Resultaten (24)
Instrumentation and Control Systems / 3rd Edition
2021 || Paperback || William Bolton || Elsevier
Instrumentation and Control Systems, Third Edition, addresses the basic principles of modern instrumentation and control systems, including examples of the latest devices, techniques and applications. The book provides a comprehensive introduction on the subject, with Laplace presented in a simple and easily accessible form and complemented by an outline of the mathematics that would be required to progress to more advanced levels of study. Taking a highly practical approach, the author combi...
Applied Thermodynamics for Engineering Technologists
2021 || Paperback || T.D. Eastop e.a. || Pearson
Applied Thermodynamics for Engineering Technologists provides a complete introduction to the principles of thermodynamics for degree level students on courses in mechanical, aeronautical, chemical, environmental and energy engineering and engineering science courses. The fifth edition of this classic text for applied courses has been completely revised and updated to take account of modern teaching methods and perspectives, with the emphasis placed on the application of theory to real process...
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Fire safety and fire resistant design of steel structures for buildings according to Eurocode 3
2021 || Hardcover || A.F. Hamerlinck || Bouwen met Staal || met inkijkexemplaar
This book deals with the subject of fire safety and the design of fire resistant steel structures for buildings according to Eurocode 3.
• Chapter 1 describes the objectives of fire safety based on the behaviour of a fire and discusses the measures that a designer can take to meet the fire safety requirements found in building regulations.
• Chapter 2 deals with the calculation of the fire resistance of a steel structure. The simple calculation model is suitable for tension members, beams...
Power Electronics: Devices, Circuits, and Applications / 4th edition (e-book)
2021 || E-book via Bookshelf || Muhammad Rashid || Pearson
For junior or senior undergraduate students in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. This text covers the basics of emerging areas in power electronics and a broad range of topics such as power switching devices, conversion methods, analysis and techniques, and applications. Its unique approach covers the characteristics of semiconductor devices first, then discusses the applications of these devices for power conversions.
Four main applications are included: flexible ac transmissi...
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English for Mechanical Engineering Course Book + CDs
2021 || Hardcover || Marian et al Dunn || Garnet Publishing Ltd
English for Mechanical Engineering in Higher Education Studies The Garnet Education English for Specific Academic Purposes series won the Duke of Edinburgh English Speaking Union English Language Book Award in 2009. English for Mechanical Engineering is a skills-based course designed specifically for students of mechanical engineering who are about to enter English-medium tertiary level studies. It provides carefully graded practice and progressions in the key academic skills that all student...
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Treasures from the Patek Philippe Museum, two volumes
Vol. 1: The Quest for the Perfect Watch (Patek Philippe Collection); Vol. 2: The Emergence of the Portable Timekeeper (Antique Collection)
2021 || Hardcover || Dr. Peter Friess || Persell Trading
Dr. Peter Friess, curator of the Patek Philippe Museum in Geneva, presents a fascinating insight into the wonderful world of watchmaking. The result is a publication that arouses (almost) as much desire as a watch from Patek Philippe.
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Scheurgedrag vervorming & courante gevallen
2021 || Paperback || Jan Ritzen e.a. || Academia Press
De reeks Betonbouw is uitgegroeid tot een standaardwerk.
Deze editie van deel 2 houdt rekening met de meest courante wijzigingen. De cd-rom met rekenprogramma geeft de student of de professionele gebruiker beter inzicht in de materie.
Tevens kan men met dit gebruiksvriendelijk programma snel rekenresultaten bekomen, bewaren en afdrukken. Dit boek en het rekenprogramma sluiten perfect aan op deel 1.
Modern Control Systems / 4th Edition
2021 || Paperback || Richard Dorf e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook
For courses in Control Theory. Progressively develop students' problem-solving skills through an integrated design and analysis approach to real-world engineering problems Modern Control Systems presents the structure of feedback control theory and provides a sequence of exciting discoveries as students proceed through the text and problems. Written to be equally useful for all engineering disciplines, this text is organised around the concepts of control systems theory in the context of freq...
Mathematics for Engineers (e-book)
2021 || E-book via Bookshelf || Anthony Croft e.a. || Pearson
Were you looking for the book with access to MyLabMath Global? This product is the book alone, and does NOT come with access to MyLabMath Global. Buy Mathematics for Engineers, 5e by Croft with MyLabMaths Global access card 5e (ISBN 9781292267685) if you need access to the MyLab as well, and save money on this brilliant resource. Understanding key mathematical concepts and applying them successfully to solve problems are vital skills that all engineering students must acquire.
Design and Analysis of Experiments / 10th Edition
2023 || Paperback || Douglas C. Montgomery || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Design and Analysis of Experiments provides a rigorous introduction to product and process design improvement through quality and performance optimization. Clear demonstration of widely practiced techniques and procedures allows readers to master fundamental concepts, develop design and analysis skills, and use experimental models and results in real-world applications. Detailed coverage of factorial and fractional factorial design, response surface techniques, regression analysis, biochemist...