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Resultaten (586)

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 38,00

Key Concepts in the Philosophy of Social Research

2022 || Paperback || Malcolm Williams || SAGE

Providing concise, focussed introductions to everything from the central research methods, to ethics, to metaphysics, and with helpful features such as real-world examples, cross-references and lists of key thinkers, this guide is an ideal introduction.

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 114,00

Multilevel Modeling in Plain Language

2022 || Hardcover || Robson e.a. || SAGE

With a real focus on the practical, this book provides students with a step-by-step approach, plenty of real-life examples, and downloadable data and exercises on the accompanying study website to help take the fear and intimidation out of multilevel modeling

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 60,80

Social Research and Reflexivity

Content, Consequences and Context

2022 || Paperback || Tim May e.a. || SAGE

The leading experts in the field set the agenda with this book, covering the history of reflexive thought alongside a genuinely original way forward in research practice.

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 65,55

Video Ethnography in Practice

Planning, Shooting, and Editing for Social Analysis

2016 || Paperback || Shrum || SAGE

Show students at any level how to plan, shoot, and edit their own ethnographic videos within 3 weeks using desktop technology and widely available software.

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 41,80

The Tao of Statistics

2015 || Paperback || Keller || SAGE

This Second Edition of The Tao of Statistics: A Path to Understanding (With No Math) provides a reader-friendly approach to statistics in plain English. Unlike other statistics books, this text explains what statistics mean and how they are used, rather than how to calculate them. The book walks readers through basic concepts as well as some of the most complex statistical models in use.

The Second Edition adds coverage of big data to better address its impact on p-values and other key concep...

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 124,45

The American Drug Culture

2023 || Paperback || Weinberg || SAGE

The American Drug Culture uses sociological and other perspectives to examine drug and alcohol use in U.S. society. Arranged topically rather than by drug categories, the book explores diverse aspects of drug use, including popular culture, sexuality, legal and criminal justice systems, other social institutions, and mental and physical health.

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 41,80


2016 || Paperback || Schroeder || SAGE PUBN

Presents the fundamentals of regression analysis, from its meaning to uses, in a concise, easy-to-read, and non-technical style.

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 92,15

An Introduction to Text Mining: Research Design, Data Collection, and Analysis

2023 || Paperback || Ignatow || SAGE

This is the ideal introduction for students seeking to collect and analyze textual data from online sources. It covers the most critical issues that they must take into consideration at all stages of their research projects.

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 124,45

Interaction Effects in Linear and Generalized Linear Models: Examples and Applications Using Stata

2023 || Hardcover || Kaufman || SAGE

Offering a clear set of workable examples with data and explanations, Interaction Effects in Linear and Generalized Linear Models is a comprehensive and accessible text that provides a unified approach to interpreting interaction effects.

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden
met 5% korting 172,90

Howard T. Tokunaga / Druk 2

2023 || Paperback || Tokunaga || SAGE

Fundamental Statistics is designed not to just teach students how to calculate statistics, but how to interpret the results of statistical analyses in light of a research hypothesis, and to communicate the results and interpretations to a broader audience.