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Resultaten (19)

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Your immuune system shouts S.O.S. (Heruitgave)

4th edition - Why does 1 get cancer, and others not ? Solved ! Read this nice book slowly and often. New: harmless alternative to penicillin !

2018 || Paperback || Peter M. Kalf || Pumbo.nl B.V.

As identified with the electron microscope in 1980, your body creates a new hair, skin, muscle, brain or bone cells using a little vitamin from the air.

Your body requires thousands the whole day. Due to fine dust, there are too few of them in the air. Which is why nowadays, our immune system breaks down too often.

In this book you will find the original brilliant report.

The necessary free additional sources of this vitamin, as well as the solutions to the heavy puzzles that weren’t identi...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Unravelling the dynamic complexity of cyber-security

Towards identifying core systemic structures driving cyber-security investment decision-making

2022 || Paperback || Sander Zeijlemaker || Pumbo.nl B.V.

Several recent security incidents show that decision-making on cyber-security can have consequences reaching far into the future. In a world of further digitalization, interconnectedness, and increasing activities of cyber-criminals, the question is how the decision-making needs to adapt to ensure security.

More than 15 years of research has been conducted in the field of security economics on security investment decision-making. Although the field of security economics already recognizes sta...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 31,30

DNA of Agile Management Teams

The Secret Behind a Value-Enriching Management Team

2024 || Paperback || Jeroen Stoter || Pumbo.nl B.V.

In a time when organizations must operate faster, better, more enjoyable, costeffective, and safer, agility is crucial. The Agile mindset provides an answer to this challenge, but why do so many transformations fail, and why are the promises of Agile not always fulfilled?

Change manager Jeroen Stoter points out the sore spot. The crucial role of the management team is often denied and forgotten in Agile transformations, but it is precisely the role of the management team that is essential for...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

28 grams of happiness

Can we cultivate emotional well-being through food?

2018 || Paperback || Katinka Versendaal || Pumbo.nl B.V.

Why do we like a certain food? Will healthy food make us feel happier? And if so, how can we make healthy food taste better? If depression and anxiety can be a result of an unhealthy intestinal flora, how can we improve that? And why is chocolate so tasty and does it really make us happier? What does food do to our brain and can we anticipate the effects? Could we get happier and smarter by picking the right things to eat?

This book will give a peak into the research on how to cultivate emot...

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
vandaag verzonden

A Master in Learning

2024 || Paperback || Basten Berg e.a. || Pumbo.nl B.V.

The book *A Master in Learning* was written in response to the needs of students in teacher training programmes for a practical, readable, and study-friendly book on learning theories and learning processes. This book meets that need, as it is written in clear language and is replete with practical examples of how learning theories can be applied in the daily educational practice of secondary education (general secondary education and pre-vocational secondary education).

The book provides con...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Dutch Gringa in Brazil

2023 || Paperback || Mathilde Scholtes || Pumbo.nl B.V.

In this book, Mathilde Scholtes describes her personal experiences of cultural differences while living in Brazil. This collection of surprises, misunderstandings, and sometimes hilarious stories reflects that it is almost impossible for a foreigner to grasp the Brazilian spirit. It takes place between 2009 and 2016 against the backdrop of the rise and fall of the Brazilian economy.

As a child, Mathilde was already fascinated by discovering the world. Her career decisions were driven by chall...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Spirited Personal Leadership

for effective work, meaningful living and a better world

2023 || Paperback || Martin Thoolen || Pumbo.nl B.V.

Do you want to work more effectively? Or live a more meaningful life? Or contribute

to a better world? Or all of the above? You can do that. Every day. How? With Spirited Personal Leadership.

This book is intended for anyone who, in their private or work life, wants to:

• work more effectively;

• develop their talents further;

• have a healthy work/life balance;

• increase the amount of control they have in their own life and work;

• experience more pleasure, passion, meaning and vi...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Servitisation Secrets

Practical step-by-step guide for implementation

2024 || Hardcover || Raoul Diederen || Pumbo.nl B.V.


- what servitisation is and how it relates to other growth strategies;

- when a market is suitable and an organisation is ready for servitisation;

- what benefits and turnover and profit growth can be achieved with servitisation;

- how servitisation can deliver real value for customers and endusers;

- how servitisation can be successfully implemented in practice;

- what servitisation requires of the organisation and resources;

- how pitf...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Androcles’ philosophy

Principles and dilemmas of veterinary medicine and animal health sciences

2022 || Paperback || Tjeerd Kimman || Pumbo.nl B.V.

Androcles’ philosophy explores the basic principles underlying veterinary medicine and animal health sciences. This cannot be explored without looking at the significance of animals in our society. Animals have many roles, from companion animals to sport animals, as laboratory animals for scientific purposes and as animals for food production. The complex relationships of animals with science, people, society, especially the economy and even ecosystems make their position precarious. As our...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden


It’s time for what matters most

2021 || Hardcover || Marc Grasso || Pumbo.nl B.V. || met inkijkexemplaar

It’s time for what matters most

Setting your priorities, and finding purpose or fulfillment at work and at home

can be challenging for all of us. This personal workbook gives you the practical

tools and inspiration you need to take control of your life and get started

on your best and most productive year yet, on both a personal and professional


It took me some time to figure out that all the management books I had read,

all the classes I had taken, and all the effective structures...