Resultaten (62)
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Careers in Media and Communication
2018 || Paperback || Smith || SAGE
Careers in Media and Communication is a practical resource that helps students understand how a communication degree prepares them for a range of fulfilling careers; it gives students the skills they will need to compete in a changing job market. Award-winning teacher and author Stephanie A. Smith draws from her years of professional experience to guide students through the trends and processes of identifying, finding, and securing a job in in mass communication.
Throughout the book, students...
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McQuail s Media and Mass Communication Theory / Druk 7
2023 || Hardcover || McQuail || SAGE
A new edition of the seminal textbook in media and mass communication. Denis McQuail's classic book has been revised and updated by Mark Deuze to reflect the contemporary media landscape and to speak to needs of today's media students.
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Voicing Relationships
2022 || Paperback || Baxter || SAGE
An expansion of Baxter's earlier award winning work on relationship communuication and 'relational dialectics theory', the 1996 Relating Dialogues and Dialectics (co-authored with Barbara Montgomery).
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Knapp, M: SAGE Handbook of Interpersonal Communication
2011 || Hardcover || Knapp || SAGE
A state-of-the-art reference work in the field of interpersonal communication. Well-known experts summarize theory, research, and address key issues such as personal relationships, computer-mediated communication, language, personality, skills, nonverbal communication, and communication across the life span.
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Techniques of Close Reading / Druk 2
2023 || Paperback || Brummett || SAGE
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Ad Critique: How to Deconstruct Ads in Order to Build Better Advertising
2022 || Paperback || Tag || SAGE
Teaches advertising, marketing, and management students (both the "suits" and the "creatives") how to effectively judge and critique creativity in advertising.
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Inter/Cultural Communication
Representation and Construction of Culture
2012 || Paperback || Kurylo || SAGE
Introductory textbook offering intercultural communication students a fuller understanding of how culture and communication affect and effect eachother.
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The SAGE Handbook of Conflict Communication
Integrating Theory, Research, and Practice
2013 || Hardcover || Oetzel || SAGE
The Second Edition of the award-winning The SAGE Handbook of Conflict Communication emphasizes constructive conflict management from a communication perspective which places primacy in the message as the focus of conflict research and practice.
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Nonverbal Communication
Science and Applications
2012 || Paperback || Matsumoto || SAGE
Examines state-of-the-art research and knowledge regarding nonverbal behavior and applies that scientific knowledge to a broad range of fields.
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Anderson, J: Media Research Methods
2011 || Paperback || Anderson || SAGE
Focusing on empirical research, this is an engaging and critical guide through each step of the research process, outlining the procedures, differences, strengths and limitations of metric, interpretive and the newer hybrid approaches.