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Free Space field guide / druk 1

field guide to conversations

2014 || Paperback || J.P.A.M. Kessels e.a. || Boom

Free Space: Field guide

Field guide to conversations

In the middle of high speed communication, effortless connections and ultra-short meetings, we notice that we cannot do without conversations. Free Space – Field guide to conversations makes a wealth of inspiring and practical guides available to anybody who wants to start and conduct conversations which are rich in content, depth and reflection. All the practical guides foster personal and mutual inquiry, in small and large groups, in forma...

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met 5% korting 60,75

Doing research / Druk 6

2022 || Paperback || Nel Verhoeven || Boom || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook

Dit product bestaat uit een boek inclusief website met hierop o.a. het online boek.

Doing Research is a clear introduction to the methods and techniques required for research. It answers questions like: what does ‘doing research’ actually mean, how do you design a research project, what steps do you have to take, how do you collect data and what are the pitfalls?

Doing Research sheds light on the complicated process of research. It teaches you research skills one step at a time. It discus...

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met 5% korting 33,20

Change of era - Our world in transition

Our world in transition

2017 || Paperback || Jan Rotmans || Boom

Change of Era biedt inspiratie om in de kantelperiode waar we in zitten het verschil te kunnen maken. Ieder individu en elk initiatief telt!

De wereld zal de komende decennia transformeren naar een nieuwe samenleving waarin de machtsverhoudingen zoals we die nu kennen radicaal zijn omgegooid. Change of Era beschrijft een beeld van deze transitie aan de hand van de sectoren onderwijs en financiën. Omdat de mens niet langer centraal staat in de huidige maatschappelijke sectoren, ontwikkelen me...

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Project Management for PhD’s / Druk 2

2017 || Paperback || Jeanine de Bruin e.a. || Boom

Only a small percentage of PhD students manage to complete their PhD thesis on time. How can you plan the PhD program in such a way that you do finish within the set time period?

Project Management for PhDs shows you that you can plan a PhD program, no matter how complex and unique it is, as a project. The writing process receives special attention as it has been proven to be one of the most important factors in delayed PhD progress. This book offers a practical step-by-step plan. Using the a...

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Strategic Managing in a Turbulent World / Druk 1 (e-book)

Learning how to make your organization future-proof

2019 || E-book via Bookshelf || Norbert Greveling e.a. || Boom || met inkijkexemplaar

A new and refreshing approach for managers, advisors and students with challenging terminology and insights to make organizations future-proof.

This book describes a new paradigm about strategic managing. Aimed at leaders to keep a future-proof course in turbulent times by making the right strategic choices for their organization. Well-known strategy models and approaches for strategy development are hardly applicable for making and implementing strategic choices in the current age of increas...

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Academic Writing Skills for Economics and Business Administration / 2nd edition

2024 || Paperback || Bas Karreman e.a. || Boom

For many students writing an academic text can be challenging. However, with diligent practice, academic writing is a skill you can learn. The online writing course Academic Writing Skills for Economics and Business Administration offers students specific practice as to various ‘micro’ writing skills, including the structure of an academic text, the theoretical framework, data and methodology, results, as well as citing, paraphrasing and quoting, argumentation, cohesion and sentence struc...

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4000 Years of Thinkers on Education

2020 || Paperback || Henk Sissing || Boom

Het boek is verdeeld in zes hoofdstukken en meerdere subhoofdstukken. Elk hoofdstuk wordt ingeleid door twee vooraanstaande Nederlandse hoogleraren:

Chapter 1. On education - prof. dr. Gert Biesta en prof. dr. Monique Volman

Chapter 2. On teachers - dr. Femke Geijsel en prof. dr. Paulien Meijer

Chapter 3. On students - prof. dr. Rob Martens en prof. dr. Luc Stevens

Chapter 4. On school leaders - prof. dr. Marc Vermeulen en prof. dr. Sietske Waslander

Chapter 5. On parents - p...

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met 5% korting 42,51

Lobby for land - A historical perspective (1945-2008) on the decision-making process for the Port of Rotterdam land reclamation project Maasvlakte 2

a historical perspective (1945-2008) on the decision-making process for the Port of Rotterdam land reclamation project Maasvlakte 2

2016 || Paperback || Dirk Koppenol || Boom

Ten zuidwesten van Hoek van Holland, waar niet lang geleden nog meeuwen foerageerden boven het water van de Noordzee, ligt nu nieuw land, met spoor- en waterwegen en twee hypermoderne containerterminals. Dit nieuwe land is Maasvlakte 2, een project waar meer dan vijftien jaar van besluitvorming aan voorafging. Maasvlakte 2 is een voortzetting van eerdere havenuitbreidingen die Rotterdam na de Tweede Wereldoorlog tot de grootste haven ter wereld maakten. Lobby for Land beschrijft hoe het polit...

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met 5% korting 42,66

Philosophy of mind, brain and behaviour

2018 || Paperback || Marc Slors e.a. || Boom || met inkijkexemplaar

In Philosophy of Mind, Brain and Behaviour wordt het begrip 'cognitiefilosofie' voor het eerst in Nederland op de kaart gezet als een combinatie van de Angelsaksische en de fenomenologische philosophy of mind. Onderwerpen op het snijvlak van filosofie, sociale en neurowetenschappen komen aan bod, zoals sociale cognitie, persoonlijke identiteit, het lichaam-geestprobleem en theorieën over bewustzijn, emoties en vrije wil. Om een breed academisch publiek te bedienen, verschijnt dit boek in het...

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met 5% korting 37,91

Reframing - The art of thinking differently

the art of thinking differently

2012 || Paperback || Karim Benammar || Boom

This book examines two fundamental philosophical questions: Why do we do the things that we do? And how can we do things differently?

A factory owner who encourages his employees to set their own salary, the sustainable production of cars, the revolutionary ideas of Nietzsche, Thomas Kuhn and Michel Serres - Benammar shows how creative ideas emerge when people dare to analyse and reframe their core beliefs. The world changes and we have to change with it.

In this book, the technique of reframi...