Resultaten (24)
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What Design Can’t Do
Essays on Design and Disillusion
2023 || Paperback || Silvio Lorusso || Set Margins' publications
Design is broken. Young and not-so-young designers are becoming increasingly aware of this. Many feel impotent: they were told they had the tools to make the world a better place, but instead the world takes its toll on them. Beyond a haze of hype and bold claims lies a barren land of self-doubt and impostor syndrome. This book probes the disillusionment that permeates design. It tackles the deskilling effects provoked by digital semi-automation, the instances of ornamental politics fashioned...
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Misha's mandala's
Animals of the world
2023 || Paperback || HugoElena Black Edition || Mijnbestseller.nl
Mandala's zijn prachtige cirkelvormige figuren met symmetrische elementen. Het woord mandala komt uit het Sanskriet (een oude Indiase taal) en betekent letterlijk 'magische cirkel' of 'magisch wiel'. Volgens oude oosterse wijsheid dienen ze ter inspiratie en innerlijke verrijking.
Neem een kleine pauze om stress te verlichten en je creativiteit een boost te geven met een verscheidenheid aan dieren- en bloemenmandala's om in te kleuren!
Als onderdeel van kunsttherapie wordt tegenwoordig ...
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Commons in Design
2023 || Paperback || Christine Schranz || Valiz
The scarcity of resources, climate change, and the digitalization of everyday life are fuelling the economy of swapping, sharing, and lending—all of which are in some way linked to a culture of commoning. In this context, we understand commons as community-based processes that use, collectively manage, and organize generally accessible resources—referring to both goods and knowledge. Commons in Design explores the meaning and impact of commons—especially knowledge-based peer commons—a...
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Het perspectiefboek
2023 || Paperback || Kees van Schoten || GigaBoek
Dit boek laat stap voor stap de grondbeginselen van het perspectieftekenen
zien in begrijpelijke tekst en handgetekende illustraties, speciaal gericht op het interieurvak.
Kees van Schoten (Amsterdam, 1958) is
interieurarchitect en als docent interieurontwerpen verbonden aan de Nia-
Vanuit zijn onderwijservaring is dit boek samengesteld, als aanvulling op het
eerder gepubliceerde Het Interieurboek.
Het Interieurboek is al vele jaren het standaardwerk voor de (beginnende) interieurar...
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User Experience Design
An Introduction to Creating Interactive Digital Spaces
2023 || Paperback || Mark Wells || BIS Publishers BV
An invaluable introduction for designers and creatives on how to create digital interfaces for users.
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Interior style guide
2023 || Paperback || Bart Appeltans || Borgerhoff & Lamberigts
Staan de puntjes al op de i van je interieur? In zijn derde boek walst de meest aaibare interieurarchitect van Vlaanderen samen met jou doorheen de basisprincipes van interieurafwerking. Deze speelse pocket bevat een schat aan inspirerende beelden, sferen en kleuren die je makkelijk overal kan meenemen. Want de zoektocht naar de ideale styling van je woning begint niet alleen met een idee in je hoofd, maar ook in je binnenzak.
Auteur Bart Appeltans schreef eerder al de
portfolioboeken Tijdlo...
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Role of Play
A future perspective on play in society
2023 || Paperback || Ben Schouten e.a. || Jap Sam Books
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Bootlegging as a Creative Practice
2023 || Paperback || Ben Schwartz || Valiz
Over the last few decades the term ‘bootlegging’—a practice once relegated to smugglers and copyright infringers—has become understood as a creative act. Debates about homage, appropriation, and theft that are common in the art world, are now being held in the spheres of corporate branding, social media, and the creative industry as a whole. Today, bootlegging has become fetishized as an aesthetic in and of itself, influencing everything from underground record labels to DIY T-shirts,...
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Now is Better
2023 || Paperback || Stefan Sagmeister e.a. || Phaidon Press Limited
Stefan Sagmeister’s newest project encourages long-term thinking and reminds us that many things in the world are improving
Initially conceived in 2020 as the world entered pandemic lockdown, Stefan Sagmeister has created a book that looks at the state of the world today, illuminating, through collected data, how far we’ve come, and encouraging us to think about where we can go from here. Statistics are vividly brought to life, as numbers are transformed into graphs, inlaid into nineteent...
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Relation of Elements
Using Prepositions to Shape Design
2023 || Paperback || Ryan Crooks || BIS Publishers
“Relation of Elements” explores the role of prepositions in architecture and design, a part of speech often overlooked when describing and designing architecture. The book demonstrates how language can shape our understanding of objects and spaces and allows you to discover new ways to shape and define space.
The book aims to inspire architects and designers to think creatively by manipulating prepositions and exploring the connections between different composition and structure elements....