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Resultaten (206)
vandaag verzonden
A First Book in Algebra
2024 || Paperback || Wallace C. Boyden || E-Kitap Projesi & Cheapest Books
In preparing this book, the author had especially in mind classes in the upper grades of grammar schools, though the work will be found equally well adapted to the needs of any classes of beginners.
The ideas which have guided in the treatment of the subject are the following:
The study of algebra is a continuation of what the pupil has been doing for years, but it is expected that this new work will result in a knowledge of general truths about numbers, and an increased power of clear thinking.
All the differences between this work and that pursued in arithmetic may be traced to the introduction of two new elements, namely, negative numbers and the representation of numbers by letters. The solution of problems is one of the most valuable portions of the work, in that it serves to develop the thought-power of the pupil at the same time that it broadens his knowledge of numbers and their relations. Powers are developed and habits formed only by persistent, long-continued practi...
morgen verzonden
Mathematics that Works
vectors and Matrices Applied
2018 || Paperback || Maarten de Gee || Epsilon Uitgaven
From ancient times, mathematics has developed side-by-side with physics; only in the last two hundred years they came apart as different branches of science. Extensive use of mathematics in other sciences, such as biology, chemistry, economics, pharmacology, environmental and social sciences is even more recent. Nowadays, knowledge of mathematical techniques is indispensable also for students and researchers in these fields.
The series of textbooks “Mathematics that Works” presents mathem...
2de graad A Finaliteit
Wiskunde oefeningen voor 2de en 3de graad A Finaliteit richtingen met 1 uur wiskunde
2022 || Loose-leaf || Jozef Aerts || Jozef Aerts wiskunde
In deze boekenreeks vind je duizenden oefeningen voor je wiskunde lessen
Je vindt steeds een QR code naar een video op Youtube dat je meer uitleg geeft over het onderwerp . Deze video duurt nooit langer dan 5 minuten
Ook vind je bij vele oefeningen een QR code naar een Bookwidgets interactieve oefening. Elke interactieve oefening bevat 6 vragen zodat je dadelijk je kennis kan testen
Daarnaast vind je 10 oefeningen per onderwerp . Er is genoeg plaats voorzien om de oefening te maken in het boek.
Onderaan de bladzijde vind je de antwoorden op de vragen . Dus je kunt onmiddellijk nagaan of je antwoord correct ...
vandaag verzonden
The Emerging Science at the Edge of Order and Chaos
2025 || Loose-leaf || M.M. Waldrop || Simon & Schuster Nederland B.V.
Beyond Multiple Linear Regression
Applied Generalized Linear Models And Multilevel Models in R
2021 || Hardcover || Julie Legler e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Offers a unified discussion of generalized linear models and correlated data methods. Provides information suitable for graduate non-statistics majors or advanced undergraduate statistics majors. Includes case studies with real data. Offers material on R at the end of each chapter. Provides a solutions manual.
vandaag verzonden
The Pythagorean Triangle
2025 || Paperback || George Oliver || E-Kitap Projesi & Cheapest Books
The three fixed lights, or windows, subsequently exchanged for our lesser luminaries, were explained one hundred and fifty years ago to signify "the three Persons, Father, Son, Holy Ghost; " and were used to find out the meridian, "when the sun leaves the south, and breaks in at the west window of the Lodge." While the "mossy bed," the ancient signs of disgust and recognition, as well as the primitive name of a Master Mason, are equally obscure at the present day; having been swept away, alon...
vandaag verzonden
Spherical Trigonometry
"For the Use of Colleges and Schools"
2025 || Paperback || I. Todhunter || E-Kitap Projesi & Cheapest Books
The present work is constructed on the same plan as my treatise on Plane Trigonometry, to which it is intended as a sequel; it contains all the propositions usually included under the head of Spherical Trigonometry, together with a large collection of examples for exercise. In the course of the work reference is made to preceding writers from whom assistance has been obtained; besides these writers I have consulted the treatises on Trigonometry by Lardner, Lefebure de Fourcy, and Snowball, an...
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Symbolic Logic
2025 || Paperback || Lewis Carroll || E-Kitap Projesi & Cheapest Books
In the Chapter on ‘Propositions of Existence’ I have adopted a new ‘normal form,’ in which the Class, whose existence is affirmed or denied, is regarded as the Predicate, instead of the Subject, of the Proposition, thus evading a very subtle difficulty which besets the other form.
These subtle difficulties seem to lie at the root of every Tree of Knowledge, and they are far more hopeless to grapple with than any that occur in its higher branches. For example, the difficulties of the F...
morgen verzonden
Wiskunde spelenderwijs / druk 90
2008 || Paperback || R. Péter || Spectrum
In dit boek wil de auteur iets van haar liefde voor de wiskunde overbrengen op de lezer, ook en zelfs in het bijzonder op die lezer voor wie de schoolwiskunde een vervelende ervaring of zelfs een "bittere" teleurstelling is geweest, en zij is daar uitstekend in geslaagd.
Rozsa Péter kent nauwkeurig de grens tot waar de wiskunde kan worden vereenvoudigd zonder dat het beeld vertekend wordt, ze laat het genoegen proeven dat aan iedere ontdekking in de wiskunde verbonden is, en toont het mensel...
morgen verzonden
Epsilon uitgaven Algebra
de brug tussen getallen en meetkundige constructies
2018 || Paperback || M. Riemersma || Epsilon Uitgaven
Beroemde meetkundeproblemen uit de tijd van de Griekse wiskunde zijn de driedeling van een hoek, de verdubbeling van de kubus en de kwadratuur van de cirkel met passer en liniaal. Ruim twee duizend jaar hebben wiskundigen, zowel professionals als amateurs, zich tot het uiterste ingespannen om ze op te lossen. Pas in de negentiende eeuw heeft men de instrumenten in handen gekregen om de principiële onmogelijkheid van deze klassieke constructies aan te tonen. Dat was het geval toen de abstract...