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Resultaten (66)
Accounting Information Systems
2018 || Paperback || Richard Dull e.a. || Cengage Learning
Today's accounting professionals are challenged to identify enterprise risks and provide quality assurance for a company's information systems. ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 11th International Edition, focuses on three critical accounting information systems in use today: enterprise systems; e-Business systems; and controls for maintaining those systems. Students will easily grasp even the most challenging topics as they explore today's most intriguing AIS topics relative to business proces...
Sociology / 9th edition
A Global Perspective
2014 || Paperback || Joan Ferrante || Cengage Learning
Offers an introduction to sociology text that applies and relates key sociological concepts and theories to the forces of globalization-forces shaping virtually every aspect of daily life. This book discusses forces such as social robotics, social relationships in the digital age , mass surveillance and the industrial food system.
Research Methods / 2nd edition
The Essential Knowledge Base
2015 || Paperback || William Trochim || Cengage Learning
From an expert team in the research methods field, RESEARCH METHODS: THE ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE BASE, 2nd Edition, is written specifically for users who are new to research methods. The book streamlines and clarifies explanations of fundamental, yet difficult, concepts in a familiar, engaging style. Readers learn about the relationship between theory and practice, which helps them become better researchers and better consumers of research.
Psychology / 10th edition
Foundations and Frontiers
2015 || Paperback || Douglas Bernstein || Cengage Learning
Psychology: Foundations And Frontiers introduces readers to the fascinating world of psychology by presenting important findings from established and current research, emphasizing the many ways psychological theory and research results are being applied to benefit human welfare, and providing helpful visuals and learning tools. An integrated pedagogical study system helps readers master the material step by step. Try This activities illustrate psychological principles or phenomena by providin...
Introduction to Econometrics / 1st edition
EMEA Edition
2022 || Paperback || Jeffrey Wooldridge || Cengage Learning
This title has been adapted for use in Europe, the Middle East and Africa and has been tailored to meet the demands of today's lecturers and students. Jeffrey M. Wooldridge's Introduction to Econometrics shows how econometrics is a useful tool for answering questions in business, policy evaluation and forecasting environments.
Packed with timely, relevant applications, the text incorporates close to 100 intriguing data sets, available in six formats, with appendices and questions available on...
Strategy / 7th edition
An International Perspective
2020 || Paperback || Bob De Wit || Cengage Learning
The philosophy at the heart of Bob de Wit's landmark text Strategy is that an understanding of the topic can only be gained by exposure to the many opposite perspectives in the field. Recognizing that there is no simple answer to the question of 'what is strategy', the author navigates readers through contrasting viewpoint readings to encourage discussion and debate, and illustrative cases to acknowledge the importance of strategy in the world of business. Placing the student at the centre of...
International Marketing Strategy / 9th edition
Analysis, Development and Implementation
2022 || Paperback || Isobel Doole e.a. || Cengage Learning
Major global events such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the UN Sustainable Development Goals have changed the business landscape with significant consequences for trade. Understanding such environmental issues, politics, economics and more, is critical in international marketing strategy. Fully updated and revised, the ninth edition of this popular text reflects the changing focus of international marketing and ensures students are fully up-to-date with the challenges posed by new patterns of d...
Statistics: A Tool for Social Research and Data Analysis
2020 || Paperback || Joseph Healey e.a. || Cengage Learning
Extremely student friendly, Healey's STATISTICS: A TOOL FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH AND DATA ANALYSIS, 11e, equips you with a solid understanding of statistical fundamentals and their practical application to current social issues -- no advanced math knowledge required. The text breaks down even the most complex material to help you master key concepts and develop the skills you need as a professional in a social science field -- or simply to become a "statistically literate" consumer of social resea...
An Introduction to Statistical Methods and Data Analysis
2021 || Paperback || M. Longnecker e.a. || Cengage Learning
Ott and Longnecker's AN INTRODUCTION TO STATISTICAL METHODS AND DATA ANALYSIS, Seventh Edition, provides a broad overview of statistical methods for advanced undergraduate and graduate students from a variety of disciplines who have little or no prior course work in statistics. The authors teach students to solve problems encountered in research projects, to make decisions based on data in general settings both within and beyond the university setting, and to become critical readers of statis...
Developmental Psychology / 9th edition
Childhood and Adolescence
2020 || Paperback || David Shaffer e.a. || Cengage Learning
This popular, topically organized, and thoroughly updated child and adolescent development text presents you with the best theories, research, and practical advice that developmentalists have to offer today. Authors David R. Shaffer and Katherine Kipp provide you with a current and comprehensive overview of child and adolescent development, written in clear, concise language that talks "to" you rather than "at" you.
The authors also focus on application showing how theories and research apply...