› Harvey Deitel (4)
› Paul Deitel (4)
› Gertjan Laan (3)
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› Y. Liang (3)
› Austin Bingham (2)
› Cay Horstmann (2)
› Darren Woods (2)
› Erich Gamma (2)
› Ian Griffiths (2)
› Jon Duckett (2)
› Joseph Albahari (2)
› Martin Fowler (2)
› Ralph Johnson (2)
› Richard Helm (2)
› Rob Percival (2)
› Robert Smallshire (2)
› Sander Gerz (2)
› Scott Meyers (2)
› Saxion (6)
› Avans Hogeschool (5)
› Hogeschool Rotterdam (5)
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Resultaten (90)
morgen verzonden
Handboek Python, 3e editie
2021 || Paperback || Robert Smallshire e.a. || Van Duuren Media
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Java compact
Tweede editie
2022 || Paperback || Gertjan Laan || Uitgeverij Czarina
Java compact (tweede editie) is geschreven voor iedereen die graag snel en efficiënt wil kennismaken met de essentie van het programmeren in Java.
In tien compacte hoofdstukken en minder dan 150 bladzijden komen aan de orde: variabelen, beslissingen en herhalingen, arrays en ArrayList, methoden, klassen en objecten, overerving, polymorfie, interfaces, lambdafuncties en exception handling.
De hoofdstukken eindigen met een aantal oefenopgaven, waarvan de uitwerkingen op de website van de aute...
dinsdag verzonden
Core Java / 12th edition
Advanced Features, Volume 2
2022 || Paperback || Cay Horstmann || Pearson
The Classic Guide to Advanced Java Programming: Fully Updated for Java 17 "This is the definitive reference and instructional work for Java and the Java ecosystem."--Andrew Binstock, Java Magazine Core Java is the leading no-nonsense tutorial and reference for experienced programmers who want to write robust Java code for real-world applications. Now, Core Java, Volume II: Advanced Features, Twelfth Edition, has been revised to cover the new features and enhancements in the Java 17 long-term ...
Data Structures & Algorithms in Java / 6th edition
2014 || Paperback || MT Goodrich || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
The design and analysis of efficient data structures has long been recognized as a key component of the Computer Science curriculum. Goodrich and Tomassia's approach to this classic topic is based on the object-oriented paradigm as the framework of choice for the design of data structures. For each ADT presented in the text, the authors provide an associated Java interface.
Concrete data structures realizing the ADTs are provided as Java classes implementing the interfaces. The Java code impl...
morgen verzonden
Beginning C# Object-Oriented Programming / 2nd edition
2013 || Paperback || Dan Clark || Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & C || ook als eBook
Learn C# with Beginning C# Object-Oriented Programming and you'll be thinking about program design in the right way from day one. Whether you want to work with .NET for the web or desktop, or for Windows 8 on any device, Dan Clark's accessible, quick-paced guide will give you the foundation you need for a successful future in C# programming. In this book you will: Master the fundamentals of object-oriented programming Work through a case study to see how C# and OOP work in a real-world applic...
Effective C
An Introduction to Professional C Programming
2023 || Paperback || Robert Seacord || No Starch Press,US
Written by renowned author Robert Seacord, Effective C is an in-depth look at the C programming language. Seacord introduces the language's basic data types and code structures while simultaneously addressing best practices, common errors, and open debates in the C community. Readers will also learn how to debug, test, and analyze C programs and benefit from detailed yet concise explanations of C language constructs and behaviors
morgen verzonden
C# 12 and .NET 8 / 8th edition
Modern Cross-Platform Development Fundamentals
2024 || Paperback || Mark J. Price || Packt Publishing Limited
An accessible guide for beginner-to-intermediate programmers to the concepts, real-world applications, and latest features of C# 12 and .NET 8, with hands-on exercises using Visual Studio 2022 and Visual Studio Code.
Purchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookKey FeaturesExplore the latest additions to C# 12, the .NET 8 class libraries, and Entity Framework Core 8
Create professional websites and services with ASP.NET Core 8 and Blazor
Build your confidence with step-by-ste...
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Kickstart to Python 3
An Ultra-Rapid Programming Course
2022 || Paperback || Ashwin Pajankar || Elektor International Media BV
This book serves as the very first step to for novices to learn Python programming. The book is divided into ten chapters. In the first chapter, readers are introduced to the basics of Python. It has the detailed instructions for installation on various platforms such as macOS, Windows, FreeBSD, and Linux. It also covers the other aspects of Python programming such as IDEs and Package Manager. The second chapter is where the readers get an opportunity to have a detailed hands-on with Python p...
morgen verzonden
Visual C# 2012 - de basis
|| Paperback || Sander Gerz || MainPress B.V.
morgen verzonden
Handboek objectgeorienteerd programmeren + CD-ROM / druk 2
2007 || Paperback || J. Beurghs || Van Duuren Media
Objectgeoriënteerd programmerenObjectgeoriënleerd programmeren (OOP) is al een aantal jaren een belangrijke manier om software te produceren, die qua aanpak veel verschilt van voorafgaande methodologieën. Alhoewel het vakgebied zelf min of meer duidelijk omschreven raakt, is dat op het vlak van de vakdidactiek zeker niet het geval. Hoogstwaarschijnlijk staan ons met de meest recente ontwikkelingen rond Model Driven Architecture (MDA) en de normering Van de Unified Modeling Language (UML) n...