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Resultaten (168)
The Shock Of The Old
Technology and Global History since 1900
2023 || Paperback || David Edgerton || Profile Books Ltd
'It's rare for a book to make you see the world differently, but this ... does exactly that on almost every page' GuardianStandard histories of technology give tired accounts of the usual inventions, inventors, and dates, framing technology as the inevitable march of progress. They split history into ages - electrification, motorisation, and computerisation - and rarely ask whether anyone bothered to use these inventions at the time.
Shock of the Old is not one of those histories. I Letters e...
Industrial Microbiology
2020 || Paperback || David B. Wilson || Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH || ook als eBook
Teaches everything about industrial microbiology - from the fundamentals to the current state of the art to future prospects
This book brings together the insight and expertise of leading researchers and professionals from across the field of industrial microbiology to give students a handy, practice-oriented text that showcases the industry and the future potential of microbes for industrial processes. After a brief introduction to the technology of microbial processes, the twelve m...
vandaag verzonden
Buckling of Ship Structures
2013 || Paperback || Mohamed Shama || Springer
Buckling of Ship Structures presents a comprehensive analysis of the buckling problem of ship structural members. A full analysis of the various types of loadings and stresses imposed on ship plating and primary and secondary structural members is given. The main causes and consequences of the buckling mode of failure of ship structure and the methods commonly used to control buckling failure are clarified.
This book contains the main equations required to determine the critical buckling stre...
morgen verzonden
Ultimate Arduino Uno Hardware Manual
a Reference and User Guide for the Arduino Uno Hardware and Firmware
2022 || Paperback || Warwick Smith || Elektor International Media BV || met inkijkexemplaar
A manual providing up-to-date hardware information for the popular Arduino Uno, the easy to use open-source electronics platform used by hobbyists, makers, hackers, experimenters, educators and professionals.
Get all the information you need on the hardware and firmware found on Arduino Uno boards in this handy reference and user guide.
- Ideal for the workbench or desktop
- Contains all of the Arduino Uno hardware information in one place
- Covers Arduino / Genuino Uno revision 3 and earlier...
morgen verzonden
|| Paperback || H.S. Kooyman || MK Publishing
Uitvoerige beschrijving van alle technische aspecten van de huidige in de luchtvaart toegepaste zuigermotoren. Vele afbeeldingen en tekeningen illustreren de tekst. Inhoudelijk wordt ruimschoots voldaan aan de benodigde stof voor de examens tot bevoegdheid van grondwerktuigbouwkundige, zoals die op het Nederlands Luchtvaart College worden afgenomen. Tevens bevat dit werk alle stof over zuigermotoren die bij het behalen van het A-vliegbrevet wordt behandeld.
morgen verzonden
Co-Science back to Life
Critics to the bio-synthetic anti-Nature delirium
2024 || Paperback || Paolo Renati || Obelisk Books
“Rejecting Technological Narcissism: Unraveling the Threat to Humanity and Nature”
Paolo Renati, PhD, presents a critical analysis of today’s rampant technological advancements, especially in synthetic biology, genetic manipulation, and the creation of bionic entities like androids and cyborgs. Renati questions the overlooked essence of Nature, highlighting the detrimental consequences of our obsession with technological progress, driven by capitalist motives.
The essay exposes how scie...
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Integraal Maintenance Management / Druk 2 (Heruitgave)
In samenhang transformeren tot een waarde-toevoegende activiteit
2024 || Paperback || Vincent van Loenen || ACCO Uitgeverij b.v.
In dit boek wordt het gebruikelijke beeld van onderhoud als geldverslindende kostenpost grondig herzien. Wanneer de kracht van onderhoud niet erkend wordt, heeft dit op de lange termijn onvermijdelijke gevolgen voor het primaire bedrijfsproces. Een doordacht maintenance managementproces verlengt de technische en economische levensduur van bedrijfsmiddelen en is daarmee een essentiële motor voor waardecreatie binnen organisaties.
Met praktische richtlijnen en inzichten biedt dit boek onderste...
Computer Organization and Design MIPS Edition
The Hardware/Software Interface
2020 || Paperback || David A. Patterson e.a. || Elsevier
Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface, Sixth Edition, the leading, award-winning textbook from Patterson and Hennessy used by more than 40,000 students per year, continues to present the most comprehensive and readable introduction to this core computer science topic. Improvements to this new release include new sections in each chapter on Domain Specific Architectures (DSA) and updates on all real-world examples that keep it fresh and relevant for a new generation...
Power System Analysis and Design / 7th SI Edition
2022 || Paperback || J. Duncan Glover e.a. || Cengage Learning
Examine the basic concepts behind today's power systems as well as the tools you need to apply your newly acquired skills to real-world situations with POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN, SI, 7th Edition. The latest updates throughout this new edition reflect the most recent trends in the field as the authors highlight key physical concepts with clear explanations of important mathematical techniques. New co-author Adam Birchfield joins this prominent author team with fresh insights into the la...
Rules of Thumb for Maintenance and Reliability Engineers
2019 || Paperback || Ricky Smith e.a. || Elsevier
Helps engineers instill knowledge on a daily basis, to do their jobs and to maintain and assure reliable equipment to help reduce costs. This book includes graphs, charts, calculations, tables, curves, and explanations, and basic rules of thumb that engineers working with equipment will need for basic maintenance and reliability of that equipment.