Resultaten (14)
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The Wheel of Fire
2024 || Paperback || G. Wilson Knight || Taylor & Francis Group Limited
Originally published in 1930, The Wheel of Fire is the masterwork of the brilliant English scholar G. Wilson Knight, in which he founded a new and influential school of Shakespearean criticism.
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Reza Abdoh
2024 || Paperback || Charlie Fox e.a. || Hatje Cantz
Profusely illustrated, Reza Abdoh is a major monograph on one of the most influential theater artists of the latter-20th century. The book contains new essays on Abdoh's works in theater, film, and video, published and unpublished interviews with the director, conversations with his friends and colleagues, scripts of Abdoh's plays, and contemporary reviews.
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Academia Ballet, why and how?
on the role of classical ballet in dance education
2014 || Hardcover || Derrick Brown e.a. || Idea Books B.V.
Classical ballet is no longer the sole stimulus for today's audiences, as a fluid fusion of everything from ballet to Bollywood and from breakdancing to Latin represents how dance is consumed today. With the emergence of modern choreographers and new teaching styles, debate on the benefits of classical ballet training for non-classical dancers continues, even raising questions as to its relevance. The increasing academic interest in examining ballet's role is the focus of this book, published...
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|| Paperback || Irina Baldini || Brave New Books
ME is a capital, a produced identity, a competitive subjectivity.
If I practice de-forming the product of ME, do I annihilate ME, aside from the matter-of-factness by which I still exist in flesh and bone?
By the urgency of not belonging
Not owing
Not being owned
Running from a contract I considered a given
I talked to that breath
It gave me a shiver in response.
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Unpacking performativity
an exciting two-year research journey in dance
2016 || Paperback || Gaby Allard e.a. || Idea Books B.V.
This volume comprises the textual and visual translation of a two-year research trip undertaken by the ArtEZ Dance Academy and its Theory in the Arts research department. The project tackles the praxis and practice of urban dance, its manifestation in public space, making modern dance more accessible to a wider audience, how urban dance is learned and how this can affect ideas and movements, and more. The questions it raised have led to exploring the urban circle form that has emerged ass the...
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Antennae Imaginative bodies
dialogues in performance practices
2016 || Paperback || Guy Cools e.a. || Valiz
Imaginative Bodies contains a series of in-depth conversations with dancers and choreographers, composers, visual artists, Hip Hop artists, dramaturgs, a lighting designer and a puppeteer. The overall theme is defined by the body, both in relation to the place it takes in the artist's work, and in relation to wider debates on the body in philosophy, science, medicine, anthropology, and the arts. Depending on the affinities of the artist, a more specific theme has been defined for each dialogu...
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Dance as Intermedial Translation
Moving Across Page, Stage, Canvas
2024 || Paperback || Vanessa Montesi || Leuven University Press
This book is situated in the breach opened up by recent debates on inherited notions of text, language, and translation that followed the emergence of new technologies. It examines two works of contemporary dance, Marie Chouinard’s Jérôme Bosch: Le Jardin des Délices (2016) and Mathieu Geffré’s Froth on the Daydream (2018), as examples of intermedial translation. Conceptualising translation through the lens of theatrical dance allows us to see the translation process as a creative, co...
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The Marina Abramovic Method
Instruction Cards to Reboot Your Life
2022 || Cards || Katya Tylevich e.a. || BIS Publishers
The Abramovic Method will surmount any creative barrier and refocus your life.
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Antennae Moving Together
theorizing and making Contemporary Dance
2015 || Paperback || Rudi Laermans || Samenwerkende Uitgevers VOF
In Moving Together onderzoekt Rudi Laermans hedendaagse dans vanuit zowel een praktijk- als een theoretisch perspectief, met verbindingen over en weer. Laermans analyseert de drie belangrijkste stromingen: 'pure dans', danstheater en (zelf)reflexieve dans en stelt een (theoretisch) begrippenkader voor. Hij onderzoekt tevens op basis van gesprekken met dansers en choreografen hoe dans in artistieke samenwerking tot stand komt.
Rudi Laermans is hoogleraar Sociologische Theorie aan de KULeuven. ...
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Low content
|| Paperback || Irina Baldini || Brave New Books
LOW CONTENT deals with aspects of Change. It started as a collection of reflections in relation to movement practice and bodily expressivity through personal understanding , and evolved together with a number of artists who contributed to the book directly or indirectly. The concept of Change is addressed in various ways through its relationship to freedom, society and stability, identity and consciousness.