competence naturally also pl...
Legality and Other Requirements for Sentencing / Légalité et autres exigences en matière de condamnation
2023 || Hardcover || Piet Hein van Kempen e.a. || Eleven international publishing
All over the world, governments impose punishments on their citizens for transgressions of the criminal law. Consensus exists that this sanctioning should be in accordance with the principle of legality and the rule of law. However, governments around the world struggle with providing foreseeability and non-arbitrariness in their sentencing systems. This continuous struggle raises the question how - and to what extent - foreseeability and non-arbitrariness must be guaranteed. Not only in rela...
Teaching for Impact
Critical thinking, Creative thinking and ACT Responsibility as defining features of contemporary Bildung in Academic Law Schools
2023 || Hardcover || Hedwig van Rossum || Eleven international publishing
Today’s global society – with its fast technological developments, unlimited choice, uncertainty and complexity – requires new knowledge, dispositions and abilities from academically educated legal professionals. This challenges academic legal education to reconsider its theoretical foundations, aims, curriculum and pedagogy.
This research explores how educators in legal education can contribute to the academic development of law students in contemporary times. A reinterpretation of the...