
Harvard Business Revie... (81)
Bertrand Russell (36)
DK (27)
» Toon alle opties (485)
Jasmin Hajro (13)
C.G. Jung (12)
Daniel Goleman (11)
Summersdale Publishers (11)
Ryan Holiday (10)
William Shakespeare (10)
Orange Hippo! (9)
gestalten (9)
Dan Jones (8)
Nori Art Coloring (8)
Philip Jodidio (8)
Philip Matyszak (8)
IPMA (7)
Karl Popper (7)
Noam Chomsky (7)
Simone Weil (7)
The School of Life (7)
Bloomsbury Publishing ... (6)
Mary Midgley (6)
Timothy Snyder (6)
Alain de Botton (5)
Charles Duhigg (5)
Dominic Bradbury (5)
George Orwell (5)
James Holland (5)
Jean-Paul Sartre (5)
Kenneth Frampton (5)
Martin Gayford (5)
Pearson (5)
Peter Ackroyd (5)
Serhii Plokhy (5)
Sharon Jones (5)
Stephen Greenblatt (5)
Sun Tzu (5)
Alistair Moffat (4)
Andrew McAfee (4)
Atul Gawande (4)
Bill Bryson (4)
Bloomsbury Publishing (4)
Brene Brown (4)
Carola Hein (4)
Chris van Uffelen (4)
Colin Barrow (4)
Dale Carnegie (4)
David Day (4)
Dogan Ibrahim (4)
FUEL (4)
Giles Sparrow (4)
Heidi Grant (4)
Herminia Ibarra (4)
John Lewis-Stempel (4)
Julian Baggini (4)
Marleen Verkerk (4)
Max Hastings (4)
Phaidon Editors (4)
Potter Gift (4)
Robert Greene (4)
Ronald Hutton (4)
Sigmund Freud (4)
Steven Pinker (4)
Tom Holland (4)
Alan Powers (3)
Albert Einstein (3)
Aldous Huxley (3)
Amy C. Edmondson (3)
Amy Dempsey (3)
Amy Gallo (3)
Amy Jeffs (3)
Amy Jen Su (3)
Angela Duckworth (3)
Anne Applebaum (3)
Annie McKee (3)
Anonymous (3)
Antonio Nieto-Rodrigue... (3)
Ashlee Vance (3)
Bettany Hughes (3)
Cal Newport (3)
Carlien Donkor (3)
Charles C. Mann (3)
Charles Darwin (3)
Chris Hirst (3)
D. W. Winnicott (3)
Dan Kainen (3)
Daniel Ziblatt (3)
David Bohm (3)
David Hockney (3)
Deborah Tannen (3)
Erich Fromm (3)
Francis Fukuyama (3)
Frank Libertas (3)
Frans de Waal (3)
Gestalten (3)
Greta Thunberg (3)
Heidi K. Gardner (3)
Henry Kissinger (3)
James Rickards (3)
Jared Diamond (3)
Jen Sincero (3)
Jeremy Black (3)
John Coleman (3)
Jonathan Fenby (3)
Karl Marx (3)
Kim Scott (3)
Konrad Lorenz (3)
Leonard Mlodinow (3)
Leonard Susskind (3)
Malcolm Gladwell (3)
Mary Beard (3)
Mary Douglas (3)
Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks (3)
Michael Lewis (3)
Michael Pollan (3)
Michel Dekker (3)
Michel Foucault (3)
Miranda Aldhouse-Green (3)
Napoleon Hill (3)
Nelson Mandela (3)
New Scientist (3)
Niall Ferguson (3)
Nick Rennison (3)
Patrick Mauriès (3)
Paul Woldhek (3)
Peter Furtado (3)
Peter Heather (3)
Peter Wohlleben (3)
Rachel Carson (3)
Ralph Skea (3)
Rebecca (Y) Solnit (3)
Robin Sharma (3)
Sam Lubell (3)
Shawn Achor (3)
Sibylle Kramer (3)
Sonja Wekema (3)
Stephen (University of... (3)
Stephen Moss (3)
Steven Levitsky (3)
Tim Marshall (3)
Turtle Bunbury (3)
Will Storr (3)
. Zuffi (2)
Aaron C.T. Smith (2)
Aarthi Vadde (2)
Adam Allsuch Boardman (2)
Adam Grant (2)
Adam Hochschild (2)
Adam Tooze (2)
Alan Hodkinson (2)
Alida Lorsé (2)
Allie Biswas (2)
Andras Baneth (2)
Andrea Hahn-Weishaupt (2)
Andrej Radman (2)
Andrew Robinson (2)
Andrew Tuck (2)
Andrew Wilson (2)
Andris J. Kursietis (2)
Anna Rosling Ronnlund (2)
Anne Morriss (2)
Anne Sefrioui (2)
Antonia Macaro (2)
Antony Beevor (2)
Antony Gormley (2)
Aristotle Aristotle (2)
Arthur Miller (2)
Astrid Madimba (2)
Attie Dotinga (2)
Barbara Helwing (2)
Bart Nooteboom (2)
Benjamin Moser (2)
Bernard Knapp (2)
Bert Hedeman (2)
Bert Lamers (2)
Bilal Abu-Salih (2)
Bill George (2)
Bronislaw Malinowski (2)
Caragh Medlicott (2)
Carl Gustav Jung (2)
Carlo Rovelli (2)
Carol Kaufmann (2)
Carolyne Larrington (2)
Charles Freeman (2)
Chinny Ukata (2)
Chris Griffiths (2)
Chris Guillebeau (2)
Chris Scarre (2)
Christina Harrison (2)
Christopher Clark (2)
Christopher Hill (2)
Chronicle Books (2)
Claudia Glatz (2)
Claudia Hammond (2)
Colin McEvedy (2)
Crowston Clare (2)
Dan Ariely (2)
Dan Heath (2)
Daniel Calderbank (2)
Daniel Gilbert (2)
Daniel H. Pink (2)
Daren Starnes (2)
Darius Foroux (2)
Darren Woods (2)
David Allen (2)
David Anderson (2)
David Andreu (2)
David Attenborough (2)
David Coles (2)
David Graeber (2)
David Grann (2)
David Musgrove (2)
David Runciman (2)
David Sedaris (2)
David Silverman (2)
David Van Reybrouck (2)
David Veevers (2)
David van Reybrouck (2)
Debbi Marco (2)
Deborah Hutton (2)
Debra N. Mancoff (2)
Desmond Morris (2)
Diana Darke (2)
Diane Purkiss (2)
Dirk Reynders (2)
Diversen (2)
Dr Jessica Barker (2)
Dr Philip Matyszak (2)
Dr. Dan Ariely (2)
Dusan Djukich (2)
Dylan Jones (2)
Edith Hall (2)
Edmund de Waal (2)
Elizabeth Yost Hammer (2)
Emile Durkheim (2)
Epictetus (2)
Eric H. Cline (2)
Eric Schmidt (2)
Eriko Sato (2)
Eugenia Cheng (2)
Eva Lievens (2)
F.A. Hayek (2)
Fanis Mavridis (2)
Frances Stanfield (2)
Frances X. Frei (2)
Francesca Chelazzi (2)
Frank Dikotter (2)
Frank McDonough (2)
Franny Moyle (2)
Fred Reichheld (2)
Frits Scholten (2)
Fumitake Koga (2)
Gabor Mate (2)
Garry J. Shaw (2)
Gary Vaynerchuk (2)
Gayatri Chakravorty Sp... (2)
Geert Mak (2)
Geoff White (2)
Georgia Stone (2)
Gilbert & George (2)
Greg Goldin (2)
Guy Deutscher (2)
Hannah Rogers (2)
Hans Rosling (2)
Hans Vedder (2)
Haruki Murakami (2)
Henry Carroll (2)
Herbert Marcuse (2)
Huw Lewis-Jones (2)
Ian Hurd (2)
Ian Johnson (2)
Ian Lynam (2)
Ian Mortimer (2)
Ichiro Kishimi (2)
Isaac Newton (2)
Italo Calvino (2)
Jahan Ramazani (2)
James Ashton (2)
James Baldwin (2)
James Clear (2)
James Herriot (2)
James Simpson (2)
Jan Jans (2)
Jane McMorland Hunter (2)
Jantinus Mulder (2)
Jean Manco (2)
Jeff John Roberts (2)
Jerome Knight (2)
Jerry Morris (2)
Jessica Harrison-Hall (2)
Jill Lepore (2)
Jo Owen (2)
Joan C. Williams (2)
Joanna Ebenstein (2)
Joanne Berry (2)
Joe Pickard (2)
John Bowlby (2)
John Gray (2)
John Gribbin (2)
John Rapley (2)
Jonathan Clements (2)
Jonathan Culler (2)
Judith Flanders (2)
Julia Hobsbawm (2)
Julia Lovell (2)
Julian Bell (2)
Julian Sullivan (2)
Julie Crawford (2)
Julie Orlemanski (2)
Julie Zhuo (2)
Junichiro Tanizaki (2)
Katharine Briggs (2)
Katharine Eisaman Maus (2)
Katherine Pangonis (2)
Kathryn Jones (2)
Kengo Kuma (2)
Kenneth Powell (2)
Keri Smith (2)
Kevin Birmingham (2)
Kevin Duncan (2)
Kevin Lygo (2)
Kim Krans (2)
Kinfolk (2)
L. Said (2)
Laia Farran Graves (2)
Lancar Ida-Bagus (2)
Lawrence M. Krauss (2)
Lewis Dartnell (2)
Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones (2)
Louise Hudson (2)
Lucy Kung (2)
Ludovic Slimak (2)
Luis-Martin Lozano (2)
Lynda Gratton (2)
M. D. Usher (2)
M.K. Shahid (2)
Maarten Raven (2)
Mara Weinelt (2)
Marc Ferro (2)
Marco Iansiti (2)
Marcus Aurelius (2)
Marcus Buckingham (2)
Marcus Chown (2)
Maria Ressa (2)
Marie Kondo (2)
Marina Abramovic (2)
Marion Milner (2)
Mark Galeotti (2)
Mark H. McCormack (2)
Marlo Scrimizzi (2)
Marnie Fogg (2)
Martin Puchner (2)
Masha Gessen (2)
Mathilda Masters (2)
Matt Golder (2)
Matt Parker (2)
Matteo D'Agostino (2)
Matteo D’Agostino (2)
Matthew Kerry (2)
Matthew Wilson (2)
Maurice Merleau-Ponty (2)
Max Adams (2)
Max Tegmark (2)
Max Weber (2)
McKay John (2)
Michael Armstrong (2)
Michael Bracewell (2)
Michael Brooks (2)
Michael J. Benton (2)
Michael Ondaatje (2)
Michael Peppiatt (2)
Michael Webb (2)
Michiel Benda (2)
Michio Kaku (2)
Mike Dash (2)
Mohsin Shawkat (2)
Moiken Hinrichs (2)
Morgan Housel (2)
Murray Anderson-Wallac... (2)
Nancy Duarte (2)
Neil Holt (2)
Nick Downham (2)
Nick Lloyd (2)
Nick Morgan (2)
Ola Rosling (2)
Olly Richards (2)
Orlando Figes (2)
Parag Khanna (2)
Pascal Bonafoux (2)
Patrick J. Devlieger (2)
Paul Lay (2)
Paul Murdin (2)
Paul Williamson (2)
Perry Joe (2)
Peter Atrill (2)
Peter Dalmaris (2)
Peter H. Wilson (2)
Peter Pomerantsev (2)
Peter Stanford (2)
Philip Kotler (2)
Philip Norman (2)
Philip Oltermann (2)
Philipp Blom (2)
Philippe Sands (2)
Professor Brian Cox (2)
Raoul Diederen (2)
Rasha Barrage (2)
Rebecca Solnit (2)
Renee A. Mauborgne (2)
Rexx Language Associat... (2)
Rhiannon Turner (2)
Richard Dawkins (2)
Richard Rogers (2)
Rob Percival (2)
Robert B. Cialdini (2)
Robert Lacey (2)
Robert M Sapolsky (2)
Robert Macfarlane (2)
Robert Peckham (2)
Robert Peston (2)
Robert Skidelsky (2)
Robin Hanbury-Tenison (2)
Roel Riepma (2)
Roger Deakin (2)
Russell C. Hibbeler (2)
Salah Mohammed Sameen (2)
Salam Kaoukji (2)
Sandra Söderlind (2)
Sarita Hardin-Ramanan (2)
Scarlett Curtis (2)
Scott A. MacDougall-Sh... (2)
Scott Galloway (2)
Seneca (2)
Sepideh Maziar (2)
Shane Parrish (2)
Siddhartha Mukherjee (2)
Simon Hudson (2)
Simon Schama (2)
Simon Sinek (2)
Sinclair McKay (2)
Slovenia) Slavoj (Univ... (2)
Sona N. Golder (2)
Stavros Kousoulas (2)
Stephen Fry (2)
Stephen Hanselman (2)
Stephen J. Dubner (2)
Stephen M. R. Covey (2)
Steven D. Levitt (2)
Stewart R Clegg (2)
Stratos Nanoglou (2)
Susan Sontag (2)
Susan Woodford (2)
Susanne Jahns (2)
Susie Hodge (2)
Svetlana le Fleming (2)
Sylvia Lymbery (2)
Terry Pratchett (2)
Theodor Adorno (2)
Theodora Issa (2)
Thomas Cleary (2)
Thomas H. Davenport (2)
Tiffany Stern (2)
Timothy Hyman (2)
Tobias G. Natter (2)
Tom Jackson (2)
Tom Standage (2)
Tomas Chamorro-Premuzi... (2)
Tomayess Issa (2)
Tony Kirkham (2)
Tony Robbins (2)
Tony Schwartz (2)
Travis Elborough (2)
Tsedal Neeley (2)
Tyler Brûlé (2)
UK) Christopher (Unive... (2)
UK) Mary (Newcastle Up... (2)
USA) Berkeley Judith (... (2)
USA) CUNY John (Hostos... (2)
USA) Tej K (Syracuse U... (2)
Viktor E. Frankl (2)
Vincent van Gogh (2)
Virginia Woolf (2)
Walter Isaacson (2)
Wiebke Kirleis (2)
William Roberts Clark (2)
Workman Publishing (2)
Yayoi Kusama (2)
bell hooks (2)
Paperback (2817)
Hardcover (975)
Miscellaneous print (7)
» Toon alle opties (2)
Geschiedenis algemeen (570)
Economie en bedrijf al... (559)
Kunst algemeen (295)
» Toon alle opties (137)
Literaire non-fictie a... (270)
Bouwkunst, architectuu... (155)
Psychologie algemeen (153)
Literaire fictie algem... (140)
Filosofie algemeen (117)
Bedrijfskunde algemeen (97)
Talen algemeen (64)
Educatieve uitgaven al... (58)
Algemene sociale weten... (55)
Onderwijs en opvoeding (50)
Mens en maatschappij a... (44)
Management algemeen (43)
Non-boeken algemeen (39)
Kunstgeschiedenis (37)
Mode (35)
Lifestyle algemeen (34)
Politicologie (31)
Exacte wetenschappen n... (29)
Vormgeving en design (29)
Archeologie (27)
Woninginrichting (26)
Geneeskunde algemeen (25)
Natuur populair algeme... (23)
Sociaal ruimtelijke we... (22)
Hobby's algemeen (21)
Taal en cultuur algeme... (21)
Cadeauboeken algemeen (20)
Informatica algemeen (19)
Non-fictie informatief... (19)
Literaire roman, novel... (17)
Non-boeken met een hoo... (16)
Recht algemeen (15)
Flora algemeen (14)
Beeldende kunsttechnie... (11)
Technische wetenschapp... (11)
Fotoboeken (10)
Fotografie, film, vide... (10)
Internationaal (publie... (10)
Privaatrecht en mediat... (10)
Leidinggeven, coachen (9)
Wiskunde algemeen (9)
Auto's (8)
Bouwkunde (8)
Elektrotechniek (8)
Film en televisie (8)
Gezondheid algemeen (8)
Kunsttheorie (8)
Oorlog en vrede (8)
Politieke geschiedenis... (8)
Reisgidsen algemeen (8)
Taalkunde (8)
Beeldende kunst (7)
Informatica & manageme... (7)
Marketing (7)
Monografieën (kunst) (7)
Muziek algemeen (7)
Naslagwerken algemeen (7)
Personeel en organisat... (7)
Sociale geografie alge... (7)
Sociologie algemeen (7)
Strafrecht en procesre... (7)
Toneel, - theater- en ... (7)
Esoterie algemeen (6)
Informatiekunde (6)
Moderne geschiedenis (... (6)
Programmeertalen (6)
Algemene economie (5)
Biografieën over filo... (5)
Biografieën podiumkun... (5)
Biologie algemeen (5)
Fauna algemeen (5)
Fictie 15+ (5)
Geschiedenis van de fi... (5)
Maritiem (5)
Natuurkunde algemeen (5)
Politieke en culturele... (5)
Theater, film- en tele... (5)
Theologie algemeen (5)
Bestuurs- en beleidsku... (4)
Cultuur- en mentalitei... (4)
Dierwetenschappen (4)
Eten en drinken algeme... (4)
Kinderboeken diversen (4)
Kunstmatige intelligen... (4)
Ondernemingsrecht (4)
Softwarepakketten (boe... (4)
Spannende boeken algem... (4)
Toegepaste kunst (4)
Verhalenbundels (4)
Algemene natuurwetensc... (3)
Ansichtkaarten (3)
Basis kookboeken (3)
Bijbels (3)
Creatief denken (3)
Cultuurfilosofie (3)
Cultuurwetenschappen a... (3)
Detective (3)
Evolutie (3)
Geografische atlassen (3)
Historische biografieÃ... (3)
Internationale financi... (3)
Kinderboeken algemeen (3)
Literaire thriller (3)
Oudheid (tot 500) (3)
Reizen algemeen (3)
Tekenen, schilderen, k... (3)
Toneel en theaterdans (3)
Tuinieren (3)
Vaderlandse geschieden... (3)
Verzamelen (3)
Woninginrichting|Lifes... (3)
Accountancy en adminis... (2)
Albums en dagboeken (2)
Antiek (2)
Biografieën literaire... (2)
Bloemlezingen (2)
Culturele antropologie (2)
Emancipatie (2)
Energie (2)
Europese overzeese exp... (2)
Geestelijke gezondheid... (2)
Koningshuizen (2)
Kunstbeleid- en manage... (2)
Kunstzinnige vorming a... (2)
Literatuurwetenschap (2)
Middeleeuwen (500-1500... (2)
Muziek populair (2)
Niet-westerse geschied... (2)
Non-fictie Vrije tijd ... (2)
Onderwijskunde (2)
Oosterse religies waar... (2)
Realistische strips vo... (2)
Sterrenkunde (2)
Tentoonstellingscatalo... (2)
Theoretische natuurkun... (2)
Vogels (2)
Waargebeurde verhalen (2)
Van Ditmar Boeken B.V. (780)
Taylor & Francis Group... (430)
SAGE (161)
» Toon alle opties (216)
Thames & Hudson Ltd (125)
Bloomsbury Publishing (101)
Harvard Business Revie... (78)
Profile Books Ltd (71)
Vintage Publishing (60)
Pan Macmillan (56)
Kogan Page Ltd (53)
Ebury Publishing (48)
Pearson (43)
Brave New Books (41)
John Murray Press (36)
Octopus Publishing Gro... (34)
Headline Publishing Gr... (32)
Penguin Books Ltd (31)
Leuven University Pres... (30)
E-Kitap Projesi & Chea... (29)
Hirmer Verlag (27)
Orion Publishing Co (26)
Taylor & Francis (26)
Prestel (25)
Veltman Distributie Im... (24)
Atlantic Books (23)
Van Haren Publishing (23)
Hodder & Stoughton (21)
Princeton University P... (21)
TU Delft (21)
Mijnbestseller.nl (20)
Granta Books (19)
Taschen GmbH (19)
BIS Publishers BV (18)
Simon & Schuster Ltd (18)
Penguin (17)
Transworld Publishers ... (17)
Canongate Books (16)
Eleven international p... (16)
Faber & Faber (16)
Reaktion Books (16)
Amsterdam University P... (15)
Cornerstone (15)
Hatje Cantz (15)
Lannoo (15)
Penguin Publishing Gro... (15)
WW Norton & Co (15)
Chronicle Books (14)
John Wiley and Sons Lt... (14)
Leiden University Pres... (14)
Owl Press (14)
Random House USA Inc (14)
Bonnier Books Ltd (13)
Little, Brown Book Gro... (13)
Bookmundo (12)
British Museum Press (12)
Quercus Publishing (12)
Macmillan (11)
Quarto Publishing Grou... (11)
SAGE Publications, Inc (11)
Thames and Hudson (Aus... (11)
Braun Publishing AG (10)
HarperCollins Publishe... (10)
Oneworld Publications (10)
Phaidon Press B.V. (10)
Sidestone Press Academ... (10)
nai010 uitgevers/publi... (10)
David Zwirner (9)
Laurence King Publishi... (9)
Lund Humphries Publish... (9)
Michael O'Mara Books L... (9)
Set Margins' publicati... (9)
Yale University Press (9)
Abrams (8)
Bookmundo.pt (8)
Boom juridisch (8)
Editions Flammarion (8)
Elektor International ... (8)
Hannibal Books (8)
Maklu, Uitgever (8)
Quarto Publishing PLC (8)
Simon & Schuster (8)
The Monacelli Press (8)
The School of Life Pre... (8)
Learning Matters (7)
Museum of Modern Art (7)
Penguin LLC US (7)
Penguin Putnam Inc (7)
Rp Minis (7)
Sidestone Press (7)
Bloomsbury Publishing ... (6)
Elliott & Thompson Lim... (6)
Elsevier (6)
Harvard University Pre... (6)
Knopf Doubleday Publis... (6)
Pushkin Press (6)
Simon & Schuster Neder... (6)
Tuttle Publishing (6)
Aspekt Publishers (5)
Batsford Ltd (5)
Cambridge University P... (5)
Crown (5)
Dorling Kindersley Ltd (5)
Duckworth Books (5)
Getty Trust Publicatio... (5)
Lanasta (5)
Macmillan Learning (5)
McGraw-Hill (5)
Sidestone Press Disser... (5)
Smith Street Books (5)
Templar Publishing (5)
Valiz (5)
Workman Publishing (5)
ArtEZ Press (4)
Aspekt B.V., Uitgeveri... (4)
Die Gestalten Verlag (4)
Ebury Press (4)
Europa Law Publishing (4)
FUEL Publishing (4)
Gompel & Svacina (4)
Hardie Grant Books (UK... (4)
HarperCollins (4)
Harriman House Publish... (4)
Hurtwood Press (4)
Icon Books (4)
Jap Sam Books (4)
John Harper Publishing... (4)
John Wiley & Sons Inc (4)
LID Publishing (4)
National Geographic So... (4)
Oldcastle Books Ltd (4)
Orion (4)
Pelckmans uitgevers (4)
Persell Trading (4)
Pumbo.nl B.V. (4)
Random House (4)
Random House Publishin... (4)
Readerlink Distributio... (4)
Royal Collection Trust (4)
Scribe Publications (4)
UNESCO Chair Water, Po... (4)
Academic & Scientific ... (3)
Allen Lane (3)
Alma Books Ltd (3)
Borgerhoff & Lamberigt... (3)
CQ Press (3)
Cengage Learning (3)
Clarkson Potter Publis... (3)
Editions Skira Paris (3)
Granta Publications Lt... (3)
Hardie Grant Books (3)
Harvard Business Schoo... (3)
Hodder & Stoughton Gen... (3)
Intertaal (3)
Jap Sam Books / TU Del... (3)
Loft Publications (3)
Norton & Company (3)
Oxford University Pres... (3)
Paul Woldhek (3)
Picador (3)
Random House LLC US (3)
Rizzoli International ... (3)
Ryland, Peters & Small... (3)
Shambhala Publications... (3)
The Old Publishing Hou... (3)
Uitgeverij WBOOKS (3)
Verso Books (3)
Vrije Uitgevers, De (3)
Wageningen Academic Pu... (3)
Atria Books (2)
Boekscout (2)
Bonnier Books UK (2)
Boom (2)
British Library Publis... (2)
Falinn (2)
Gerard Beresford (2)
Guardian Faber Publish... (2)
Head of Zeus (2)
Hearst Home Books (2)
IT Revolution Press (2)
Little, Brown (2)
Little, Brown & Compan... (2)
Liveright Publishing C... (2)
MacMillan (2)
National Trust (2)
Niggli Verlag (2)
Nobrow Ltd (2)
O'Reilly (2)
O'Reilly Media (2)
Obelisk Books (2)
Octopus (2)
Open Press Tilburg Uni... (2)
Pearson Benelux B.V. (2)
Penguin Life (2)
Profile Books (2)
Radboud University Pre... (2)
Rider (2)
Sage Publications, Inc (2)
Santasado (2)
September Publishing (2)
Summersdale Publishers (2)
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Resultaten (3816)

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met 5% korting 16,10


How Nations Cope with Crisis and Change

2024 || Paperback || Jared Diamond || Van Ditmar Boeken B.V.

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met 5% korting 23,70

Enemies and Neighbours

Arabs and Jews in Palestine and Israel, 1917-2017

2024 || Paperback || Ian Black || Van Ditmar Boeken B.V.

A century after Britain's Balfour Declaration promised a Jewish 'national home' in Palestine, veteran Guardian journalist Ian Black has produced a major new history of one of the most polarising conflicts of the modern age.

Drawing on a wide range of sources - from declassified documents to oral testimonies and his own decades of reporting - Enemies and Neighbours brings much-needed perspective and balance to the long and unresolved struggle between Arabs and Jews in the Holy Land.

Beginning in the final years of Ottoman ruleand the British Mandate period, when Zionist immigration transformed Palestine in the face of mounting Arab opposition, the book re-examines the origins of what was a doomed relationship from the start. It sheds fresh light on critical events such as the Arab rebellion of the 1930s; Israel's independence and the Palestinian catastrophe (Nakba in Arabic) of 1948; the watershed of the 1967 war; two Intifadas; the Oslo Accords and Israel's shift to the right. It traces how - after five decades of occupation, ever-expanding Jewish settlements and the construction of the West Bank 'separation wall' - hopes for a two-state solution have all but disappeared, and explores what the future might ho...

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met 5% korting 18,95

Mussolini's War

Fascist Italy from Triumph to Collapse, 1935-1943

2024 || Paperback || John Gooch || Van Ditmar Boeken B.V.

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Bullshit Jobs

The Rise of Pointless Work, and What We Can Do About It

2024 || Paperback || David Graeber || Van Ditmar Boeken B.V.

Back in 1930, the economist John Maynard Keynes prophesied that by the century's end, technology would see us all working fifteen-hour weeks. But instead, something curious happened. Today, average working hours have not decreased, but increased. And now, across the developed world, three-quarters of all jobs are in services or admin, jobs that don't seem to add anything to society: bullshit jobs. In Bullshit Jobs, David Graeber explores how this phenomenon - one more associated with the 20th...

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Stalin's War

2024 || Paperback || Sean McMeekin || Van Ditmar Boeken B.V.

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Beauty is in the Street (Heruitgave)

protest and Counterculture in Post-War Europe

2024 || Paperback || Joachim C Häberlen || Penguin

An electrifying history of protest and its transformations in post-war EuropeIn post-war Europe, protest was everywhere. On both sides of the Iron Curtain, from Paris to Prague, Milan to Wroclaw, ordinary people took to the streets, fighting for a better world. Their efforts came to a head most dramatically in 1968 and 1989, when mass movements swept Europe and rewrote its history.

In the decades between, Joachim C. H berlen argues, new movements emerged that transformed the nature of protest...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen


Six Studies in World Strategy

2024 || Paperback || Henry Kissinger || Veltman Distributie Import Books

Henry Kissinger analyses how six extraordinary leaders he has known have shaped their countries and the world

'Leaders,' writes Henry Kissinger in this compelling book, 'think and act at the intersection of two axes: the first, between the past and the future; the second between the abiding values and aspirations of those they lead. They must balance what they know, which is necessarily drawn from the past, with what they intuit about the future, which is inherently conjectural and uncertain....

Vandaag besteld,
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met 5% korting 21,80

World Order

2024 || Paperback || Henry Kissinger || Penguin

"Dazzling and instructive . . . [a] magisterial new book." -Walter Isaacson, Time

Henry Kissinger offers in World Order a deep meditation on the roots of international harmony and global disorder. Drawing on his experience as one of the foremost statesmen of the modern era-advising presidents, traveling the world, observing and shaping the central foreign policy events of recent decades-Kissinger now reveals his analysis of the ultimate challenge for the twenty-first century: how to...

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met 5% korting 14,20

Treasure Islands

Tax Havens and the Men who Stole the World

2024 || Paperback || Nicholas Shaxson || Van Ditmar Boeken B.V.

Billionaire Warren Buffet, currently the third wealthiest man in the world, paid the lowest rate of tax among his office staff, including his receptionist. Tax havens are the most important single reason why poor people and poor countries stay poor. The author shows how this happened, and what this means for you.

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The Secret of Chanel No. 5

The Intimate History of the World's Most Famous Perfume

2024 || Paperback || Tilar J Mazzeo || Van Ditmar Boeken B.V.

Reverently known among fragrance industry insiders as "le monstre" - the monster - Chanel Number 5 is arguably the most coveted consumer luxury product of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. This title uncovers the story of Number 5's creation, iconic status, and extraordinary success.