Resultaten (17)

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met 5% korting 63,65

Realistic Evaluation

2021 || Paperback || Ray Pawson e.a. || SAGE

Realistic Evaluation shows how programme evaluation needs to be, and can be, bettered. It presents a profound yet highly readable critique of current evaluation practice, and introduces a `manifesto' and `handbook' for a fresh approach.

Levertijd: 8 werkdagen

A Guide To The Bodhisattva Way Of Life

1997 || Paperback || Santideva e.a. || Shambhala Publications Inc

Levertijd: 7 werkdagen

Twentieth Century Design

1997 || Paperback || Jonathan M. Woodham || OUPQ

The most famous designs of the twentieth century are not those in museums, but in the marketplace. the Coca-Cola bottle and the McDonalds logo are known all over the world, and designs like the modernistic Frankfurt Kitchen of 1926, or the 1954 streamlined and tail-finned Oldsmobile, or Blow, the inflatable chair ubiquitous in the late sixties, tell us more about our culture than a narrowly-defined canon of classics. Drawing on the most up-to-date scholarship (not only in design history but a...

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met 5% korting 65,55

Naming the Mind

How Psychology Found Its Language

1997 || Paperback || Kurt Danziger || SAGE

In this work, the author explains how modern psychology found its language by examining the historically changing structure of psychological discourse and offering an analysis of the recent evolution of the concepts and categories on which the quality of psychological discourse depends.

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Attachment - Volume One of the Attachment and Loss Trilogy

1997 || Paperback || John Bowlby || Vintage

In this classic work of psychology John Bowlby examines the processes that take place in attachment and separation and shows how experimental studies of children provide us with a recognizable behaviour pattern which is confirmed by discoveries in the biological sciences.

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Hungary 1944-1945 / druk 1

the forgotten tragedy : the last German offensives of the Second World War, the loss of the last Jewish community in Europe

1997 || Paperback || Perry Pierik || Aspekt B.V., Uitgeverij

Hongarije vormt het onbekende sluitstuk van de lange destructieve politiek van nazi-Duitsland. Vanwege de olievelden ten zuiden van het Balantonmeer bracht Hitler zijn beste troepen in Hongarije op het slagveld. Sepp Dietrich, de commandant van het 6e SS Pantserleger, wilde Hitler voor zijn verjaardag de olievelden van het Roemeense Ploesti aanbieden. Het liep allemaal anders. Aan de oevers van de Donau vond een vreselijke krachtsmeting plaats. Na een titanenstrijd van tien dagen startte op 1...

Levertijd: 28 werkdagen

World of art Art of Tibet

1997 || Paperback || Robert E. Fisher || Thames & Hudson Ltd

With the spread of Buddhism among Westerners and the controversy over its status, interest in Tibet has never been greater. This mysterious land, now a province of the People's Republic of China, has produced some of the most fascinating and creative art in the world. From silk embroidery and textiles to painting, sculpture, and manuscripts, Tibetan art has striking qualities that set it apart from other Buddhist and Asian art. Robert Fisher takes the reader through the history of Tibetan art...