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Resultaten (1577)

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Urban Scenes of a Port City

Exploring Beautiful İzmir through Narratives of Cosmopolitan Practices

2022 || Paperback || Fatma Tanış || TU Delft

This dissertation is an invitation to the reader to explore Güzel İzmir / Beautiful İzmir in Turkey. Through three different semi-fictional narratives, it aims to draw attention to specific and singular spaces as they were recorded and remembered through old postcards, black and white photographs, stories, and written travelogues in the past centuries and decades. Thus, it wants to discuss the specificity of an eastern Mediterranean port city by addressing it on eye-level through the exper...

Vandaag besteld,
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Mirror Mirror

Mode & the Psyche

2022 || Hardcover || Hannibal books

A unique take on fashion in 2022

In MIRROR MIRROR – Fashion & the Psyche, MoMu – Fashion Museum Antwerp and Dr. Guislain Museum examine how fashion, psychology, self-image and identity are connected. The personal experience of the body is the main theme of this unexpected dialogue between visual art and avant-garde fashion. Featuring work by Ed Atkins, Walter Van Beirendonck, Noir Kei Ninomiya, Genieve Figgis, Genesis Belanger, Hussein Chalayan, Comme des Garçons, Joseph Schneller, Ezeki...

Vandaag besteld,
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Classical Controversies

Reception of Graeco-Roman Antiquity in the Twenty-First Century

2022 || Paperback || Kim Beerden e.a. || Sidestone Press Academics

Modern receptions of Graeco-Roman Antiquity are important ideological markers of the ways we envisage our own twenty-first-century societies. An urgent topic of study is: what kinds of narratives – sometimes controversial – about Antiquity do people create for themselves at this moment in time, and for what reasons? This volume aims to showcase a number of illustrative examples, and thus to provide a deeper understanding of twenty-first-century reception of Antiquity.

After a general intr...

Vandaag besteld,
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Heritage, Landscape and Spatial Justice

New Legal Perspectives on Heritage Protection in the Lesser Antilles

2022 || Paperback || Amanda Byer || Sidestone Press Dissertations

The Caribbean region faces particular environmental challenges as a result of colonial land use, pressures from tourism and globalisation, as well as climate change. No less affected are its heritage resources, which include natural and cultural elements crucial to economic survival and local identity. This research explores the relationship between land, law and heritage in order to better understand the regulatory failures that undermine heritage protection in the English-speaking Caribbean.

Using a spatial justice lens to examine the legal framework of eight islands in the Lesser Antilles, the analysis posits that domestic heritage laws are ineffective, because they ignore the relevance of local places or landscapes to the formation of heritage. Relying instead on ideas of land as abstract property rights, heritage is presented as a mere visual embellishment that can deteriorate into an unsightly and costly burden for the landowner or State, rather than the outcome of dynamic and locally unique interactions between people and place...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Problems of the Chinese Revolution

Stalin and the Chinese Revolution

2022 || Paperback || Leon Trotsky || Aspekt B.V., Uitgeverij

In the Chinese Revolution of 1925–27 the Communist International played a very great role, depicted in this book quite comprehensively. We would, however, seek in vain in the library of the Communist International for a single book which attempts in any way to give a rounded picture of the Chinese Revolution. Instead, we find scores of “conjunctural” works’ which docilely reflect each zigzag in the politics of the Communist International, or, more correctly, of Soviet diplomacy in Chi...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

The Arabian society in the middle ages

2022 || Paperback || Edward William Lane || Aspect Publishers

Edward William Lane (17 September 1801 – 10 August 1876) was a British orientalist, translator and lexicographer. He is known for his Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians and the Arabic-English Lexicon, as well as his translations of One Thousand and One Nights and Selections from the Kurán.

Vandaag besteld,
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A biographical dictionary of the senior commanders of the Armed Forces of the Kingdom of Bulgaria

2022 || Paperback || Andris J. Kursietis || Aspekt B.V., Uitgeverij


Andris Kursietis has been a researcher of military history for fi ft y years, using re-sources that span the globe. His latest book, “Bulgaria’s Military Leadership 1900 - 1945” contains the military biographies of the senior generals and admirals who served the Kingdom of Bulgaria during the fi rst forty-fi ve years of the 20th Century, a period during which Bulgaria was involved in three wars: the Balkan Wars (1912-1913), World War I (1915-1918) and World War II (19...

Vandaag besteld,
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The Downfall of Hitlers Armoured Elite

Between Budapest and Vienna 1945

2022 || Paperback || Perry Pierik || Aspekt B.V., Uitgeverij

In March 1945, the German desperate offensive on the Danube began. While the Sixth SS Armored Army came out of positions to establish bridgeheads across the river, the STAVKA, Russia’s supreme command, was already making plans for the attack on Vienna. For ten days the German army plodded eastward until it was left exhausted. The big breakthrough did not materialize. On March 16, the Vienna operation began. The attacker became the defender, and between Budapest and Vienna the German army fo...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Making Up Your Mind About Waking Up Your Mind

A rational alternative to spirituality and self-help

2022 || Paperback || Richard van der Linde || Brave New Books

Our beliefs are the lenses through which we perceive life. In turn, those beliefs are influenced by our perception of previous experiences. So, what if we accidentally misperceive something?

When you misperceive what you experience, it clouds the lens through which you perceive later experiences, which makes it more likely you misperceive those experiences as well. With such a series of clouded lenses, it’s only a matter of time before you run into real-life problems or dilemmas that appear...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden


2022 || Paperback || Percy Raap || Brave New Books

How do certain beliefs and fears arise?

Why do I do what I do?

What can I do to take control of my life?

How do I create harmony with my environment?

These are important life questions that many people struggle

with, but do not have the answers to. The world is becoming

increasingly complex and there is a growing need for awareness

about ourselves and about life. But how do you become aware,

and of what?

Consciousness is essential in it lie the answers to the why.

Only when you can e...