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Just My Luck

2023 || Paperback || Cécile Hupin e.a. || The Eriskay Connection

If money cannot buy happiness, what drives people to participate in a lottery? And what effect does (almost) winning have on someone’s life, or that of the people around them? Cécile Hupin and Katherine Longly set out to compare dreams with reality by giving a voice to those who won or came close to winning a jackpot, for better or for worse. Their stories form a reflection of our society, our aspirations, our beliefs, and our fraught relationship with money. All of the personal accounts t...

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Voor niets gaat de zon op

2019 || Paperback || Inez van Eijk || Uitgeverij Brooklyn

Leverbaar vanaf 15 mei
met 5% korting 16,63


Overtuigen met een zachte g

2025 || Paperback || Robbert Wigt || Uitgeverij Brooklyn

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Toonder vertaald 2

2017 || Paperback || Rob Barnhoorn || Uitgeverij Personalia

Toonder vertaald is het tweede boek in de serie 'Taal en wereld van de Bommelsaga'. Hierin komen een aantal Bommelverhalen aan bod die vertaald en als boek gepubliceerd zijn in het Duits, Fries, Gronings, Twents, Latijn en Spaans. Duidelijk wordt wat het betekent om teksten van een dergelijke taalvirtuoos te vertalen. Bovendien komt de vertaling van Toonders beroemde en nog immer zeer actuele verhaal De bovenbazen - Los Altos Mandos aan bod, aangevuld met fragmenten uit andere Bommelverhalen.


Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

The English Language

A Historical Introduction

2012 || Paperback || Charles Barber e.a. || Cambridge University Press

This bestselling text by Charles Barber, with updating contributions from Joan C. Beal and Philip A. Shaw, recounts the history of the English language from its remote ancestry to the present day.

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Reading and Writing Chinese / 3rd edition

A Comprehensive Guide to the Chinese Writing System

2013 || Paperback || William McNaughton || Tuttle Publishing

Used as a standard by students and teachers in learning Chinese for morethan three decades, the best-selling Reading and Writing Chinese has beencompletely revised and updated! Reading and Writing Chinese

This is a complete and easy-to-use guide for reading and writing Chinese characters.

Learning written Chinese is an essential part of mastering the Chinese language. Used as a standard by students and teachers learning to read Chinese and write Chinese for more than three decades, the bestse...

Levertijd: 8 werkdagen

The Sounds of Language

An Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology

2013 || Paperback || Elizabeth C. Zsiga || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

The Sounds of Language is an introductory guide to the linguistic study of speech sounds, which provides uniquely balanced coverage of both phonology and phonetics. * Features exercises and problem sets, as well as supporting online resources at www. wiley.

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met 5% korting 34,20

Writing Your Thesis

2013 || Paperback || Paul Oliver || SAGE

Expert guidance for postgraduate and research students on how to plan, prepare and produce a thesis or dissertation.

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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L'atelier +A1 Livre de l'eleve + didierfle.app

Méthode de français

2022 || Paperback || Marie-Noelle Cocton e.a. || Didier

Agir, interagir et apprendre avec plaisir

Coopérer pour construire du sens et résoudre des missions concrètes

Réfléchir ensemble au fonctionnement de la langue, pas à pas et en spirale

S'ouvrir aux autres et se détendre par des découvertes culturelles et des jeux

Développer et partager les stratégies d'apprentissage

Perfectionner sa prononciation avec 34 vidéos de phonétique

Faciliter et enrichir sa pratique d'enseignant avec le guide classe

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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New Contemporary Chinese: Textbook 3

2023 || Paperback || Wu Zhongwei e.a. || Sinolingua

New Contemporary Chinese, a complete textbook series, is tailored for adult learners of the Chinese language. The series includes four volumes, with each volume consisting of a Textbook, an Exercise Book and the corresponding Teacher's Book, Supplementary Reading Materials, Testing Materials, Character Writing Workbook, and multimedia teaching resources. Volume 1 and Volume 2 each contains a Character Book. New Contemporary Chinese aims to develop the learners' comprehensive abilities of list...