Resultaten (26)
Fundamentals of Human Neuropsychology / 8th Edition
2021 || Paperback || Bryan Kolb e.a. || Macmillan
With Macmillan's superior content delivered by LaunchPad (a first for this title), Fundamentals of Human Neuropsychology continues to keep pace with its dynamic field, just as it has done throughout its nearly four decades of publication. As they have done since the first edition, the authors draw on recent research and their own clinical and lab experience to guide their development of the content, and on their experience in the classroom to help hone the presentation in a way that is both a...
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Applying Social Psychology
From Problems to Solutions
2021 || Paperback || Abraham P Buunk e.a. || SAGE
Using interesting case studies and useful exercises, Applying Social Psychology is an invaluable tool in learning how to develop and carry out psychological interventions.
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Reasoning, Judging, Deciding
The Science of Thinking
2021 || Paperback || Colin Wastell e.a. || SAGE
Wastell & Howarth's text clearly, accessibly and comprehensibly introduces the core theories of Thinking, leaving no stone unturned, students will receive an in-depth coverage of the theoretical side of this subject area before the authors delve into a more practical understanding of the topic.
Life Span Motor Development / 7th edition
2021 || Paperback || Kathleen M. Haywood e.a. || Human Kinetics Publishers
Life Span Motor Development, Seventh Edition With HKPropel Access, is a leading text for helping students examine and understand how interactions of the developing and maturing individual, the environment, and the task being performed bring about changes in a person's movements. This model of constraints approach, combined with an unprecedented collection of video clips marking motor development milestones, facilitates an unmatched learning experience for the study of motor development across...
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Psychomotor interventions for mental health – Children & adolescents
A movement and body-oriented developmental approach
2021 || Paperback || C. Emck e.a. || Boom
In dit tweede handboek, als aanvulling op het eerste boek over volwassenen, beschrijven vooraanstaande onderzoekers en clinici de state-of-the-art met betrekking tot psychomotorische interventies voor kinderen, adolescenten en personen met een verstandelijke beperking. Vanuit een transdiagnostisch, belichaamd ontwikkelingsperspectief worden de behandelingen van kinderen en adolescenten met psychische gezondheidsproblemen en/of neurologische ontwikkelingsproblemen besproken, evenals interventi...
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My Lovely BIG Journal
1000 pages
2021 || Paperback || Mandy . || Mijnbestseller.nl || met inkijkexemplaar
Voor de echte dagboek schrijvers; een lekker, dik, no-nonsense dagboek met 1000 gelinieerde pagina's. Met dit dagboek hoef je je voorlopig geen zorgen te maken om een nieuw dagboek te kopen! Met dit dagboek kan je dankzij de 1000 pagina's echt enorm lang doen; bijvoorbeeld om voor een lange periode je morning pages te kunnen opschrijven. Het dagboek heeft een perfect formaat; het zitten tussen A4 formaat en A5 formaat in.
For the real journalers; a big journal with 1000 lined pages. With this...
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Social Psychology / 9th Edition
2023 || Paperback || Michael Hogg e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook
Now in its ninth edition, Hogg & Vaughans Social Psychology offers a comprehensive, lively introduction to social psychological theory and research.
It places social psychology in a contemporary, real-world context and explores new, cutting-edge research as well as bringing classic theories to life, making it an essential student resource.
Forensic and Legal Psychology
Psychological Science Applied to Law
2021 || Paperback || Mark Costanzo e.a. || Macmillan
How psychological science can be used to promote justice
Mark Costanzo and Daniel Krauss’s text show students how psychological science can be used to reduce crime, improve legal decision making, and promote justice. Fully integrated discussions of real cases and trials, along with other examples of the legal system in action, show how research and theory can deepen our understanding of suspects, criminals, police, victims, lawyers, witnesses, judges, and jurors. Using a highly accessible a...
Abnormal Psychology
2021 || Paperback || Ronald J. Comer || Macmillan
How the study and treatment of psychological disorders stand today
Comer’s textbook shows students where the study and treatment of psychological disorders stand today. Focussed on psychopathology in the modern day this title uses visuals to help explain perspectives on psychological disorders and technologies. This thoroughly updated edition employs extraordinary interactive tools bringing students face to face with the realities of psychological dysfunction, whilst remaining carefully org...
Cognition / 8th Edition
Exploring the Science of the Mind
2022 || Paperback || Daniel Reisberg || Norton & Company
With new digital tools for retrieval practice and active learning, the Eighth Edition is more effective and engaging than ever. Four exciting features deliver a dynamic, interactive introduction to cognitive psychology today: New InQuizitive science-based adaptive assessmentA pedagogical programme based on the "testing effect"New ZAPS 3.0 Interactive LabsAuthor-created Norton Teaching Tools and a new online Applying Cognitive Psychology reader