Resultaten (16)
Gramatica Ativa 1
Portuguese course with audio download A1/A2/B1
2022 || Paperback || Isabel Coimbra e.a. || Edicoes Tecnicas Lidel
A Gramática Ativa 1 destina-se ao ensino/aprendizagem de Português Língua Estrangeira (PLE) e Português Língua Segunda (PL2) e contempla as principais estruturas dos níveis elementar e pré-intermédio - A1, A2 e B1.
A Gramática Ativa 1 não está orientada para ser um livro de curso de PLE / PL2. Trata-se de material suplementar, a ser usado na sala de aula ou em casa e, como tal, o livro não deverá ser trabalhado do princípio ao fim, seguindo a ordem numérica das unidades; estas ...
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Remainders of the Day
more Diaries from The Bookshop, Wigtown
2022 || Hardcover || Shaun Bythell || Profile
The Bookshop in Wigtown is a bookworm's idyll - with thousands of books across nearly a mile of shelves, a real log fire, and Captain, the bookshop cat. You'd think after twenty years, owner Shaun Bythell would be used to the customers by now.
Don't get him wrong - there are some good ones among the antiquarian porn-hunters, die-hard Arthurians, people who confuse bookshops for libraries and the toddlers just looking for a nice cosy corner in which to wee. He's sure there are. There must be s...
Research Methods in Language Attitudes
2022 || Paperback || Ruth Kircher e.a. || Cambridge University Press
This interdisciplinary book is the first to survey traditional and cutting-edge methods for the study of language attitudes. It helps readers choose a suitable research method, and guides them through planning and design, data collection and analysis. It is essential reading for researchers and students conducting research into language attitudes.
In Conversation with Exercises
A Writer's Guidebook
2022 || Ringband || Mike Palmquist e.a. || Macmillan
For every kind of writer you need to be.
In Conversation with Exercises starts with the idea that good writing isn’t a single, static thing. This rhetorically-driven, genre-based handbook prepares college writers to write in different ways for different courses, professional contexts, and civic and everyday scenarios. It helps them to be every kind of writer – one who slips in and out of a range of roles, writing situations, and conversations. It gives novice writers the versatility and c...
Ruslan Russian 2 Course Book / 4th edition
With free audio download
2022 || Paperback || John Langran e.a. || Ruslan Ltd
The Ruslan 2 course book (160 pages in full colour) continues the exciting Ruslan 1 story line with Ivan, Lyudmila, Peter and Vadim. There are 10 lessons with lively dialogues, clear grammar explanations, lots of reading, listening and writing exercises and language games for the classroom or for online training. Ruslan 2 takes you to a very good GCSE level, and is easily equivalent to the Council of Europe A2 standard.
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Handboek taalkunde
2022 || Paperback || Arina Banga e.a. || Coutinho
Hoe zit taal in elkaar en hoe leren en gebruiken mensen taal? Het nieuwe Handboek taalkunde behandelt op een toegankelijke en overzichtelijke manier het fascinerende systeem achter taal. Het boek omvat alle leerdoelen over taalbeschouwing uit de kennisbasis voor toekomstige docenten Nederlands en biedt andere studenten een boeiende inleiding in de taalkunde.
Het Handboek taalkunde is opgebouwd aan de hand van vier categorieën. De eerste hoofdstukken behandelen de systematiek van taal in volg...