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Roots to Power

A Manual for Grassroots Organizing

2022 || Paperback || Lee Staples || Praeger Pub Text

The third edition of the manual for community organizers tells readers how to most effectively implement community action for social change, clearly laying out grassroots organizing principles, methods, and best practices.

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

What Do We Know and What Should We Do About Authoritarian Regimes?

2023 || Paperback || Natasha Lindstaedt || SAGE

An expert and accessible exploration of the increasing number and influence of authoritarian regimes. It explains the realities of recent trends to ‘autocratization’, the tools these regimes use, what we can do to resist, and why we might even allow ourselves some optimism.

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met 5% korting 55,10

What Do We Know and What Should We Do About Authoritarian Regimes?

2023 || Hardcover || Natasha Lindstaedt || SAGE

An expert and accessible exploration of the increasing number and influence of authoritarian regimes. It explains the realities of recent trends to ‘autocratization’, the tools these regimes use, what we can do to resist, and why we might even allow ourselves some optimism.

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met 5% korting 10,45

In bad faith: How religion is being weaponised by the right

2023 || Paperback || Jemimah Steinfeld || SAGE

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met 5% korting 12,35

The Age of Unreason

What happens when emotion trumps facts

2023 || Paperback || Rachael Jolley || SAGE

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met 5% korting 92,15

The Evolving Presidency: Landmark Documents / Druk 6

2023 || Paperback || Nelson || CQ Press

In Michael Nelson's Sixth Edition of The Evolving Presidency, 60 documents help to anchor the ever-changing presidency in historical context. Students encounter a range of documents-from speeches and debates to letters, landmark Supreme Court decisions, and even tweets-that demonstrate how the presidency is shaped through both word and deed.

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met 5% korting 53,20

The Handbook of Counselling Children & Young People

2021 || Paperback || Maggie Robson e.a. || SAGE

This landmark handbook brings together the fundamentals of counselling children and young people, across theory, research, skills and practice. It addresses what every successful trainee or practitioner needs to know in a way that is comprehensive, accessible and jargon-free.

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Computer en de menselijke geest / druk 90

een inleiding in de cognitiewetenschap

2008 || Paperback || P. Johnson-Laird || Spectrum

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Vrije moraal

|| Paperback || Boris van der Ham || Prometheus, Uitgeverij

“Een strak betoog” – Volkskrant

“Uitstekend geschreven” – Maarten

“Van der Ham geeft een les ethiek mee” – Trouw

De ‘Vrije Moraal’ voert de lezer mee in de intrigerende, verassende, en soms schokkende geschiedenis van het politieke debat over seks, drank en drugs. Boris van der Ham beschrijft hoe Nederland al 200 jaar worstelt met de dilemma’s rond keuzevrijheid, verslaving, misbruik en criminaliteit. Daarnaast houdt hij een vurig pleidooi tegen onverschilligheid. Van ...

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Tot uw dienst

Tegenspraak door publieke dienstverleners

2024 || Paperback || Alexander Pechtold e.a. || Prometheus

Van de toeslagenaffaire tot het vastgelopen stikstofdossier: de kranten staan vol over de ‘bestuurscrisis’ waar Nederland in verkeert. In die discussie wordt één stem opvallend weinig gehoord: die van de vele tienduizenden mensen die het overheidsbeleid ook echt moeten uitvoeren. In de politiek worden zij niet gezien en op de ministeries worden zij niet begrepen.

Tot die conclusie kwamen Alexander Pechtold en Bart Snels toen zij enkele jaren geleden zelf de overstap maakten van de Tweed...