
Paperback (436)
Hardcover (35)

Resultaten (471)

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English Bulldogs

Grayscale Coloring Book

2023 || Paperback || Nori Art Coloring || Brave New Books

Enter the delightful world of "English Bulldogs," a grayscale coloring book that celebrates the charm and character of these beloved canine companions. Featuring 52 single-sided illustrations, this book is a heartwarming journey through the adorable and humorous antics of English Bulldogs.

Each illustration captures the endearing personality and distinctive features of these lovable dogs, inviting colorists to bring out their unique charm through the art of coloring. Whether you're an experie...

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Nature Goddesses Vol 3

Grayscale Coloring Book

2023 || Paperback || Nori Art Coloring || Brave New Books

Experience the enchantment of the natural world with "Nature Goddesses Vol 3," a captivating grayscale coloring book that brings to life the divine beauty of nature goddesses. This exquisite collection features 40 single-sided illustrations, each a breathtaking portrayal of goddesses representing the communion with animals.

Immerse yourself in the intricate details and graceful forms of these nature goddesses, each embodying the essence of the natural world. The grayscale format enhances the ...

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Christmas Creatures

Grayscale Coloring Book

2023 || Paperback || Nori Art Coloring || Brave New Books

"Christmas Creatures Grayscale Coloring Page" is a delightful and imaginative coloring book that brings a unique twist to the festive season. This book is filled with 46 single-sided grayscale illustrations, each showcasing adorable and humorous alien creatures in a Christmas setting. These extraterrestrial beings, ranging from the playful to the whimsical, are artfully depicted in various Christmas scenes, providing a fun and engaging coloring experience. Whether tangled in holiday lights, o...

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Eerste Hulp Bij BorstKanker

Waarom krijgt de één borstkanker en de ander niet?

2023 || Paperback || Thierry Maréchal || Brave New Books

Een boeiende en volledige kijk over borstkanker met informatie over wat je ZELF kan doen.

Thierry Maréchal begon na zijn studies, als voedingscoach en sportcoach voor zowel recreatieve sporters als voor topsporters. Zelf werd hij ook meermaals wereldkampioen en wereldrecordhouder.

De resultaten die behaald werden waren zo opmerkelijk, dat hij gefascineerd werd om zieke mensen te helpen. Hij verdiepte zich in de materie rond kanker in zowel het preventief als curatief aspect. Hiervoor volgde ...

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Van hightech naar survival

2023 || Paperback || Piet Aarts || Brave New Books

Hightech gaat alle aspecten van hoe we werken, leven en spelen beïnvloeden. We gaan uitgebreid in op de enorme mogelijkheden van kunstmatige intelligentie, cyborgs, robotica en blockchain. We kijken ook naar lowtech alternatieven. Lowtech staat symbool voor eenvoud, gebruikersgemak en duurzaamheid.

We onderschatten de risico’s van sommige hightech toepassingen. Het is niet de vraag of het mis gaat, maar wanneer en hoe ernstig. We kunnen daarom maar beter goed voorbereid zijn.

Wat doen we a...

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Maze Game Puzzle

2023 || Paperback || Maze Games || Brave New Books

Get lost in the thrill of maze puzzle games with this exciting collection. Challenge your wits as you navigate intricate mazes, each designed to test your problem-solving skills. Whether you're a seasoned maze enthusiast or a beginner, this book offers hours of brain-teasing fun. Get ready to embark on a labyrinthine adventure like no other!

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Postmodern Inquisition in the Netherlands

2023 || Paperback || Frank Libertas || Brave New Books

In Jenevercity, Mayor Pearl-chain is in dire straits, accused of cronyism, abuse of power and creating a culture of fear. The democratically elected heavyweights of the city council fly in the integrity agency You Call and We Deliver to deal with her "independently and thoroughly". The heads of this bureau, Long Jake, Ant and Colt, will piggyback her. Ex-journalist Tick is working overtime in his anonymous and vicious internet forum, constantly spewing thousands of smears, slanders and Indian...

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Your guide to a dream wedding

2023 || Paperback || Love e.a. || Brave New Books

This comprehensive wedding planner book, specifically designed for soon-to-be brides and grooms, is key to creating an unforgettable wedding day. This guide is filled with inspirational and practical tools, helping you effortlessly navigate every aspect of your wedding planning. The book covers designing an enchanting ceremony that reflects your personal story and love.

In addition to these creative elements, the book also focuses on the practical side of planning, including budget management...

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Punk Back Vol. 2

2023 || Paperback || Fredrik Hamer || Brave New Books

Punk Back Magazine is a visual journey through art and culture. The Dutch writer and artist Fredrik Hamer gives his vision of the world through 23 subjects in words and images. Volume 2 focuses on Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands. Also in the magazine: Music, Fashion, Literature, Dance, Architecture, Art, Photography, Movies, History, Gadgets, Sports, Illustrations, Humor, Eroticism, and more.

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Unpleasant nonsense

swear word coloring book

2023 || Paperback || Dhr HugoElena || Brave New Books

Kleur je weg naar kalmte met deze pagina's met rustgevende illustraties voor volwassenen. Kleur het in en laat je partner lachen door deze nog nooit eerder vertoond scheldwoorden en beledigingen.

Even ontsnappen aan de hectiek van het dagelijks leven. Laat je frustratie de vrije loop door onze therapeutische wereld van vloekwoorden en geometrische patronen. Deze unieke vloekwoorden zullen een lach zijn op kantoor of thuis. Kleur het in en hang het op de koelkast of geef het aan je vrienden of...