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Resultaten (103)
morgen verzonden
2017 || Hardcover || Jenny Reynaerts || nai010 uitgevers publishers
A splendid publication about the 100 finest and most important objects included in the 1800-1900 art and historical collection of the Rijksmuseum. From Jan Willem Pieneman's huge painting The Battle of Waterloo to Vincent van Gogh's self-portrait; from the piano once owned by Louis Napoleon to the most beautiful art nouveau vases; from the most famous The Hague School and Breitner paintings to the exuberant applied art once displayed at world exhibitions. Each of the 100 objects is accompanie...
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Eindhoven Architecture City
2019 || Paperback || Paul Groenendijk e.a. || nai010 uitgevers publishers
Eindhoven, the city of light and design, has experienced a stormy development and is now the centre of a ‘brainport’ focused on innovation, design and tech that ranks among the finest in the world. The city also has a lot to offer in terms of architecture: from the Evoluon to MVRDV's pop podium De Effenaar and from Kropholler’s Van Abbe Museum to the current large-scale redevelopment of the Philips factories.
This handy-sized and up-to-date Eindhoven architecture guide zooms in on the c...
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De Lakenhal, Happel Cornelisse Verhoeven Architecten
2019 || Hardcover || Meta Knol e.a. || nai010 uitgevers publishers
For Dutch see below.
Since its reopening, 380 years to the day from its original completion, Museum de Lakenhal in Leiden has been hailed as a landmark project, both for its radical and meticulous approach to weaving 21st century architecture into a centuries old fabric, as well as for its fully integrated vision of what a present day museum experience can be.
Young Dutch architecture bureau Happel Cornelisse Verhoeven Architects teamed up with internationally renowned restaurat...
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Platform Urbanism
Australian 2021 Biennale
2021 || Paperback || Helge Mooshammer e.a. || nai010 uitgevers publishers
For English see below
Platform Urbanism beschrijft de toenemende mate waarin baanbrekende technologie wordt toegepast in de stedelijke omgeving.
Het gaat hierbij om veranderingen die niet alleen worden veroorzaakt door de technologie, maar ook door de interactie tussen technologische innovatie en sociale en culturele behoeften. Digitale platforms zoals Facebook, Uber, Airbnb en Amazon zijn niet alleen nieuwe soorten ondernemingen, maar staan ook voor een compleet nieuwe manier van leven – v...
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Allart van Everdingen (1621-1675)
Master of the Rugged Landscape
2021 || Paperback || Christi M. Klinkert e.a. || nai010 uitgevers publishers
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Writingplace journal for Architecture and Literature 6
Meaningfulness, Appropriation and Integration in/of City Narratives
2022 || Paperback || Giuseppe Resta e.a. || nai010 uitgevers publishers
The Writingplace journal for Architecture and Literature is an international, open-acces, peer-reviewed journal on architecture and literature. Each issue of the journal focuses on themes central to the fruitful relationship between architecture and literature.
This Writingplace journal issue Meaningfulness, Appropriation and Integration in/of City Narratives is developed in context of the EU COST Action “Writing Urban Places”. From an inter- or a multidisciplinary theoretical perspecti...
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Acid Clouds
2022 || Hardcover || Niels Schrader e.a. || nai010 uitgevers publishers
Acid Clouds is an atlas and anthology of datacenters that maps the material traces of virtual data in the Dutch landscape. It investigates the massively resource-intensive and earthbound properties of digital storage, and questions the image of large-scale data repositories as clean, sterile and environmentally-friendly domains. The book brings together data of more than 100 datacenters across the Netherlands with texts on ecological, architectural, economical, political and digital righ...
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Housing Design
a manual
2022 || Hardcover || Bernard Leupen e.a. || nai010 uitgevers publishers
This manual sheds light on every aspect of designing housing. The organization of the living space and the residential building is dealt with systematically, from the breadth, depth, stacking, access to dwellings and the urban ensemble. This revised edition has been expanded with 20 new exemplary projects, boasts an improved structure and has been enriched with a new chapter about the process of design. Housing Design is primarily focused on residential construction in larger entities, such a...
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Herman Hertzberger
2015 || Hardcover || Robert McCarter || nai010 uitgevers publishers
Herman Hertzberger is een van de invloedrijkste figuren in de internationale architectuur van de laatste vijftig jaar. Hij is een voorvechter geweest van een humane moderne architectuur geworteld in plaats en geschiedenis, maar ook openstaat voor nieuwe vormen. Hertzberger wordt beschouwd als 's werelds meest vooraanstaande ontwerper van scholen, een type gebouw dat hij bijna in zijn eentje heeft geherdefinieerd. Zijn vernieuwende ontwerpen van kantoren en werkplekken vormen vaak de meest ove...
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Shores Like You
|| Hardcover || Scarlet Hooft Graafland || nai010 uitgevers publishers
Scarlett Hooft Graafland (1973) creates magical photographic images of highaltitude salt flats in Bolivia, remote farming sheds in Iceland, the beaches of Dubai, Madagascar, the polar region and the village of Gorinchem, The Netherlands. Her work touches upon major themes such as the disappearance of traditional cultures and the fragility of nature, yet the tone is always light, colourful and surreal. Initially, Scarlett mainly took pictures to document her sculptures and performances, but he...