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Resultaten (94)
vandaag verzonden
Utrecht University and Colonial Knowledge
Exploration, Exploitation and the Civilising Mission since 1636
2025 || Hardcover || Henk van Rinsum || Amsterdam University Press
In this book, Henk van Rinsum provides an in-depth description of the colonial past of Utrecht University in the Netherlands, from its foundation in 1636. He describes the development of (scientific) knowledge and knowledge transfer about and in the Dutch colonies, especially in the Dutch East Indies. The central theme of his book is the idea of Western superiority – the assumption that we are ‘developed’ and therefore modern, while those in the colonies are ‘not (yet) developed’ an...
morgen verzonden
Doing qualitative research
the craft of naturalistic inquiry
2014 || Paperback || Joost Beuving e.a. || Amsterdam University Press || met inkijkexemplaar
Naturalistic inquiry is about studying people in everyday circumstances by ordinary means. It strives to blend in, to respect people in their daily lives, to take their actions and experiences seriously, and to build on these carefully. 'Doing Qualitative Research: The Craft of Naturalistic Inquiry' offers guidance, combining thoughtful reflection with practical tips. It is written for undergraduate and graduate students in social science; for practitioners in social work, healthcare, policy ...
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The General Data Protection Regulation in Plain Language
2020 || Paperback || Bart van der Sloot || Amsterdam University Press
'The General Data Protection Regulation in Plain Language' is a guide for anyone interested in the much-discussed rules of the General Data Protection Regulation. In this legislation, which came into force in 2018, the European Union meticulously describes what you can and cannot do with data about other people. Violating these rules can lead to a fine of up to 20 million euros.
This book sets out the most important obligations of individuals and organisations that process data about others....
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An Experts' Guide to International Protocol (Heruitgave)
Best Practice in Diplomatic and Corporate Relations
2021 || Hardcover || Gilbert Monod de Froideville e.a. || Amsterdam University Press
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Writing the Liberal Arts and Sciences
Truth, Dialogue, and Historical Consciousness
2021 || Paperback || Mary Bouquet e.a. || Amsterdam University Press || met inkijkexemplaar
Starting from informal cross-disciplinary conversations between colleagues, this volume is the result of an experiment in understanding the standpoints and methodologies of others in a multidisciplinary setting. At its heart are the core values of a liberal arts education: intellectual curiosity and the ability to communicate across borders. Written with the aim of communicating academic content to non-specialists, the essays interweave narratives about truth with various kinds of dialogue an...
morgen verzonden
The Faces of Margraten
They Will Remain Forever Young
2022 || Hardcover || Fields of Honor Foundation || Amsterdam University Press
In the rolling hills of Limburg, near Margraten, they slowly loom up, row after row: the thousands of white marble crosses and Stars of David. They mark the final resting place of nearly 8,300 American soldiers who died during World War II. While the headstones provide us with the names of the mostly young men involved in the liberation of the Netherlands, they do not tell us who the soldiers were and who they left behind. Moreover, the peace and quiet at the only American war cemetery in the...
vandaag verzonden
The Dutch Sherlock
Forty Years of Detective Work by the Famous Dutch Forensic Pioneer Co van Ledden Hulsebosch
2024 || Paperback || Maurice Aalders e.a. || Amsterdam University Press
In 1945, Co van Ledden Hulsebosch, the famous Dutch forensic pioneer published his memoires ‘Forty Years of Detective Work’. He quickly became a well-known figure, a forensic celebrity even. His nickname, ‘the Magician of the North’ illustrated his popularity. Now, almost eighty years later, forensic scientists and experts from the Netherlands embrace the latest AI technology to disclose the unique tales of the first use of forensic science in the Netherlands to a broad audience. Be a...
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The Meaning of Music
2016 || Paperback || Leo Samama || Amsterdam University Press || met inkijkexemplaar
Nederlandse editie: 978 90 8964 570 8
For virtually all of our lives, we are surrounded by music. From lullabies to radio to the praises sung in houses of worship, we encounter music at home and in the street, during work and in our leisure time, and not infrequently at birth and death. But what is music, and what does it mean to humans? How do we process it, and how do we create it?
Musician Leo Samama discusses these and many other questions while shaping a vibrant picture of music's import...
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Site of deportation, site of memory
The Amsterdam Hollandsche schouwburg and the Holocaust
2017 || Hardcover || Frank van Vree e.a. || Amsterdam University Press
The Hollandsche Schouwburg is a former theatre in Amsterdam where, during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands, tens of thousands of Jews were assembled before being deported to transit and concentration camps. Before the war, the theatre had been an example of Jewish integration in the Netherlands, and after the war it became a memorial for the Jewish victims of Nazi persecution. This book is the first international publication to address all the historical aspects of the site, putting it ...
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The Art of Political Framing
How Politicians Convince Us That They Are Right
2019 || Paperback || Hans de Bruijn || Amsterdam University Press
Politicians employ a wide range of strategies to achieve their goals - and language is one of them. What impact does their language have on us, on their opponents, on the public opinion?
If language matters, then the interesting question naturally arises how politicians use language to their advantage? How do they use it to convince us of the truth of their views? These questions take us into the world of political framing, which has attracted a lot of attention in recent times and forms the...