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Martin Appelo (10)
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Bas van Heycop ten Ham (8)
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Joost van der Leij (8)
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Ernst Bohlmeijer (7)
Gert Alblas (7)
Jan Jacob Stam (7)
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Paul Verhaeghe (7)
Prof.Dr. T.I. Oei (7)
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Coert Visser (6)
Elaine N. Aron (6)
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Fredrike Bannink (6)
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Kelly Weekers (6)
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Ultimate Law Of Attrac... (6)
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Fred Sterk (5)
Freka Vink (5)
Gerben Westerhof (5)
Henk Coudenys (5)
Jacqueline Hilbers (5)
Jeffrey Wijnberg (5)
Leen Dendievel (5)
Manu Keirse (5)
Noks Nauta (5)
Peg Dawson (5)
Privitera (5)
Richard Guare (5)
Rick Hanson (5)
Sigmund Freud (5)
Sjoerd Swaen (5)
Thomas Erikson (5)
Tirtsa Ehrlich (5)
Vex King (5)
Adam Grant (4)
Adinda de Vreede (4)
André Aleman (4)
Anja Jongkind (4)
Ap Dijksterhuis (4)
Bert van Dijk (4)
Dan Ariely (4)
Daniel Pink (4)
David Allen (4)
Emelie van Laar (4)
Greet Vonk (4)
Gregory J. Boyle (4)
Gwenda Schlundt Bodien (4)
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Jaap Spaans (4)
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Jakop Rigter (4)
Jan Pieter van Oudenho... (4)
Jelle Hermus (4)
Jolet Plomp (4)
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K.M. Hamaker-Zondag (4)
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Leo Bormans (4)
Liesbeth Woertman (4)
Marian Mudder (4)
Marie Kondo (4)
Marion Lutke (4)
Mark Tuitert (4)
Mark Verhees (4)
Mark Williams (4)
Martine F. Delfos (4)
Mel Robbins (4)
Nathalie Cardinaels (4)
Oliver Sacks (4)
Paul Smit (4)
Peter Rober (4)
Pol Craeynest (4)
Richard C. Schwartz (4)
Roos Vonk (4)
Rudolf Ponds (4)
Russ Harris (4)
Theo IJzermans (4)
Wibe Veenbaas (4)
Yvonne Toeset (4)
Ad Kerkhof (3)
Aerjen Tamminga (3)
Alfons Vansteenwegen (3)
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Antonie Ladan (3)
Attie Dotinga (3)
Barbelo Christina Uijt... (3)
Björn Deusings (3)
Brianna Wiest (3)
Cal Newport (3)
Caroline Volckaert (3)
Charlotte Labee (3)
Chip Heath (3)
Christopher Germer (3)
D. W. Winnicott (3)
Dale Carnegie (3)
Daniël Goleman (3)
David Groome (3)
Devon Price (3)
Douwe Draaisma (3)
Elliot Aronson (3)
Els Blijd-Hoogewys (3)
Emily Nagoski (3)
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Fleur van Groningen (3)
Frank van Marwijk (3)
Franz Ruppert (3)
Gerrie Reijersen van B... (3)
Gitta Jacob (3)
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Marjoleine Vosselman (3)
Marjon Kuipers-Hemken (3)
Mark Tigchelaar (3)
Martin Seligman (3)
Martine van Zandvoort (3)
Meik Wiking (3)
Mjon van Oers (3)
Monique Schouten (3)
Morgan Housel (3)
Nick Blaser (3)
Pam van der Veen (3)
Pascal Sienaert (3)
Peter J. Pakvis (3)
Peter Vermeulen (3)
Rhiannon Turner (3)
Richard Templar (3)
Rick Pastoor (3)
Rob Brandsma (3)
Robin Sharma (3)
Rosalinda Weel (3)
Roy Kessels (3)
Ruby Wax (3)
Ruth Willems (3)
S. Alexander Haslam (3)
Sanne van Arnhem (3)
Saskia van der Oord (3)
Shackelford (3)
Silvia Pol (3)
Stefan van der Stigche... (3)
Steven Hayes (3)
Steven Laureys (3)
Steven Pinker (3)
Susan Cain (3)
Susan Marletta Hart (3)
Susan Nolen-Hoeksema (3)
Sylvia Leegwater (3)
Theo Compernolle (3)
Thomas d' Ansembourg (3)
Tim Vanhoomissen (3)
Tim den Heijer (3)
Vreneli Stadelmaier (3)
Wilfried Nelles (3)
Willem Jan van de Wete... (3)
Willem Vos (3)
Wouter de Jong (3)
Zeigler-Hill (3)
A. Lowen (2)
Albert Sonnevelt (2)
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Alexis Fernandez-Preik... (2)
Alison Cooper (2)
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Ann Dierick (2)
Anne Marije Baars (2)
Anne de Jong (2)
Annelies Spek (2)
Annemiek van Kessel (2)
Annick Ruyts (2)
Anouk Puister (2)
Anoushka Van Bemmel (2)
Anton de Kroon (2)
Arentina Drenth (2)
Arjan Broere (2)
Arjan Videler (2)
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Arnoud Arntz (2)
Aron K. Barbey (2)
Arthur Brooks (2)
Asha ten Broeke (2)
Audrey Mol (2)
Aukelien van Abbema (2)
BJ Fogg (2)
Barbara Hoogenboom (2)
Ben Tiggelaar (2)
Berry Collewijn (2)
Bert de Vos (2)
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Bowen (2)
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Braun (2)
Bruce Hood (2)
Bryan Kolb (2)
C. Andreas (2)
C. Nathan DeWall (2)
C. Poleij (2)
C.J. Schuurman (2)
Carole Sullivan (2)
Carolien Hamming (2)
Carolien Roodvoets (2)
Carolina Bont (2)
Caroline van Heugten (2)
Cath Sullivan (2)
Charlotte Fox Weber (2)
Chetanya de Wit (2)
Christiane Beerlandt (2)
Christine Beijnen (2)
Christine Dancey (2)
Christine Norman (2)
Coen Dirkx (2)
Conny Ielegems (2)
Dan Heath (2)
Dan J. Stein (2)
Daniel A. Hughes (2)
Daniel H. Pink (2)
Daniel J. Siegel (2)
Daniel Kahneman (2)
Daniel Schacter (2)
Danielle Krekels (2)
Daniëlle Kick (2)
Danny Penman (2)
David Brooks (2)
David Buss (2)
David G. Myers (2)
David Goggins (2)
David Mangene (2)
David Myers (2)
Dawn M. McBride (2)
Deb Dana (2)
Debbie Ford (2)
Denise Bodden (2)
Derek de Beurs (2)
Diana Smidts (2)
Dick Barelds (2)
Donna Henderson (2)
Edith Eger (2)
Edward P. Sarafino (2)
Edwin Zasada (2)
Eli R. Lebowitz (2)
Eline Janssen (2)
Eline Snel (2)
Elise van der Giessen (2)
Elke Van Hoof (2)
Ella Wijsman (2)
Ellen Braaten (2)
Els Heene (2)
Els de Rooij (2)
Eric Rassin (2)
Erica Rijnsburger (2)
Ernie Beuker (2)
Erwin De Bisscop (2)
Esther Perel (2)
Esther van Fenema (2)
Eva Daeleman (2)
Eva van den Broek (2)
Eveline Crone (2)
F. Schaper (2)
Fabio Vinago (2)
Ferdi de Goede (2)
Fieke Pannebakker (2)
Flip Jan van Oenen (2)
Francien Regelink (2)
Frank Wills (2)
Frans Corten (2)
Frederike Bannink (2)
Frederike Mewe (2)
Frits Koster (2)
Gabor Maté (2)
Gabrielle Bernstein (2)
Georg Northoff (2)
Georgia Stone (2)
Gerdie Kienhorst (2)
Gerly de Boo (2)
Gert Storms (2)
Glennon Doyle (2)
Glynis M. Breakwell (2)
Gregory J. Privitera (2)
Griet Van Vaerenbergh (2)
Grieteke Pool (2)
Guido Valkeneers (2)
Guus Martens (2)
H. Fowler (2)
H. Stroeken (2)
Hal Stone (2)
Hanneke Grutterink (2)
Hanneke Schaap-Jonker (2)
Hartini van Rijssel (2)
Henk Hermans (2)
Henk T. van der Molen (2)
Henk van der Molen (2)
Henkjan Honing (2)
Herman Beuker (2)
Hilde Verdijk (2)
Ian Q. Whishaw (2)
Indra Torsten Preiss (2)
Iva Bicanic (2)
J. Hollander (2)
J. van den Berg (2)
J.B. Netelenbos (2)
J.G. van der Leij (2)
Jaap van Ginneken (2)
Jacob de Wilde (2)
Jacqui Burger (2)
Jamell White (2)
James Clear (2)
Jan Derksen (2)
Jan de Dreu (2)
Jan van der Ploeg (2)
Jana Lemke (2)
Jane Aaron (2)
Jean A. Mercer (2)
Jean Shinoda Bolen (2)
Jef Willem (2)
Jelle Jolles (2)
Jenny Willner (2)
Jerry Morris (2)
Jessica Silva (2)
Jill Bolte Taylor (2)
Job van 't Veer (2)
Joeri Tijdink (2)
John Bowlby (2)
John Reidy (2)
Joke Goudswaard (2)
Joke Spikman (2)
Jolanda Bouman (2)
Jonathan Haidt (2)
Jonathan Lee (2)
Jones (2)
Jonice Webb (2)
Jos van der Wal (2)
Joshua Aronson (2)
Joyce Cooper-Kahn (2)
Judith Limahelu (2)
Judith Orloff (2)
Jules E. Ellis (2)
Julliette Liber (2)
Jung (2)
Juriaan Galavazi (2)
Karen Van den Broeck (2)
Karen van der Zee (2)
Karlijn Deuss (2)
Katelijne van Lommel (2)
Kathleen Nadeau (2)
Kaushal (2)
Kees Gabriëls (2)
Ken Robinson (2)
Keri Smith (2)
Kevin Crowley (2)
Kim Suhyun (2)
Kinge Siljee (2)
Klaar Hammenecker (2)
Kolb (2)
Kris Vanhoeck (2)
Laura Anne Winter (2)
Laura E. Berk (2)
Laura Markham (2)
Leona S. Aiken (2)
Leony Coppens (2)
Levi van Dam (2)
Lianne Keemink (2)
Lidewey van Noord (2)
Lienke de Jong (2)
Lieven Migerode (2)
Linda Adams (2)
Lindsay C. Gibson (2)
Liselotte Delwel (2)
Lizanne Croonen (2)
Lore Vonck (2)
M. Murdock (2)
Maaike Verstraete (2)
Maaret Kallio (2)
Machteld Stakelbeek (2)
Madeleine Lomans (2)
Marc Brysbaert (2)
Marca Geeraets (2)
Marga Gooren (2)
Margaret Wetherell (2)
Margaretha Gieles (2)
Marieke Pijnenborg (2)
Marieke de Goeij (2)
Maries Ligtvoet (2)
Marijke Baljon (2)
Marijke de Goede (2)
Marijn van der Poll (2)
Marinus Knoope (2)
Marion Milner (2)
Mariska Klein Velderma... (2)
Mariëlle Theunissen (2)
Marja Vink (2)
Mark Mieras (2)
Mark Ouwerkerk (2)
Mark Siegenbeek van He... (2)
Mark van Vugt (2)
Marleen Bezemer (2)
Marsha Pinedo (2)
Martine Delfos (2)
Matthew Kerry (2)
Matthijs Steeneveld (2)
Mattias Desmet (2)
Maya Schroevers (2)
McBride (2)
Melody Beattie (2)
Menno Oosterhoff (2)
Merel van Zoelen (2)
Michael Pilarczyk (2)
Michael W Eysenck (2)
Michael W. Eysenck (2)
Michel Vos (2)
Michiel van den Heuvel (2)
Mieke Lannoey (2)
Miet Craeynest (2)
Mihaly Csikszentmihaly... (2)
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Nedra Glover Tawwab (2)
Nicolas Overmeire (2)
Nicole LePera (2)
Nienke Wijnants (2)
Nynke Nijman (2)
Oliver Burkeman (2)
Onbespreekbaar (2)
Onno Aerden (2)
Oprah Winfrey (2)
Oscar Verpoort (2)
P.C. MacGraw (2)
Patricia van Lingen (2)
Patrick Heller (2)
Paul Dickerson (2)
Paul Eling (2)
Paul van der Heijden (2)
Pep Degens (2)
Pete Walker (2)
Peter A. Levine (2)
Peter Gerrickens (2)
Peter Smits (2)
Peter Suijker (2)
Petra Vollinga (2)
Pety de Vries-Ek (2)
Philip Banyard (2)
Philippa Perry (2)
Pia Callesen (2)
Pieter Frijters (2)
Pieter Jansen (2)
Pooja Lakshmin (2)
Poppy O'Neill (2)
R. Dilts (2)
Randy Larsen (2)
Rasmus Hougaard (2)
Remke van Staveren (2)
Remko van der Drift (2)
René Diekstra (2)
Renée Beer (2)
Renée Rosenboom (2)
Rhena Branch (2)
Richard J. Crisp (2)
Rika Ponnet (2)
Rita Maris (2)
Rob Faltin (2)
Robbert Sanderman (2)
Robert Jackman (2)
Robert Leahy (2)
Robert Siegler (2)
Robert Stamboliev (2)
Robin M. Akert (2)
Rosan van der Zee (2)
Ruttien Schregardus (2)
Sabine Wassenberg (2)
Samuel R. Sommers (2)
Sandra Kooij (2)
Sara Van Wesenbeeck (2)
Sarah Corrie (2)
Sarah Riley (2)
Sarah Wayland (2)
Scott A. MacDougall-Sh... (2)
Shanti Schiks (2)
Shefali Tsabary (2)
Sidra Stone (2)
Siebke Kaat (2)
Simon Baron-Cohen (2)
Sjaak Vane (2)
Smith (2)
Solfrid Raknes (2)
Sophie Golding (2)
Stephen Covey (2)
Stephen G. West (2)
Stephen Gibson (2)
Stephen Hanselman (2)
Steve Haines (2)
Stijn Meuleman (2)
Stéphane Garnier (2)
Sue Johnson (2)
Susan Albers (2)
Susan Jeffers (2)
Suzanne Haest (2)
Suzanne Higgs (2)
Svend Brinkmann (2)
T.I. Oei (2)
Tara Brach (2)
Tara L. Kuther (2)
Tayyab Rashid (2)
Terrence Real (2)
Terri Cole (2)
Thomas Moore (2)
Tim S. Grover (2)
Timothy D. Wilson (2)
Timothy W. Smith (2)
Tina Payne Bryson (2)
Tony Crabbe (2)
Trui Timperman (2)
Valsiner (2)
Victor Mids (2)
Victor van Geel (2)
Vincent van der Burg (2)
W. Heuves (2)
Walter Matthys (2)
Windy Dryden (2)
Wouter Molendijk (2)
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Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences

2022 || Paperback || Privitera || SAGE

Both comprehensive and clear, Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences, Updated Third Edition author Gregory J. shows students, using a conversational tone, that statistics can be understandable, interesting, and relevant to their daily lives.

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Designing Your Life

How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life

2023 || Hardcover || Bill Burnett e.a. || Knopf Doubleday Publishing

The executive director of the Design Program at Stanford and the co-founder of Electronic Arts outline strategies for enabling a thriving life by incorporating "design thinking" habits that promote fulfillment and meaning by emulating the examples of the engineers of today's most popular technologies.

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Psychology: A Concise Introduction

2019 || Paperback || Richard A. Griggs e.a. || Macmillan

The core of psychology in a rich print/media resource at an extraordinary price!

Psychology: A Concise Introduction offers a rich survey of the field’s fundamental research and concepts at an unbeatable price! The text also includes a robust media and supplements package for instructors and students, including Achieve. No other text/media resource for the course offers such an attractive combination of authority and affordability.

Richard Griggs and Sherri Jackson have revised and updated t...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Fundamentals of Human Neuropsychology / 8th Edition

2021 || Paperback || Bryan Kolb e.a. || Macmillan

With Macmillan's superior content delivered by LaunchPad (a first for this title), Fundamentals of Human Neuropsychology continues to keep pace with its dynamic field, just as it has done throughout its nearly four decades of publication. As they have done since the first edition, the authors draw on recent research and their own clinical and lab experience to guide their development of the content, and on their experience in the classroom to help hone the presentation in a way that is both a...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Strive for a 5: Preparing for the Ap(r) Psychology Exam

For the Ap(r) Course

2024 || Paperback || David Myers e.a. || Macmillan

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The Psychology of Vampires

2024 || Paperback || David Cohen || Taylor & Francis Group Limited

From sanguinarians who drink blood, to psychic vampires who suck the energy from those around them, The Psychology of Vampires explores the absorbing connections between vampirism and psychology, theology, medicine and culture.

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The Psychology of Gardening

2024 || Paperback || Harriet Gross || Taylor & Francis Group Limited

The Psychology of Gardening is the first book of its kind to explore gardening from a psychological perspective. Research shows that positive effects of gardening arise from both active physical participation and experiencing nearby nature. The book highlights how both these elements contribute to our understanding of the benefits of gardening. Each chapter reviews a different aspect of gardening experience, demonstrating how individual, evolutionary and social psychological theories offer ne...

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Posttraumatic Growth

Theory, Research, and Applications

2024 || Paperback || USA) Virginia Richard G. (Boulder Crest Foundation Tedeschi e.a. || Taylor & Francis Group Limited

Posttraumatic Growth provides a wide range of answers to questions concerning knowledge of posttraumatic growth (PTG) theory, its synthesis and contrast with other theories and models, and its applications in diverse settings.

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met 5% korting 87,40

Diary Methods

2022 || Hardcover || John B. Nezlek || SAGE

The only up-to-date, clear and practical guide to understanding and using diary methods in this field, authored by a scholar who is known for applying it successfully in published research.

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Cognitive Science

An Introduction to the Science of the Mind

2022 || Paperback || Jose Luis Bermudez || Cambridge University Press

The fourth edition of this popular text has been significantly rewritten to make it more accessible to students and easier for instructors to use. It remains distinctive in presenting a unified narrative of cognitive science as a field of inquiry in its own right. Thematically organized, Cognitive Science underscores the problems and solutions of cognitive science rather than more narrowly examining individually the subjects that contribute to it - psychology, neuroscience, linguistics, and s...